The wooden hull of the ship issued a dull sound underwater. Liu Zhenhan and Hailun saw the panda sailors raising their giant fishing spears and aiming them toward the water surface, while cursing out loud.

There were several 13 or 14-year-old children peeking from inside the cabin. They were wearing white bamboo hats and appeared curious to know what was going on. The panda sailors waved at them, making them hurry to go inside the cabin.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Liu Zhenhan said to Hailun.

Hailun parted from Liu Zhenhan, went straight to the ship’s railing and stretched her neck to take a better look.

Numerous and densely packed figures of tiger sharks appeared in the seawater. The character ‘King’ was marked on their heads that could be seen clearly as their snow-white heads popped out of the seawater.

Liu Zhenhan’s eyes rolled fiercely as he saw this scene.

The tiger sharks’ ferocious fangs were exposed and were inspiring a strange sense of virulence. Last night, there was not enough light to witness the dreadful appearance of these tiger sharks clearly, but now on this sunny day, Liu Zhenhan finally saw their terrifying saw-like buckteeth. It was like a row of daggers were fitted in their mouths. Whenever they opened their mouths, their throats appeared bottomless with nothing but pitch-black on the inside. The sunlight was being reflected by their teeth and had a strange cold glint to them. A burst of foul fishy smell spread in the air. Today, a lot more tiger sharks had appeared compared to yesterday, at least five times more. The very scene that was unfolding in the sea was enough to blow one’s mind away.

“It’s time for the main lead to go on stage.” Liu Zhenhan sneered.

“O warriors of the sea race, we are just ordinary travelers. We have been allowed to travel the seven seas according to an ancient treaty signed between our ancestors in the name of the highest G.o.ds. Don’t tell me that that ancient treaty is now nothing more than a sc.r.a.p of paper?” Mr. Xu was staring coldly toward the seawater as he said in a calm voice, yet with the firmness of iron in it.

The seawater splashed all of a sudden and more than a dozen magical shark warriors appeared from the depths of the blue water, revealing their robust statures. As soon as they appeared, the tiger sharks immediately stopped moving and came to rest. They were now quietly floating in the water like a group of jellyfish.

A shark knight, without speaking anything in response, just looked at them disdainfully then unloaded a giant conch from his waist and played it. The noise of tides was immediately drowned in the loud sound of bugle.

It seemed like the shiver of tiger sharks had received some kind of order as they immediately started swinging their dorsal fins and swam to one side.

A huge and terrible shadow appeared beneath the ship, gradually getting closer and closer which was being indicated by the increasing size of the shadow.

“Bang ~~” A bunch of towering water columns sprang out from the underwater. The canopy of water poured down upon the deck and splashed everywhere.

A huge terrifying figure had appeared from the depths of the sea.

It was a knight riding an unknown giant fish that was proudly looking at the sailors. This giant fish was at least ten meters long, not to mention most of its body was still hidden under the surface of water.

Similarly, the body of this knight was equally incredible. He was sitting on that giant fish, and while still sitting, half of his body was still underwater. In spite of that, one could easily tell that he was at least 3 meters tall; his body was like a mountain and considering his ripped body and perfect physique, it was as if the creator had focused entirely on imparting masculinity to him in its entirety.

He was wearing a crimson helmet that was apparently made from lobster and seaweed. His eyes were shining with an undisputed killing intention clearly apparent in his gaze; even the seawater seemed to have stopped making noise in his presence.

He was clad in a ma.s.sive armor with a coat of arms carved in its chest area, surrounded by horn-shaped corals and with Poseidon’s weapons in the middle – trident and imperial crown.

The seawater was flooding out from his helmet and armor as his head was glowing in the sunlight. Two long strips of beads were hanging from his lip-borders, giving him a peculiar manly look.

“Banilu warrior!” Hailun exclaimed and quickly covered her mouth.

No wonder this knight seemed to possess mighty prowess that could destroy the heavens. He was actually a warrior from the Banilu clan of whale warriors. Liu Zhenhan had heard about them from Hailun and the sudden appearance of a Banilu warrior woke him up as well.

The Banilu clan’s status in the sea race was just like that of the Elephant clan in the Beamon Kingdom, like the Dragon Knights of human race and the giant warriors of Giant Kingdom; all these warriors were at the pinnacle of power and had invincible presence, as if the G.o.d himself went nuts while creating these creatures.

Banilu whale warriors were tasked with the protection of sea race’s royal family. That was why their coat of arms represented the imperial crown. The existence of Banilu warriors had ensured the inevitable emergence of the royal family in the sea.

Liu Zhenhan quietly took a fast look around. Mr. Xu’s usual proud demeanor was gone, replaced by an inexplicable startled one. Liu Zhenhan then looked at the clam woman, Ning Yu, and saw that she was still calm and collected like before.

The discovery made him a bit depressed. He thought that his own psychological quality should be the best, but the unexpected calm demeanor of the clam woman was making him feel somewhat challenged.

