The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 686: 686

Chapter 686: 686

Sun Ma: "Mr . Lin, you are also kind-hearted . You want the young master to have a good life . Although Miss s.h.i.+ may not want to marry the young master now, you think that the Lin family, no matter you, Mr . and Mrs . Lin, the young lady and the young master, are all sincere and good to Miss s.h.i.+ . What"s more, people are made of meat . Maybe Miss s.h.i.+ will feel a little uncomfortable after something happens, But old man, as long as you double your kindness to her, it will be OK . After all, time will dilute everything . . . "

"Yes, you"re right . I"m sorry for Yao Yao . I"ll make it up to Yao Yao in the future . " Mr . Lin must have been rea.s.sured by his mother, and his voice returned to normal Didn"t you tell Yao Yao"s parents to buy a house for their family in the center of the city? How is the house looking now? I"ll ask them to take the right picture of the house and show it to Yao Yao"s parents on the day of Xiao Rui"s birthday party to see which one they like . . . "

Sun Ma: "yes, sir, don"t worry . I"ll call the real estate agent early tomorrow morning . "


Hearing Lin Jiage here and seeing his grandmother and grandfather continue to talk, it has nothing to do with s.h.i.+yao . Bento never appeared before . He quietly retreated from the door of his grandfather"s room and went back to his bedroom upstairs without going to the kitchen to drink water .

He closed the door, stood at the door for a while, then went to the bed and picked up his cell phone .

He took a look at the calendar . It was only five days before Grandma"s birthday In other words, five days later, as long as he didn"t hear anything and didn"t know anything, she would be with him

I have to say that for him, it"s a very tempting thing . It"s something he can"t even dream about, but my grandfather helped him finish it

As my grandfather said, although the means are a little immoral, as long as he goes along with his grandfather"s arrangement, as long as she is pregnant as he said, she really belongs to him

Even in this matter, he owes her a lot . He can learn from her grandfather and treat her well in every way, and then make up for it with his whole life

Lin Jiage clearly saw his heart ready to move .

I don"t know how long later, Lin Jiage was called back by the mobile phone ring .

It was Lu Ben who called and answered . His voice came from him: "boss, didn"t you go to drink water? Why is the game not online for so long? "

Lin Jiage just reflected that she had forgotten the training match with Xia Shang Zhou Lu Ben .

He light should be a, hang up the phone, landing the game .

He was really affected by what his grandfather and grandmother said . In the follow-up training match, he was in poor condition and absent-minded . Lu Ben and Xia Shangzhou talked to him several times . He just listened to the first few words and his mind drifted away

Maintain this state, played two games, Lin Jiage directly stopped .

Lu Ben and Xia Shangzhou should have seen something wrong with him, and asked him what was wrong . Without saying anything, he put down his cell phone and went to the bathroom .

After taking a bath, Lin Jiage turned off the light and lay on the bed, but he couldn"t sleep .

The night is very quiet, but he seems to have encountered a big problem in general, turning over in bed from time to time .

[there are five more chapters]

in this paper, we will discuss the relations.h.i.+p between the two

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