The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 507: 507

Chapter 507: 507

As Lin Jiage"s voice rings in her ears, s.h.i.+ Yao does not know how many times in recent days she thinks of the scene of that night .

Her face suddenly turned red .

Xu is she didn"t speak, Lin Jiage on the other end of the phone, and said: "Yao Yao, do you hear me?"

"I . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao instinctively opens her mouth to her mobile phone . After saying only one word, she stops .

It was a little while before she continued to say: -- I, I may not have time today . . . "

Lin Jiage: "hmm?"

When Yao heard Lin Jiage with a little doubt of the voice, fingertips subconsciously forced to pick two mobile phone .

She seldom lies, but she really doesn"t know how to face Lin Jiage . In other words, she is a little afraid to face Lin Jiage, even though she doesn"t know what she is afraid of .

She organized a little language in the bottom of her heart, and then with a guilty heart, she said: "some time ago, I promised my mother that I would go shopping with her today, so I may not have time . . . "

Lin Jiage: "well, it"s really unfortunate . . . "

His tone didn"t sound very different from usual, but s.h.i.+ Yao, who lied, was a little weak at the bottom of his heart, so his voice seemed a little dry: "yes, it"s too bad . . . "

Compared with s.h.i.+ Yao"s nervousness, Lin Jiage"s voice was still relaxed and normal: "it doesn"t matter . Today is not good . We can change the day . Anyway, I can ask them not to serve new dishes first, and then let them join the menu after I taste them . . . "

After a pause, Lin Jiage asked again What about tomorrow? Are you free? If not, the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow . . . "

In her impression, Lin Jiage is a person who is superior to others and despises everything . She seldom has such patience

s.h.i.+ Yao was a little overwhelmed by Lin Jiage . She struggled for a long time, but couldn"t find the right words to refuse . Finally, she just said, "I I"m not sure . . . "

With her voice settled, s.h.i.+ Yao obviously felt that the atmosphere on the other side of the phone was silent .

Lin Jiage, this is frequently rejected by her Are you upset?

But, he Gao is not happy, why should she care so much? In the past, when she refused other boys, those boys got drunk and stood in the dormitory all night . Isn"t she indifferent and calm?

When s.h.i.+yao was thinking wildly, the silence on the phone was broken . Lin Jiage opened her mouth . Her voice was light and peaceful, and there was no difference: "it doesn"t matter . I"ll ask you again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow . . . "

s.h.i.+ Yao was stunned .

He Not angry?

According to her understanding of him, he should not have such a good temper .

He seems to be different from the one in her memory .

After more than ten seconds, s.h.i.+ Yao came back to her senses and said slowly, "Oh . "

Lin Jiage: "I won"t disturb you . You can go shopping with your mother and contact her later . "

s.h.i.+ Yao can"t believe it . The person on the other side of the phone is Lin Jiage . She says "Oh" again . After hearing Lin Jiage"s "goodbye", she answers "goodbye" and hangs up .

Just like Lin Jiage said, the next day, he called s.h.i.+ Yao again .

s.h.i.+ Yao wants to accompany her mother to a relative"s house today, but she refuses .

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