The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 817: 817

Chapter 817: 817

Lin Jiayi is his last straw Even if you offend me, you have to kneel down to get back!

Thinking, Lin Jiage continued to send red envelopes .

One, two, three Ten

Er Lin Jiayi seems to be really angry this time . She can resist the temptation of money However, he did not believe that she could resist the temptation of more money!

Lin Jiage simply started direct transfer .

Each amount is 20000 yuan .

"Here are 100 red envelopes . "

"Another 100 red envelopes . "

"It"s still 100 red envelopes . "


After Lin Jiage transferred her account ten times in a row, Lin Jiayi began to collect money .

When all the money fell into Lin Jiayi"s pocket, a message finally appeared on the screen: "just now, that"s just the price for me to forgive you . As for the price for you to ask me for help, you have to pay again . "

Lin Jiage directly transferred the amount of a thousand red envelopes in the past: "enough?"

Lin Jiayi took the money: "tell me what I can do for you . "

After Lin Jiage released Lin Jiayi from the small dark room in her circle of friends, she said, "just show my grandfather the first picture in my circle of friends . "

After a minute, Lin Jiayi said, "for the sake of chasing Yao Yao back, if you give me another 1000 red envelopes, I will reluctantly promise to help you . "

Lin Jiage gritted her teeth and turned a thousand red envelopes .

Lin Jiayi made a "deal" expression, and then after receiving the money, she made a "thank you boss" expression .

Lin Jiage didn"t pay any attention to Lin Jiayi . After he put down his mobile phone, he carefully recalled the family"s att.i.tude towards him tonight . Then he picked up his mobile phone again and sent a message to s.h.i.+ Yao: "Yao Yao, I found that you are the only one who is the best to me in the world . "

s.h.i.+ Yao quickly returned the news, a blus.h.i.+ng expression, and then s.h.i.+ Yao sent a sentence: "tomorrow"s barbecue, you remember to book the position in advance . "

He is very sad and sentimental to her sent such a message, she should not care about him? Why do you worry about her barbecue now?

Lin Jiage rubbed her heart with a little sadness . He wanted to be alone and ignore anyone for the time being .

The cell phone tinkled .

s.h.i.+ Yao: "it"s six thirty in the evening . I"m too early . Maybe I don"t have time . "

Lin Jiage seconds back: "OK, tomorrow barbecue shop a work, I immediately call reservation . "

The next day, Lin Jiage was not awakened by the alarm, but by s.h.i.+ Yao"s phone .

Sleep a little confused, he answered, called the voice "Yao Yao", and then sat up, leaning on the head of the bed, just a voice: "what"s the matter?"

"Well, Lin Jiage, I have something to tell you Grandfather Lin came to see me . . . "

Grandfather Lin, grandfather Lin Jiage thought of what she had asked Lin Jiayi to do last night, and instantly woke up: "what did grandfather say to you?"

"Well . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao seems to be organizing language . After a short silence, she says, "the thing is, before I wake up in the morning, I received a call from grandfather Lin, who said that he had come back to school to find me and asked if I had time to have breakfast with him . . . "

"I must say yes . After booking the place, I hung up, washed my face and brushed my teeth in a hurry, and went to find grandfather Lin . "

"Grandfather Lin asked me as soon as he saw me . . . "

When she said this, she suddenly stopped .

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