The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1020: 1020

Chapter 1020: 1020

At first, once or twice, Xia, Shang and Zhou could find an excuse to prevaricate the past . With more times, Lin Jiayi gradually found something different about him and began to ask him, what"s the matter? What"s wrong with your mood recently? What happened?

Xia Shangzhou was really afraid that he would show a flaw in front of Lin Jiayi, and what she found, so he had to find a suitable opportunity to apply for a business trip and left Lin Jiayi for a short time .

It was early August when I finished my work and returned to Beijing .

He arrived at the airport at noon . He was busy with work in the afternoon . He didn"t even return home, so he took a taxi to the company .

Lin Jiayi is going to meet a customer in the afternoon . When she sees him back, she asks him to accompany her . The place is in the company . However, the customer she meets this time is a little difficult . When she sees off the customer, it"s already dark outside the window, which used to be sunny .

Lin Jiayi didn"t make an appointment in the evening . Xia Shangzhou just came back from a business trip and didn"t make any arrangements . After finis.h.i.+ng her work, Lin Jiayi asked if Xia Shangzhou had anything to do?

After Xia Shangzhou had nothing to do, Lin Jiayi proposed to have a meal together .

Xia, Shang and Zhou didn"t refuse .

Lin Jiayi didn"t want to wear work clothes to eat, so she asked Xia Shangzhou to wait for her to change clothes in the office lounge .

In the process of Lin Jiayi changing clothes, Xia Shangzhou receives the phone call from the front desk, there is Lin Jiayi express .

Xia Shangzhou thought that there was nothing wrong, so he went to the front desk and helped Lin Jiayi get the express back .

Back at Lin Jiayi"s office, Lin Jiayi just finished changing clothes and came out of the lounge .

"Express . " Xia, Shang and Zhou put a big box on the table .

Lin Jiayi was curious about what was in the box, so she asked Xia Shangzhou to wait for a while and took the express knife from the drawer .

Before Lin Jiayi opened the express, Xia Shangzhou thought that she had scratched herself with a knife, so he said, "let me help you to open it . . . "

Lin Jiayi didn"t refuse and handed the express knife to Xia Shangzhou .

Soon, the express was ready .

Xia Shangzhou stood aside with a delivery knife and gave Lin Jiayi a place to open the package .

The last gift that comes out is a bag .

The latest model of Chanel .

Just listed yesterday, Lin Jiayi also had a picture of this bag in her circle of friends .

"Strange, I haven"t had time to order this bag . Who gave it to me?"

Lin Jiayi took the bag and asked in a puzzled way, then her mobile phone rang .

She took a look at the caller ID and immediately laughed . She turned to Xia Shangzhou and said, "Navigator, please wait for me a little longer . . . "

After Xia Shangzhou nodded, Lin Jiayi slid the screen and answered the phone: "h.e.l.lo, Qin Ting . . . "

Hearing the name, Xia Shangzhou bowed his head and found out his mobile phone .

"Eh? How do you know I received a bag? Oh, no, this bag is from you Yes, of course What are you doing? what? In a taxi? Why do foreigners talk next to you? Where are you? "

With Lin Jiayi"s voice settled, Xia Shangzhou saw her hang up the phone . After a while, her mobile phone called again . She answered again and turned it into a video phone .

Lin Jiayi is looking at the screen of her mobile phone, so the phone has been put out .

Xia Shangzhou heard Qin"s voice clearly, and she said from her mobile phone, "Jiayi, can you see where this is?"

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