The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 532: 532

Chapter 532: 532

Hearing the sound, s.h.i.+ Yao hardly hesitated, so she dropped the sheet and quilt cover and ran into the bathroom .

"What"s the matter?"

With the words falling off her lips, s.h.i.+ Yao sees toothpaste falling on the ground and Lin Jiage biting the handle of her toothbrush .

s.h.i.+ Yao stared at this funny and weird picture for a few seconds before she realized that Lin Jiage had no way to move her right hand, so she had to squeeze toothpaste with her left hand, so she bit her toothbrush into her mouth to fix it

s.h.i.+ Yao stepped forward, bent over to pick up the toothpaste, and by the way took a few paper towels from the side to wipe the toothpaste off the ground . Then she took the toothbrush from Lin Jiage"s lips, helped him squeeze the toothpaste, took the mouthwash, and made sure that he could do the rest with one hand . Then she went back to the bedroom and helped him set the bed sheet and quilt cover .

When Lin Jiage came out after brus.h.i.+ng her teeth, s.h.i.+ Yao was still busy around the sheets and covers . He pointed out outside the room and said to cook some hot water, so he left the bedroom .

Closing the bedroom door, instead of going to the restaurant, Lin Jiage goes directly around the porch . He studies the bag, mobile phone and his car key that s.h.i.+ Yao put on the porch cabinet . After a few seconds, he stealthily hides the car key under the shoe cabinet . Then he goes to the restaurant .

Lin Jiage carried a bottle of mineral water . He didn"t worry about uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the cap . Instead, he waited until the door of the bedroom was opened . He used his left hand to twist the cap on the East and West . Seeing that he couldn"t open the cap, he handed the bottle directly to his mouth .

He was about to bite with his teeth when Yao"s voice came: "I come, I come . . . "

Then, Lin Jiage heard her footsteps .

Then, the mineral water bottle fell into s.h.i.+ Yao"s hands and was unscrewed by her .

Lin Jiage poured the mineral water into the hot kettle and said to s.h.i.+ Yao, "thank you . It"s getting late . Go back and have a rest early . "

s.h.i.+ Yao looked around Lin Jiage"s home, thinking that he should not do anything next, and he would almost go to bed directly . Then he nodded: "OK, I"ll go first . . . "

Lin Jiage calmly nodded: "I send you . "

Walking to the door, Lin Jiage hands s.h.i.+ Yao"s bag and her mobile phone to her, and opens the door for her to watch her enter the elevator .

After the elevator began to go down, Lin Jiage turned back to the dining room, poured the boiling water on the dining table, and then took a gla.s.s from the side and broke it to the ground . Then she went to the tap and took some water, deliberately wetting her chest clothes, and by the way, she also rubbed a part of her left wrist red

When his series of actions were completed, as he predicted, the doorbell rang .

Instead of rus.h.i.+ng to open the door, he waited for the doorbell to ring three times before heading for the porch .

When he opened the door and saw s.h.i.+ Yao, Lin Jiage asked, "what"s the matter?"

"Well, I don"t have the car key . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao finished one second before and saw Lin Jiage"s wet clothes on her chest and the red on her wrist

When Yao micro Cu Cu eyebrow, did not wait for Lin Jiage back to her just words, then followed by a voice: "your clothes how wet? And the wrists . Why are they red? "

"Oh, it"s OK . When I just poured the water, I accidentally splashed it . . . " Lin Jiage"s face doesn"t care . When she comes back, she begins to help her find the key .

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