The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 450: 450

Chapter 450: 450

Lin Jiage slowly shakes down from the upstairs . She thought that when she comes to the living room, as usual, a servant will come forward and ask her what to eat?

However, when he went to the sofa of the living room and sat down for a rest for about two minutes, no servant appeared beside him . Then he turned his head and swept around the empty living room, and his heart couldn"t help feeling a little confused .

It"s strange Usually, the living room is full of people, for fear that others don"t know where their busy servants are?

Lin Jiage calmly sat on the sofa for a while, and then saw that no one appeared, so she got up, went to the French window and glanced out of the window .

Two servants are watering the flowers

At noon in summer, the sun is burning on the earth, and they are staring at the hot sun to water the flowers?

Should we say that their servants are industrious? Or should we say that their servants are mentally r.e.t.a.r.ded?

Lin Jiage saw that the two servants didn"t want to return to the air-conditioned room at all, so she had to walk to the door .

Push open the door, face to face is the steaming heat, Lin Jiage subconsciously slightly frowned, and then opened to the two servants not far away: "you, come here . "

Hearing his voice, two servants, one leg trembling, nearly fell to the ground, the other hand holding the watering can fell to the ground .

Lin Jiage frowned again: "you Are you all right? "

The two servants shook their heads fiercely, and their voices were all stumbling: "no, it"s ok . . . "

"If you have nothing to do, just go into the room . At noon, what kind of flowers to water? Who is responsible for heatstroke?"

The faces of the two servants were more frightened .

Young master, I"m sure he doesn"t care about them . He must be the same as when he came back yesterday . Next, he will embarra.s.s them in different ways

Lin Jiage see two people do not speak, also do not come, because the weather is too hot, he was a little impatient up: "come here . "

The two servants trembled at his intonation . Then they looked at each other for a long time . Then they came to the house as if they were going to the execution ground .

When the two servants came into the room, Lin Jiage said, "you . . . "

He said only one word, and the two servants opened their mouths one after the other: "young master, we are wrong . "

"I"m sorry, young master . "

“……” Ah, isn"t it really r.e.t.a.r.ded by the sun?

Lin Jiage suspiciously sweeps two servants who constantly admit their mistakes for a while, then thinks that they may be apologizing for watering the flowers at noon, so she says: "Oh, it"s OK . Pay attention next time . "

So calm and tranquil? Isn"t it the calm before the storm?

The two servants looked at each other quietly . They felt even more uneasy .

Lin Jiage, who didn"t know what the servant was thinking, said in a light tone: "you, help me prepare lunch . You, go upstairs and help me pack . I"ll fly at 3:30 in the afternoon . "

A layer of light appeared in the eyes of the two servants, and one of them spoke in a light voice: "young master, are you going out?"

"Well, yes . " Lin Jiage didn"t notice the servant"s change . After answering the question, she thought about it and added, "I"m going to leave for about two months, so I"ll take more clothes . "

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