The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 524: 524

Chapter 524: 524

He stared at him grimly for a few seconds, then walked past .

Maybe his aura is too strong, the whole body full of breath is too frightening, Granny gray hair boy some fear, although the whole person was beaten to stand up, but still bit by bit to climb back to hide .

However, he still fell into the hands of Lin Jiage .

Granny gray hair boy, has no fight back, but Lin Jiage grabbed his collar, pulled him up, regardless of the fight against him .

Lin Jiage is very cruel . Unlike these boys, he doesn"t swear or use cruel words . He just uses his fists to speak . He beats the boy whose grandmother"s gray hair, and his cry is more and more miserable .

But even so, Lin Jiage didn"t mean to stop at all . No matter what he hit was his grandmother"s gray hair boy"s key or his head, he just beat him so hard that his grandmother"s gray hair boy"s nose was runny and tears were streaming . Lin Jiage held his hand, then grabbed his arm and dragged him all the way to s.h.i.+yao"s compartment In front of the door, he pointed to the door and finally opened his mouth . He was no longer as cold and silent as before: "apologize to me!"

Grandma, a boy with gray hair, collapsed on the ground and didn"t speak .

Lin Jiage seems to have run out of patience . She raises her foot and kicks him hard . With his shrill scream, Lin Jiage makes a sound again . Her tone is much more fierce and impatient than just now: "give me an apology, say I"m sorry!"

With the voice settled, Lin Jiage raised her foot again .

For fear that Lin Jiage would continue to beat him, the boy with gray hair put out his hand to cover his head and said, "I apologize, I apologize I"m sorry, I"m sorry . . . "

"Say it to the door!"

"Yes . . . "

Grandma"s gray boy looked at the door of the compartment where s.h.i.+yao was . Before he opened his mouth, Lin Jiage suddenly thought of something and said, "wait a minute!"

Then, he looked at the next few boys, and then casually pointed to one: "you, come here for me!"

The boy was afraid of being beaten for a long time . He didn"t dare to hesitate for a moment, so he rushed to Lin Jiage"s side .

Lin Jiage leaned over and took out his cell phone from his grandmother"s gray haired boy"s pocket

Granny gray hair boy is like a robot completely controlled by Lin Jiage, quickly stretched out his finger to press the fingerprint .

After unlocking, Lin Jiage points the camera and hands it to the boy who just called to him: "shoot him for me!"

With that, Lin Jiage glanced at the boy with granny"s gray hair: "now you start to apologize to me!"

"I"ll tell you both, be honest with me . If I"m not satisfied with the video recording later, I"ll beat you!"

"Yes . . . " The two boys were scared like chickens pecking rice .

Lin Jiage didn"t speak any more . She stepped back two steps, put her hands on her chest and began to monitor the two people .

Two people where dare to mess, an honest apology, a concentrated video .

After recording for about a minute, the boy in the video took a look at Lin Jiage: "OK . . . "

Lin Jiage just walked over .

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