The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 901: 901

Chapter 901: 901

Lin Jiage"s car was parked on the side of the road . When he reached for the car key, his fingertips touched the recorder again .

His body slightly stiff, is walking the pace suddenly stopped .

When Yao, who was held by his other hand, noticed his abnormality and then stopped, "what"s the matter?"

While talking, s.h.i.+ Yao turns to Lin Jiage .

When she saw him staring straight ahead, she followed his line of sight . There was nothing special except a few parked cars .

The time Yao didn"t understand of Cu Cu eyebrow heart, turn a head to see to Lin Jiage again: "what are you looking at?"

When Lin Jiage looked at s.h.i.+ Yao, he saw the very small diamond ring in her hand .

His heart, as if to be pacified in general, an instant soft down, he met s.h.i.+ Yao"s line of sight, shook his head: "nothing, let"s go home . "

When he got to the car, he didn"t open the door .

He admitted that he was jealous and jealous, and the feeling that he wanted to have at the beginning of his life also belonged to him .

But things have happened, time can"t go against the current, no one can change, he can"t always care .

It didn"t really matter that much, did it? At least, now she is really in love with him

Thinking about it, Lin Jiage sorted out her complicated feelings of sadness and joy, raised her hand and wanted to pull the door .

However, his fingertips haven"t touched the handlebar yet . s.h.i.+ Yao, standing next to him, suddenly opened her mouth on a whim: "Lin Jiage, just park your car here, and don"t let the driver come here for a special drive . Let"s go back for a walk . . . "

A walk?

Lin Jiage frowned slightly . It takes 20 minutes to drive home . How long will it take to walk?

Seeing the boy"s reaction, s.h.i.+ Yao vaguely guessed what he was thinking in his heart, so she opened her mouth again: "let"s go home . We"re tired . Let"s call a car home, ok . . . "

He couldn"t refuse her coquetry . He didn"t speak . He took back his hand to the car first, and then he said to her, "OK . "

At two o"clock in the morning, there are not so many vehicles . On the sidewalk, there are no more people coming and going in the daytime .

Two people to the direction of home not long, when Yao released Lin Jiage"s hand, took his arm, the whole person closer to him .

Xu was not drunk because he drank some wine, but s.h.i.+ Yao"s words were much more than usual: "it"s always cold in winter in Beijing But I"m not afraid of cold this year . Do you know why? "

Lin Jiage didn"t speak, but she looked at s.h.i.+yao .

"Because of you . . . " When she finished, Yao was smiling .

Lin Jiage raised her lips and her eyebrows were full of spoils .

Not far ahead, is a pedestrian street, many shops are closed, only one selling sweet potato is still on .

s.h.i.+ Yao asked Lin Jiage to wait for a while, then ran over .

After a while, she folded a paper bag and came back .

There was a big sweet potato in the paper bag .

s.h.i.+ Yao holds the sweet potato in front of Lin Jiage . Lin Jiage has a symbolic taste of it, but she doesn"t eat it . s.h.i.+ Yao holds the sweet potato and chews it with relish . Then when she is about to finish eating, she suddenly thinks of something and opens her mouth again:

PS: last night, she took a bath and fainted herself, 233333 . Now it"s time to make up for it~

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