The Beast’s Blood Boils

Chapter F – The fox woman spoke

Chapter F – The fox woman spoke

(TL Note: Liu Shock’s name is confusing some readers, if not all. So, we have decided to use MC’s original Chinese name, Liu Zhenhan.)

For the rest of the evening, Liu Zhenhan did not play with Fruit like usual. He looked angry and depressed and was involuntarily touching his own nose. Fruit also saw the scary look on his face and did not dare to provoke him. It slowly sneaked its way under the wolf skin and its small sparkling eyes kept on staring at him.

At this time, there was a chaos in his heart. He was sitting near the bonfire and his blank stare was focused on the dancing flames. After a while, he slowly rested his body on the ground and fell asleep.

He slept till midnight when he was suddenly awakened by an intense stomachache. He hugged his own belly, but did not want to groan since he did not want the fox woman and Fruit to be awakened by the noise. He bent over and rushed towards a group of bushes, not far away from his house.

The sound of flash flood broke the silence of the night. A few partridges were startled and their heads erected from the nests to see what was going on in the middle of the night.

“f.u.c.k! f.u.c.k! f.u.c.k!” Liu Zhenhan felt like dumping his whole stomach, perhaps then he would feel more relaxed.

The loose motions continued to wreak havoc for several minutes then he went back to his house. But, his belly began to revolt once again and he rushed back to the bushes all the while clutching his belly. The good thing was that it was quite easy to take off the underwear, otherwise, he might have stained it already.

A strong and intractable stink slowly mixed with the mist in the air, while a strange ‘xixisuosuo’ sound resounded in the surroundings and disturbed the sound sleep of partridges.

For the whole night, Liu Zhenhan continued to run back and forth between his house and his private dumping place. When he noticed that his belly was basically empty and there was nothing left to squeeze out, he plucked a soft leaf from a nearby bush and finally put an end to this mess.

Liu Zhenhan took a deep breath and went back to his house. Fortunately, he had a habit of h.o.a.rding things and there were many coconuts in the stock. Now, he certainly needed to keep supplementing vitamins and water to his body.

“It’s finally over.” Liu Zhenhan felt dizzy and extremely weak right now. Forget about agiant wolf, even a fat rabbit could easily kill him right now.

The weakness slowly took control over his consciousness and he slowly fell into deep sleep.

When he woke up again, saw the tender back of someone sitting in front of the bonfire and this person seemed busy at work. Liu Zhenhan rubbed his hazy eyes and saw that it was actually the fox woman. She was roasting a seabird in the fire and simultaneously grilling the salted fish with the help of wooden sticks. The yellow fat and oil would occasionally drop into the fire and incite the flames, producing a hissing sound.

Liu Zhenhan noticed that his body was covered with the wolf skin and also discovered that he was sleeping on the same gra.s.s bed he had prepared for the fox woman.

It did not seem like she had recovered, then how did she manage to place his big body over the gra.s.s bed? Liu Zhenhan was quite curious to know how she did it.

Liu Zhenhan felt pity for her when he saw her limping as she got up and walked.

But, today he got to know that the feeling of being cared for was such a good thing! His heart was really moved by this.

He gently carried the wolf skin in his hands and put it on her body from behind. Her shoulder shivered once then slowly relaxed.

“You should go and rest.” Liu Zhenhan smiled and gently pushed her towards the gra.s.s bed.

She slowly raised her head. Liu Zhenhan saw her beautiful face and noticed that there was actually a bright smile on her face, revealing a pair of shallow dimples. Yes, she actually smiled! He felt gusts of spring breeze overwhelming his heart.

At this time, Fruit entered the house while towing a big mouse and saw Liu Zhenhan. An affectionate look appeared in its sparkling eyes as it dashed toward him and jumped into his arms.

“d.a.m.n! I am not dead yet, little one!” Liu Zhenhan pinched its small cheeks and said.

Fruit’s golden fur was covered with mud and there were gray colored stains of dirt on its small face. Liu Zhenhan did not know from where Fruit brought such a big mouse. He felt a warm feeling welling up in his heart when Fruit was pouring out affection on him.

