The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 654: 654

Chapter 654: 654

It was Thursday, about six o"clock in the evening, when the fruit juice was in the Sao you Lang, Yao said, "sister Yao, what are you doing recently? Why are you out of sight? Do you want to play games in the evening? "

s.h.i.+ Yao was in a hurry to go out at that time . When she heard her mobile phone ring, she took it up and took a look at it . Then she casually replied, "I"m going to work recently, so I have less time to play games . "

After sending this message, s.h.i.+ Yao put down her mobile phone and went on with her work .

She didn"t quit the wechat group, and the news came out one by one .

[monkey sent master]: "work? What kind of work? "

[it"s juice]: "that"s right, sister Yao, how did you suddenly go to work?"

[tide]: "maybe Yao Mei wants to raise beautiful women . "

[it"s juice]: "yes, raise beauty + 1 . "

[monkey sent master]: "raise beauty + my overtime days . "

[it"s juice] with a sinister smile .

[tide] has two sinister smile expressions .

[monkey sent master] gave a series of insidious smile .

s.h.i.+ Yao, dressed and anxious to go out to work, takes a look at the unread news in the group .

Except for Mr . number, everyone else is bubbling . Even the tide, which often disappears unexpectedly, has bubbled several times this time .

From the content of their chat, the tide, who is always crazy and shows love for dog food in the group, changed the atmosphere of the whole group after she raised a beautiful woman A little unspeakable schadenfreude The problem is Where is the point of their schadenfreude?

When she didn"t understand what they were excited about, she took her bag and left the dormitory in a hurry because she was in a hurry to catch the bus and didn"t bubble in the group .

Because already big four, there is no cla.s.s in the school, the practice of practice, the busy postgraduate entrance examination of the busy postgraduate entrance examination .

For example, in dormitory 501, song tide, his girlfriend Ye Zhenzhen and Xia Shangzhou went to practice directly, while Lu Ben stayed in the school every day, studying diligently and preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination .

As for Lin Jiage, he had already made a decision on the issue of Baoyan as early as his junior year . Basically, there would be no accident . Therefore, compared with other people in dormitory 501, he had enough time, so he began to get busy . He had planned to register the company long before .

A lot of things, when planning, feel not c.u.mbersome, when really go to work, trivial things are a lot .

In the past few days after returning to Beijing, he chose office buildings and went to the industrial and commercial bureau . He was really busy every day .

On the afternoon of Thursday, Lin Jiage invited the president of the bank to have afternoon tea with him . The president, like him, was relatively young . Just a few years after graduation, he was promoted all the way up . They had a common topic to talk about . As soon as they drank afternoon tea, it was five o"clock in the evening .

After separating from the president and returning to the car, Lin Jiage remembered that she had promised Liang Jiusi to have dinner tonight several days ago .

He took his mobile phone, opened wechat and asked Liang Jiusi where to eat in the evening . When he saw that there was unread news in the [Sao you Lang] group .

If you think about it carefully, for a long time, when you didn"t see Yao bubbling in the group, he didn"t have much hope for this time, but after you click in, you didn"t expect to see what she said in the group .

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