The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1018: 1018

Chapter 1018: 1018

Coco was a little over three years old and had a snack for more than four months . On the night he and her had a snack in his mother"s stomach for more than four months The time is obviously right

Think of here of Lu originally, rub of lift quilt, get out of bed entered changing room .

Soon, he changed his clothes and came out, took the mobile phone and car key on the bed, and hurried out of the door .

It"s about 20 minutes from where he lives to Lin Jiage"s home . It took him only 13 minutes to get to the parking lot downstairs .

Take the elevator upstairs, he didn"t even ring the doorbell, directly stretched out his hand, "Dong Dong Dong" clapped the door .

About ten seconds, there was a response from behind the door, but he just felt that every second was extremely long, and he continued to clap the door anxiously .

With the rapid footsteps coming from the door, the door was pulled open .

Today"s Lin Jiage is no longer Pikachu, but a rhubarb duck with a diaper in its claw

In the face of such a funny picture, Lu didn"t mean to appreciate and laugh at it at all . Instead, he stared at the duck"s head on Lin Jiage"s head and went straight to the theme: "you and s.h.i.+ Yao have seen her, haven"t you?"

"What?" Lin Jiage didn"t respond for a while . Lu originally asked who she was referring to .

"I said, did you and s.h.i.+ Yao see her long ago You know lengnuan is in Beijing for a long time . You have contacted her for a long time, haven"t you? Not only you, but also Jiang Yue, he Tiantian and Lao Xia . You"ve met her, haven"t you? Some time ago, when I was on a business trip, you met frequently . Did you just get together with her? "

Lin Jiage was calm, but he didn"t make a sound . When he heard a fierce clap on the door behind him and came out to see what was going on, Yao opened her mouth first: "how do you know?"

Lin Jiage, who originally wanted to ask this question, hardly hesitated when she heard s.h.i.+ Yao"s voice, so she said, "Yao Yao, it"s not me . "

Lu Ben: "I don"t know . "

Do you want to survive like this?

Lu originally avoided causing unnecessary misunderstandings and took the lead to explain the whole story: "I met coco before I met coco in your family . At that time, she was alone and lost . I sent her back home . Coco grabbed my Cufflinks and her mother sent a text message to contact me . . . "

Speaking of this, Lu Ben suddenly remembered that he was at the airport that day . When he received a phone call from Coco"s mother, as soon as he spoke, she didn"t speak .

It turns out that She recognized him, she knew who he was, so she hung up No wonder that call made him feel uneasy . It was her call

"No wonder, no wonder She knew me for a long time . . . "

"What?" When Lin Jiage saw that Lu"s preface didn"t match his later words, she couldn"t help interrupting him .

Lu originally recovered, and then went on to say as he had just said So Coco"s mother had my phone . Tonight coco played games and dialed me with her mother"s mobile phone . I heard her talk . . . "

With these words, Lu looked at s.h.i.+ Yao and looked her in the eyes . He asked her what he was sure of Coco Is she my child? "

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