The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 516: 516

Chapter 516: 516

When Yao several people open the box, from the toilet, there is a distance .

In the box next to her, there were singing and laughter, so Jiang Yue walked a long distance, until she came to the door of the bathroom, she heard a scream of a female voice .

Very sad Startled her, with her instinct to stop in place, and then she found out later The voice is familiar .

With this idea, Jiang Yue"s brain flashed, and in the screams in the toilet, she could immediately recognize s.h.i.+ Yao"s voice: "warm, warm . . . "

The river month Cu Cu Cu eyebrow center, very quick reaction come over, just that shriek voice is cold warm send out .

This is What"s up?

Jiang Yue subconsciously speeds up her pace and rushes to the bathroom door . Then she finds that there are not only s.h.i.+ Yao and Leng Nuan There are also several boys she doesn"t know . In terms of dress, they are quite different from those boys in their school . They are like sc.u.m of mixed society .

There are four girls in their dormitory . They are cool, warm and cool . s.h.i.+ Yao can eat, he Tiantian is heartless, and Jiang Yue Everyone said she was stupid .

Jiang Yue also admitted that she was not such a smart person . She spoke and did things straight . Even when she was admitted to G University, she was also studying at night and reviewing for one year . She managed to reach the admission mark .

But Jiang Yue felt that she was not stupid that night .

She admitted that her first thought when she saw the scene was to rush up . But at the moment when she raised her foot, she looked down at herself and took it back . Then, in order to avoid being found by those boys, she stepped back as if she had never seen them before . Until those people completely disappeared in her eyes, she turned and ran to the box .

When Jiang Yue opened the door, he Tiantian was chewing duck neck with disposable gloves .

He Tiantian saw that Jiang Yue stormed in and said with a smile, "why? Is there a ghost in the back

Jiang Yue ignored he Tiantian, and even left the door of the box open . She went to the sofa, turned over her mobile phone, and began to unlock the screen . At the same time, she went to the music desk to turn off the background music in the box .

"Jiang Yue, what are you doing? I listen to this song very well . . . " He Tiantian murmured discontentedly .

Jiang Yue ignored her and lowered her head to press "110" on her mobile phone .

Maybe it"s because it"s late at night . Maybe it"s because she"s too worried about s.h.i.+ Yao and the temperature . Jiang Yue doesn"t know how long it"s going to take . But she feels that it"s as long as a century . Because no one answers the phone, she can"t help worrying: "what"s the matter? Why is there no answer? "

“110?” He Tiantian raised his head abruptly: "Why are you fighting 110? What"s the matter?"

Jiang Yue: "it"s Yao Yao and Nuan Nuan . Something happened to them . . . "

"What did you say?" With Jiang Yue"s voice settled, a boy"s voice came from the box door .

Jiang Yue and he Tiantian look at each other for a while because of the sudden sound . Then they turn their heads and look at the sound source .

But they haven"t seen who the comer is . The comer has already stood in front of Jiang Yue . In her light tone, she is full of tension and obvious anxiety: "what do you say? Yao Yao? s.h.i.+yao? Is that right? "


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