The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 875: 875

Chapter 875: 875

[it"s juice]: "boss, I"m sleepy . You don"t have to tell bedtime stories anymore . "

[monkey sent master]: "boss, I"m sleepy too, so you don"t need to tell bedtime stories any more . "

[ice cream]: "Oh, yes . . . "

Without waiting for the words behind Lin Jiage to come out, Lu Ben and Xia Shangzhou immediately sent another message .

[it"s juice]: "Dad, I"m really sleepy . "

[monkey sent master]: "Dad, I"m asleep now . "

Lin Jiage gently knocked on the keyboard .

[ice cream]: "you misunderstood . I"m not going to tell you another bedtime story . I"m going to tell you Yao Yao kicked the quilt . I"m going to cover it for her . I don"t have time to tell you bedtime stories . "

After the message is sent successfully, Lin Jiage locks the screen directly, puts down her mobile phone, carefully covers the quilt for s.h.i.+ Yao, and continues to watch s.h.i.+ Yao in her sleep .

The more you look at it, the more Lin Jiage feels that it"s not true . It"s like a dream .

He couldn"t help reaching out and touching s.h.i.+yao"s cheek .

The soft touch made him a little more stable .

Then she continued to stare at s.h.i.+yao and started to see He looked at her with a serious look, as if he was afraid that all this would turn into nothingness as soon as he closed his eyes .

This is the girl he likes for the first time, and also the girl he has a close relations.h.i.+p with for the first time, and the girl he will accompany him all his life in the future .

Lin Jiage sleeps later than s.h.i.+ Yao, but wakes up earlier than s.h.i.+ Yao .

When he opened his eyes, the morning sun was s.h.i.+ning through the open window .

He squinted, subconsciously looked into his arms, the girl pillow his chest, sleep is heavy .

He suddenly felt a lot of peace of mind, and then looked out the window of the sun, the whole person inexplicably relaxed .

He thought that the happiest thing in life is to open your eyes and have suns.h.i.+ne, sometimes Yao .

s.h.i.+ Yao had a deep and long sleep . When she woke up, it was already 12 o"clock at noon .

This is the first time that she shared a bed with a boy . She thought it was in the dormitory . After opening her eyes, she subconsciously stretched out, and then her hands and feet touched the strong muscles .

She froze all over . After a while, she remembered what happened last night . She just wanted to turn her head to see if Lin Jiage around her woke up . Instead, Lin Jiage put her head into her neck socket: "wake up?"

His breath, spray in her ear, crisp, when Yao can"t help but shrink his neck, a low voice of "um" .

"Tired or not?"

When Yao was stunned, she realized what he meant . She blushed and shook her head . She realized that he was holding her behind her . She couldn"t see her action, so she opened her mouth again: "I was very tired last night, now I"m ok . . . "

As her voice settled, she clearly felt that his hands were beginning to be dishonest .

"Lin Jiage . . . "

She subconsciously called out his name, the words behind haven"t said, his hand has reached to the middle of her thigh .

She instinctively tensed her body for a while, and then her voice mixed with a slight tremor What are you doing . . . "

Before her epilogue fell, Lin Jiage turned over and pressed on her, and intruded into her territory like a familiar car .

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