The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 622: 622

Chapter 622: 622

"Uncle Lin, this may be too sudden, and their two children probably don"t mean that either . . . "

"That"s right, old man . You can see that they have been married for so many years . Sooner or later, they are going to get married, and they are not in a hurry . . . "

"It"s not a matter of whether I"m in a hurry . It"s a matter of Lin Jiage"s conduct! As you have just seen, he threatened Yao Yao and scared Yao Yao into something . He didn"t even dare to breathe, so he followed his words . Yes, yes, what! It"s been three days since he came to jiewa . Today, I"m going to teach him a lesson . What"s the injury? Where"s the injury? If I don"t beat him today, it"s really hurt! "

"Dad, Dad, when I go home, I"ll punish him for thinking over the wall . No, I"ll make him kneel down to think over the wall . No, no, no, no, go to the goose soft stone in the yard and kneel for a day and a night . No one is allowed to give him food!"

"It"s right for you to educate your son, and it"s right for me to educate my grandson! If I don"t hit him today, I won"t be his grandfather! What"s more, even if he and Yao Yao are really innocent and nothing has happened, Yao Yao, a good girl who lives in the same house with him for a month, has long lost her reputation . How can he be responsible? "


For a moment, the box, which was originally full of joy and happiness, suddenly became a miasma .

Yao is dizzy when she hears the sound of persuasion, anger and curse . At last, when she sees that grandfather Lin is really hitting Lin Jiage with a crutch, she doesn"t even think about it, so she stands in front of Lin Jiage: "grandfather Lin, don"t hit him . . . "

Mr . Lin quickly stopped the action of smas.h.i.+ng it down, staring at Lin Jiage angrily: "you have the ability to come to me, you hide behind a girl doll, what kind of man?"

Mr . Lin said as he changed his direction to beat Lin Jiage .

s.h.i.+ Yao also quickly followed Mr . Lin: "grandfather Lin, it"s not Lin Jiage who doesn"t want to marry me, it"s me who doesn"t want to marry him . . . "

When Yao didn"t say this, it"s OK . As soon as he said this, Mr . Lin was even more angry: "OK, Lin Jiage, your wings are really hard . What kind of threat do you take Yao Yao and let her take the responsibility on herself?"

G.o.d, why don"t you know? It"s clear that she didn"t want to marry Lin Jiage

s.h.i.+ Yao had to speak again and patiently explained: "no, grandfather Lin, I really can"t blame Lin Jiage for the whole thing . I"m not threatened by him . He"s very kind to me . Moreover, he"s entrusted by me to tell you not to get married now . You really misunderstood him . . . "

The more s.h.i.+yao protects Lin Jiage, the more Mr . Lin believes that she is threatened by Lin Jiage .

This time, Mr . Lin was so angry that he couldn"t even speak . He took a crutch and hit Lin Jiage on his right arm .

No way Lin Jiage"s right arm is just right . In the morning, the doctor specially told us that we should take care of it recently . If a crutch hits it, isn"t Lin Jiage going to be injured again? So often injured, what if disabled?

But how did she explain? Grandfather Lin just didn"t listen

When she was in a hurry, she had no choice but to slow down: "grandfather Lin, you continue to talk about the wedding . . . "

When she saw that she couldn"t calm grandfather Lin"s anger at all, she quickly looked at Lin Jiage again: "you quickly admit your mistake with grandfather, you say you have no problem, let them continue to talk about their business . . . "


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