The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 448: 448

Chapter 448: 448

As her voice settled, he said, "I like you . "

s.h.i.+ Yao was stunned .

She clearly felt her breath and heart beat, and it was still for a moment .

She didn"t know how long the whole world had been quiet, maybe just for a moment or a long time . Then she heard his voice again: "now, is it real?"

With the end of his words, the silence on both sides made his singing clear again .

"Slowly I cooperate with you, slowly give me to you, slowly like you, slowly recall, slowly accompany you, slowly grow old . . . "

Then when Yao just after the reaction, Lin Jiage just said something on the phone .

Her heart, suddenly uncontrollable Bang Bang began to beat up, and the faster the jump .

Lin Jiage on the phone, Xu because she didn"t speak for a long time, and said: "you . . . "

A simple word made s.h.i.+ Yao"s whole body tense . She didn"t dare to listen to what he wanted to say, so she interrupted him in a panic: "well, it"s so late . I"m going to bed Goodbye, ha . . . "

When Yao dry smile a, also don"t give Lin Jiage any reaction of opportunity, hang up the phone .

Soon, the screen of her mobile phone lit up and it was a text message from Lin Jiage: "good night . "

Instead of answering him, she muted her cell phone and put it on the desk farthest from her bed .

When she turns off the light and lies on the bed, she closes her eyes . A moment later, she hears the conversation between her and Lin Jiage on the phone .

s.h.i.+ Yao .


I like you .

Now, is it real?

A real strawberry ice cream ball

It"s not true, it"s more dizzy, OK?

At the moment, she is like lying on a marshmallow, floating and swaying It"s like beef slices in hot pot, boiling, rolling and rolling

Why did Lin Jiage tell her?

s.h.i.+ Yao turns over irritably .

How did Lin Jiage fall in love with her?

s.h.i.+ Yao holds a carrot shaped pillow and turns over .

It"s a friend"s, isn"t it? In this way, how should she react when she meets him later?

s.h.i.+ Yao throws out the carrot shaped pillow, and then grabs a strawberry shaped pillow and tramples it in her arms .

Han Jing is also her friend . When he confessed to her, why didn"t she worry so much?

Yeah, why is she so upset and tangled?

What"s more, she has a boy in her heart

Ah, but it"s still boring When Yao crazy head into a pile of candy small plush toys .

After Lin Jiage successfully sent "good night", she waited for a while . She saw that s.h.i.+yao didn"t return her message and didn"t pester her any more . Instead, she put away her mobile phone and continued to drink .

When he finished all the wine on the table, he was really a little drunk .

He sat on the sofa for a while, then he fell on the sofa and closed his eyes .

Compared with Liang Jiusi lying on the ground, holding a wine bottle and turning over and over, he is much quieter .

His breath was very even and his expression was very calm . He seemed to be asleep, but in his mouth, there was a slight sigh, and then he said, "soft buns . . . "


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