The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 510: 510

Chapter 510: 510

Back to the box .

Jiang Yue holds the microphone, closes her eyes, looks affectionate, and sings a song without spicy ears: "for the rest of my life, I only want you . For the rest of my life, the wind and snow are you, and the plain is you . . . "

"Jiang Yue, I beg you to sing your Millennium song . I"m going to be deafened by you . . . " He Tiantian, in the best of spirits, went to the song stage and began to make complaints about the song .

After sitting down, s.h.i.+ Yao just wanted to take a packet of French fries to eat . She saw a pile of snacks in front of her . Then she took out her mobile phone, took a picture and sent it to her circle of friends . The content of the copy was:

-- Q: do you know the feeling of love at first sight?

Answer: snacks .

The circle of friends was sent successfully one second before, and Yao tore open the package of potato chips one second later .

Lin Jiage, who made an appointment with s.h.i.+ Yao seven times in a row and was rejected seven times by s.h.i.+ Yao, was extremely depressed .

On the day he came back from Shenzhen, he asked her to have dinner, but she refused . He didn"t realize there was any problem, but the next day, the third day, after she frequently refused him, even if he was a fool, he could know that she was deliberately avoiding him .

He confessed to her, she did not accept, then he must be chasing her, but she even refused to meet with him, this let him how to chase?

After calling in the morning, Lin Jiage, who was rejected for the seventh time, was so depressed that she had no appet.i.te for lunch . She was lying on the bed in the bedroom upstairs and tossed about all afternoon .

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated Lin Jiage was . From the beginning, he sighed every half an hour to the end, he sighed every five minutes .

The sky outside the window was getting darker and darker . When it was dark outside the window, he lay in bed for nearly a day and still didn"t think of a way to approach s.h.i.+ Yao .

Finally, he was forced to be desperate, so he had to be a living horse doctor and sent a wechat to Lu Ben: "what were the love stories you read at the beginning?"

After about ten minutes, Lin Jiage received Lu Ben"s reply: "eh? Boss, what are you doing reading those books? Do you want to catch up with primary school girls? Don"t you despise those books most? "

The answer is wrong Lin Jiage didn"t want to waste time with Lu Ben . She answered a "3" directly, and then ordered to send it, and then ordered a "2" to send it out

Before he could order "1", he received a long list of book t.i.tles from Lu Ben, "boss, all the books you want are here . "

Lin Jiage, who achieved his goal, did not pay any attention to Lu Ben . Instead, he chose to download all the novels according to his book list .

In the process of downloading, Lin Jiage went to wechat to see the unread news, and then saw a red dot reminder in her circle of friends, so she went in . As a result, she saw the circle of friends [Yao Xi likes ice cream] sent three minutes ago .

Do you know the feeling of love at first sight?

Answer: snacks .

Here"s a table of snacks .

Lu originally praised her, but Lin Jiayi replied: "do you know the feeling of love at first sight? ——Answer: money .

When Lin Jiage saw Lin Jiayi"s answer, she laughed with disdain . Just as she was about to quit her circle of friends, she thought of something . She enlarged the picture of s.h.i.+ Yao"s hair, then stared at the scene for a while, and then shared it with Liang Jiusi, who was flying up in the sky: "do you know where this is?"


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