Fruit also ‘Bajibaji’ licked his face and covered it with mud and saliva.

The fox woman was smiling through her eyes as she kept on staring at this duo that appeared just like father and son.

“You are my treasure! As long as I am alive, I will always keep you safe and far away from pain and suffering!” Liu Zhenhan raised his face upwards and gave out a long and loud shout. No one was going to understand what he was saying anyway.

The fox woman giggled all of a sudden. Liu Zhenhan also smiled a little, though he was slightly embarra.s.sed.

She went back to rest. Liu Zhenhan took her place and began to roast the fish and seabird. Yesterday, he brought quite a few seabirds and had estimated that there was enough food supply for at least a day. He saw that the remaining seabirds were frozen and lying in the corner. He could not help but admire her for being intelligent.

She made good use of all the resources available to her in this small house, and this was a symbol of wisdom. He secretly praised her for being wise and resourceful.

There was a burst of happiness in his heart. But he was soon dispirited.

He was happy because the fox woman was finally able to stand up and walk by herself, although she was still quite weak, but at least this was an indication that her injury was not severe. She had been injured in that box but the injury was not severe because she was lucky to be at the top of the pile of corpses that acted as a cushion to decrease the impact.

But he felt dispirited when he thought that now he would not get an opportunity to get close to her. He let out a sigh filled with the emotions of joy and sorrow. It was good while it lasted!

He was deeply submerged in the sea of his fantasies and almost burned the salted fish.

Liu Zhenhan was taking a nap by the bonfire late at night. The fox woman suddenly woke him up and invited him to sleep with her on the gra.s.s bed. She also opened a place for him, but then, she took off her clothes and that was the end; Now he did not have the nerve to slide under the wolf skin and sleep next to her. Wild fantasies took control over his mind, just the way it happened last time. What if he could not control himself? He would once again lose respect for himself. But soon he felt regret and kept on scolding his thing for being

Soon he fell asleep and woke up late at night due to the freezing cold. This island would get very hot during the day and very cold at night. This temperature difference was very big and hard to adjust to.

Liu Zhenhan woke up early in the morning and yawned. He placed a small ma.s.sif of clay-like mud in front of the gra.s.s bed and looked at the fox woman and Fruit who were still sleeping peacefully. Then, he used his machete to carve two marks on the ma.s.sif, tidied up a bit and marched out of the door with his bow and arrows.

The morning dew was particularly heavy and since he was barefoot, he stepped on the gra.s.s and had an icy cold feeling. He went into the depths of luxuriant forest and was constantly aiming to hunt birds. He found some nests on the trees and saw birds which looked like quails. There were pearl-like spots on their feathers, appeared a little clumsy and silly. It did not seem like these birds would fly away due to his sudden appearance.

Liu Zhenhan was happy to find such an easy prey because his health was not yet restored and he did not have enough strength to go too far for hunting. He could only hunt these stupid quails, though there was a lingering fear in his heart that these birds might shoot ice arrows or some kind of strange tricks like those fat rabbits. His strength was not enough to shoot arrows too far and even his accuracy was affected considerably. He shot four arrows and was able to hit only one target.

The remaining silly birds stared at their dead partner and surrounded it while it cried a few times and suddenly died.

Liu Zhenhan was overjoyed. He took advantage of this situation and immediately shot several arrows towards the silly birds that had surrounded their companion. He luckily managed to shoot down two birds and the remaining birds instantly dispersed and entered their sloppy nests.

Liu Zhenhan triumphantly laughed and happily ran forward to take the game, but suddenly, he heard a ‘puchi’ sound and stopped.

Officer Liu looked down and saw his own foot placed proudly in a pit that was about 3 inches deep and filled with excrement.

“What the f.u.c.k! f.u.c.k this s.h.i.t!” Liu Zhenhan cursed out loud and took his foot out of the pit. He walked up to the nearby bushes, plucked some leaves and cleaned his dirty foot. This was his own doing from last night so he could blame only himself.