“My Lord!” The magical shark warriors saluted to the Banilu whale warrior and bowed down.

“Tiny and fragile creatures, tell me your ident.i.ty!” The Banilu whale warrior’s voice thundered. It was as if his voice was coming out of a huge drum-like vocal cord. He appeared like the king of beasts, looking at a group of ants.

“We are the descendants of the Oriental travelers from the East who made a treaty with the sea race thousands of years ago. You can see the insignia of the emperor marked on the ship’s bow.” Mr. Xu respectfully replied.

“The sea race has not forgotten about the treaty. However, if we have already allowed you to travel freely in our territory, why did you kill our beast the day before yesterday?” Banilu whale warrior asked: “If that is the case, I, Louis Phillip, an imperial guard from the Banilu clan and sea race’s hereditary viscount shall allow you inferior creatures to know the wrath of the sea race! This anger is enough to melt Mt. Tai and snow mountains, let alone an ancient treaty.”

(TL Note: His name is ‘Luyisi Feilipufei’ which is intended to be read and p.r.o.nounced in its English version)

“Please listen to my explanation, my lord!” Mr. Xu said: “We did not intend to kill your sea creature. The day before yesterday, a huge swordfish came swimming at a very high speed and crashed into our ship’s hull. We tried to save the creature and somehow pulled it out, but its head snapped in the process and it bled to death. We tried our best to save its life but all our efforts were in vain. As you can see, our ship is anch.o.r.ed here and we have barely managed to patch it somehow.”

“I was right! They were actually not looking for trouble.” Liu Zhenhan quietly poked Hailun and said.

“Shut up!” The Banilu whale warrior turned furious: “Our swordfishes are used as long-range attack weapons by our sea kingdom, each one is carefully trained. How do you intend to compensate for the loss?”

“My lord!” The clam woman Ning Yu couldn’t help but interrupt: “The aristocratic way is not to bully the weak. If you continue to be so irrational, we would have no alternative.”

The panda sailors also lifted their fishing spears and glared at the whale warrior. This worked toward fuelling his anger even more.

“Arrogant and ignorant oriental creatures! You don’t seem to understand the situation you are in. You are facing a strong opponent but do not know how to show respect. This ignorance is enough to make me dissolve your souls in the blue seawater.” The Banilu whale warrior smiled, instead of getting angry, and took out a giant weapon from under the coral saddle – it had a staple-shaped handle with an embroidered anchor attached to it.

The whale warrior raised the giant anchor like a toy and slapped it on the other palm, “I guess it’s time to put an end to this so-called millennium old treaty. Now, prepare yourselves because I am going to teach you all a lesson, to give firsthand experience regarding the invincible strength of the sea race.”

Everyone was looking at the giant anchor; it must be from the shipwreck of a ma.s.sive ship. The anchor’s tip was rolled into a strange circular arc with numerous red rust spots, covering the entire surface of the anchor.

No one could conceal the emergence of panic in their eyes.

Only Liu Zhenhan was an exception.

Since he knew that by relying on his accursed dragon strength, he could easily resist that whale warrior.

However, at this time, a pair of white and tender hands clasped the whale warrior’s hand.

The seawater once again began to boil with mighty waves rushing in all directions. Riding a huge black seahorse, the mermaid princess again appeared in front of everyone.

“Shut up! Louis Phillip!” The mermaid princess’ pleasant voice resounded.

The whale warrior immediately lowered his big head.

“Humanity of the Far East continent…” The mermaid princess looked at Mr. Xu and said in a cold voice, “I understand that you are shouldering a peaceful mission at the moment, however, you must not disrupt our living environment as a prerequisite. We have no intention of breaking the treaty that was pledged between my ancestors and your Yangtze alligator warriors. The emblem of your Yangtze alligator warriors is still engraved on a famous cliff of the sea kingdom. However, this extremely tragic swordfish murder case has compelled me to track you down. I have spent three precious days in the waters, searching for you in this vast sea. I think you understand that the emergence of a mermaid princess is enough to represent our patience and our willingness to save the treaty. Now, let’s come to the point, so long as you hand over two of your crew members as apology for the loss that has been done, and vow to do no more stupid things in the future, I pledge to you, in the name of the royal clan of the sea race, that this matter will be written off.”

As soon as Liu Zhenhan saw her, he quickly shrank behind the panda warriors but it was too late now.

The mermaid princess had already laid her eyes on him and Hailun. Liu Zhenhan’s forehead was tingling with numbness, after all, this coincidence was simply incredible.

The mermaid princess’ eyes lit up, a sweet smile bloomed on her face like a coral flower blooming on the seabed.

“How about you give me those two?” With an evil smile hanging on her beautiful face, she pointed her slender fingernail toward Liu Zhenhan and Hailun.

Mr. Xu was silent.

“Shut your motherf.u.c.king trap!” Liu Zhenhan’s felt his blood rushing to his head as he cursed out loud.

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