The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 909: 909

Chapter 909: 909

This farewell lasted for more than 20 days . As the final exam was approaching, s.h.i.+ Yao was immersed in her textbooks every day . She didn"t feel how hard it was . Until December 23, she received a strange call .

Looking at the phone number, s.h.i.+ Yao"s first instinct is to cheat or promote sales . She instinctively refuses to listen .

However, five seconds after she hung up the call, her cell phone screen lit up again .

Now cheaters and salesmen, are so tireless?

s.h.i.+ Yao stares at the flickering screen for a while, and when she sees that the call is delayed, she answers it .

Because she was not sure who the other party was, s.h.i.+ Yao gave a weak "h.e.l.lo" and didn"t report to her family .

The other end of the phone was quiet for about two or three seconds . A very gentle female voice rang out: "excuse me, are you Miss s.h.i.+ Yao?"

"Yes Who are you

"h.e.l.lo, Miss s.h.i.+ Yao, I"m a member of AE team . "

Team ae Isn"t that her male G.o.d"s team?

s.h.i.+ Yao instantly warm dogleg up: "h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo, what can I do for you to call me?"

Maybe there is a big gap between the tone of s.h.i.+ Yao and that of her . The girl on the other end of the phone was made by her and couldn"t help laughing . Then she said, "well, Miss s.h.i.+ Yao, in the final of SDL, you are at the scene and still interact with legend . I don"t know if you remember!"

"Yes, of course I did . . . " The male G.o.d, who never spoke in public, even spoke to her that day, although it was just a "good" word .

"At that time, you said to legend, come on, PGI World League, hope he can win the first world champion of the Jedi survival game The night of Christmas happened to be the final of PGI World League, and the place was in the bird"s nest . I wonder if you have time . Can you come to watch legend"s game

As early as many days ago, she began to pay attention to the final tickets Unfortunately, not to mention the most VIP tickets, she didn"t even get the most ordinary tickets

Thinking about it, s.h.i.+ Yao said with some regret: "I definitely want to go, but I don"t have a ticket, so Maybe, maybe I"ll support legend in front of my mobile phone . . . "

"Oh, you don"t have to worry about tickets . I"ve been asked by legend to call you to tell you that legend has prepared a ticket for you, so you can see if your time is convenient . . . "

"Convenient, more convenient than instant noodles!"

The female staff on the other end of the line, who was amused by s.h.i.+ Yao"s reply, once again said, "OK, please leave me an address and I"ll send you the ticket . "

s.h.i.+ Yao replied "thank you" and reported the address of the school to the female staff . After the other party verified the information with her, she hung up .

It wasn"t long before she received a reminder from the express mail on her mobile phone .

s.h.i.+ Yao happily cut a picture and sent it to Lin Jiage"s wechat: "Lin Jiage, I feel I"m going to green you . What should I do?"

Over the past 20 days, he has been really busy . It"s always very late to get back to him . Sometimes, he can only get back to her once in several days .

So in the face of the silence on her mobile phone, s.h.i.+ Yao typed and sent her own message: "my G.o.d still remembers me and has prepared tickets for his final . What do you say if he invites me to dinner after the game? I can"t help but agree . What should I do? "

PS: today"s first news has been delivered, and then there is another good news: the radio drama of gehushe and Yaomei is coming . You can read and search "time and you are beautiful" on QQ, and you can see a headset logo, followed by the t.i.tle of the book . Click in and you can listen to it . Every character has a dub, and Yaomei"s voice is really cute and explosive ~

you can listen to it www . . c om, the fastest update of the ReadNovelFull!

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