There were several piles of excrement properly arranged in the area and appeared like an arrangement of pyramids. The ones closer to Liu Zhenhan looked comparatively fresh and strong when compared to the ones in the back which were more rotten and dry.

Liu Zhenhan carefully looked at these piles of excrement and saw several seedlings in the hardened s.h.i.t. These were actually the melon seeds from the melons he had brought from that ship.

“Ha-ha” Liu Zhenhan almost burst into tears of joy.

This was such a good thing. Fortunately he had a habit of not spitting out seeds while eating melons. The heavens rewarded him with these precious melon seedlings…, actually it was his own stomach he should thank.

Liu Zhenhan counted, there were a full dozen melon seedlings visibly embedded in his dried up s.h.i.t.

He first picked up the dead birds and tied them on his waist using some vines. Then, he used his machete as a shovel to extract the melon seedlings from the s.h.i.t-pits and carefully wrapped them in a big leaf. A satisfied smile appeared on his face as he went back to his house.

For the next few days, Liu Zhenhan gave up on the plan of scouting the island and fully concentrated on eating and drinking to restore his health and strength. Of course, his brain was fully focused on the melon seedlings. He not only made a shed to protect them from rain, but also made Fruit to hold a stick and guard them all day long. In the evening, he would set up a small bonfire to protect the young melon plants from extreme cold or frosting.

Before joining the army, he had planted muskmelon and watermelon in his garden but had never seen such a species before. Since he was familiar with the necessary steps of growing a healthy melon plant, he knew that when the time was right, he must pinch the stem of melon plant and cover it with topsoil.

When he saw that some of the short melon seedlings were now longer and taller, he was filled with pride. The fox woman’s injury was also getting better with time.

Liu Zhenhan was sleeping one night when he smelled an aroma lingering around his nose. His body felt warm and he woke up suddenly. He saw himself lying near the bonfire. At this time, the fox woman was looking at his face and smiling.

Liu Zhenhan lowered his head and saw that his body was covered with a woven cloak made up of st.i.tched feathers. The feathers were green and red in color with various pearl-like colorful spots on them and were neatly arranged. He touched the cloak and noticed that these feathers were st.i.tched to a red robe and it actually belonged to the fox woman.

“You tore down your own robe to st.i.tch this cloak for me?” Liu Zhenhan bit his lip and had a warm feeling in his heart.

He glanced at her and felt nostalgic. She reminded him of River Longchuan that flowed in his hometown; vast like the starry sky, gleaming and glinting.

The two people could use words to express their feeling, so they hugged each other.

Fruit immediately drilled its way into the embrace of the two and cunningly looked at them.

The fox woman pulled out of the embrace, reorganized her hear and began to sing loudly. Liu Zhenhan suddenly saw a hint of holiness arising from her body and her face looked even more seductive than before. She became more and more tempting and her whole body was covered with a strange aura.

Her clear and melodious voice was breaking the silence of the remote sky. Liu Zhenhan was carefully listening to this strangely calming song and felt serene in his heart and soul. Even Fruit opened its mouth and continued to watch her sing.

She kept on singing and her voice started to echo in the nearby deserted valley. She continued to do all kind of strange gestures and the more Liu Zhenhan tried to figure out what they meant, the more worried he would get.

Her exuberant hand drew a circle and suddenly touched Liu Zhenhan’s head.

Liu Zhenhan felt his mind go blank all of a sudden and went back a few steps before coming to a stop.

“What the h.e.l.l?” Liu Zhenhan shook his head, “My dear wife, what are you up to?”

He was actually being impolite, trying to reach out for a yard after taking an inch. He was basically trying to take advantage of the fox woman’s flirtatious att.i.tude. On this deserted island, this scene gave rise to the gusts of fresh breeze in his heart and he thought that being naughty for a change was certainly not a bad idea, especially for his own entertainment because it was not like anyone could understand what he was saying.

“You are singing this song for me?” Liu Zhenhan said regardless of whether she understood or not. He pointed at his own nose and breathed out like an ox: “Do you know your husband’s old nickname?”

“Your husband is the pride of sparkling river army. It used to be my duty as a chivalrous hero to use my soul-stirring voice to sing songs and motivate my brothers in arms before every battle. My songs could motivate them to give their lives for the nation. Sometimes, I used to sing patriotic songs that would bring tears in the eyes of the soldiers.” Liu Zhenhan wanted to boast more but was suddenly occluded.

It is said that love is an emotion that language barriers. The fox woman gently pulled him closer and planted a soft kiss on his lips to express her feelings.

“You…..” The Great Officer Liu swallowed his saliva abruptly, after all, this Adam had never expected that Eve would willingly jumped into his arms, “You……kissed me?”

“To not reciprocate is against etiquette.” Liu Zhenhan went closer and poured out his pa.s.sion and love in the second kiss initiated by him. It seemed as if he tasted an elixir and nibbled fiercely to get more and more.

At this time, even the clouds suddenly began to secretly hide behind each other, as if embarra.s.sed to see this romantic scene.

Fruit was still sandwiched in their embrace and immediately interrupted the long kiss by extending its claws fiercely.

“Fruit, Fruit” Fruit appeared quite discontented.

“I also love you, Fruit! I love both of you! d.a.m.n it!” Liu Zhenhan felt his heart being filled with happiness. He was basically carried away for a moment and shouted out loud. Of course, the naughty fox was unable to understand the meaning of his words.

The fox woman was smiling through the narrowed eyes and the corners of her mouth also bent into the shape of a crescent moon.

“My dear wife, I am gonna first put my hand on your shoulder and probe your reaction, then I am gonna decide what my next move should be; or should I forget my manners and go all out from the get go? You must remember that what is done cannot be undone.” Liu Zhenhan smiled and gently touched her soft cheeks.

“I cannot believe that I actually fell in love with a fox spirit.” Liu Zhenhan stroked her tail and took a deep breath to smell her intoxicating aroma, making him feel as if his whole being would melt any moment now.

When he caressed her tail, her whole body trembled once and she walked forward and nestled in his arms.

“You don’t want?” Liu Zhenhan was very happy in his heart. His big and rough hand slowly sneaked under her robe and detected the mines below. A prudish smile appeared on his face when he sensed that her mines were on the verge of explosion.

“h.o.r.n.y woman, I know you want it but you are shy to say it out loud, but your body is being honest right now. I can see that you are dying to become one with me. It’s written all over your face.” Liu Zhenhan thought and the entire coconut sh.e.l.l was suddenly elevated far away from his crotch.

“I don’t want.” The fox woman said in a delicate voice.

Liu Zhenhan felt as if a gun was shot at a point blank distance. His whole body trembled once and a shocked expression covered his face.

“What did you say?” Liu Zhenhan did not believe his ears and asked.

“The corolla of a female has a vital significance as a sacrificial offering.” The fox woman lowered her head and said.

Liu Zhenhan’s head exploded as if there were firecrackers stuffed inside it.

“How are you speaking in my country’s language?” Liu Zhenhan asked while stammering.

“I am not speaking in your language, but you are speaking in my language.” A naughty smile appeared on her attractive face and her nose wrinkled mischievously.

“I heard each and every word you said. I heard it all.” Her face turned red as she said. Her blushing face made her look even more seductive.

Liu Zhenhan was dumbfounded. Although he was a thick skinned person but right now, he really did not have words to say. At this moment, his face appeared redder than the burning bonfire. He felt like if there was a hole in the ground, he would worm his way into it and escape from this embarra.s.sing situation. He was secretly cursing himself for behaving like a hoodlum.

However, there was no hole in the ground, just the entangled shadows of two people, tightly holding each other.

(Novel Saga Team: The Beast’s Blood Boils is currently in the section of upcoming projects. We are currently observing the feedback and reviews it gets from the readers. If it manages to entertain readers as we initially expected, we will be putting more manpower, time and effort to make it a ‘Main Project’ and increase its pace as soon as possible. Until then, we request our readers to give their valuable feedback to encourage our translator and editor.)

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