The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 943: 943

Chapter 943: 943

Leng Nuan seems to be frightened by Tianda, and his struggle is even more crazy . Even his body is shaking .

As Lu Ben"s face got closer and closer, her whole body became more and more trembling . She tried her best to restrain herself from opening her mouth . She pleaded and whispered: "let me go Please let me go Let me go . . . "

Lu"s approach to the warm and cold made him pause slightly, as if he wanted to stop . But in just two seconds, he seemed to have made up his mind and bowed his head .

His lips were getting closer and closer to hers, and she could feel his breath clearly .

At that moment, it seemed that the man in front of her was not Lu Ben she knew, but a beast that would eat people in the dark at night

Cold and warm fear of the corner of the eye have tears overflow out, her mouth panic words, gradually changed the tone, to the end, have become a scream .

After all, is really like, after all, is reluctant to give up Although he made up his mind, he still couldn"t do it . When he saw that it was only one centimeter short of her lips, Lu originally stopped .

When he opened his eyes, he saw the tears on her face and the repulsion, disgust, hatred and fear flowing between her eyes and eyebrows .

Repel, hate, hate Lu was staring at her eyebrows for a while, as if suddenly no strength, fingertips buckle her wrist strength, suddenly disappeared .

She easily broke away from him, as if he was a monster in a flood . She stepped back several steps, and pulled the distance between him and her far away, then stopped .

She didn"t even look at him again, just holding her arm, leaning against the wall, s.h.i.+vering .

Such her, let him feel distressed and uncomfortable .

Lu originally subconsciously did not open the line of sight .

He could hear her sobs clearly . He wanted to coax her, but he knew that if he got up, she would be more fl.u.s.tered and afraid .

He stared out of the window for a while, then pretended to be drunk and unconscious, fell asleep on the table .

After a long time, the sobs in his ears finally disappeared . He heard her footsteps, very light and timid . He looked at him for a while, and made sure that he was really asleep . Then he walked out of the box . After a while, he came back with the waiter and took him to the car .

In the whole process, not to mention that she cared about him, she even approached him .

When she got to where he lived, she had called his a.s.sistant in advance .

Just like when she came out of the bar, she didn"t get close to him . She just told her a.s.sistant to take him upstairs .

After he lay on the bed, she brought a gla.s.s of sobering soup to the a.s.sistant, and then said that she had something else to do . She asked the a.s.sistant to take care of him and left in a hurry .

He didn"t open his eyes until the door closed in the living room .

When the a.s.sistant saw him, he immediately took the wake-up soup and said, "Mr . Lu, this is the soup that sister Leng has just cooked for you . Have a drink . . . "

Lu Ben took a look at the sobering soup in his a.s.sistant"s hand . Instead of taking it, he looked up at the clock on the wall . It was almost one o"clock in the morning . He said to his a.s.sistant, "it"s late . Go back and have a rest . . . "

"But sister Leng said, let me stay here to take photos . . . "

Before the a.s.sistant finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Ben: "I"m ok, let you go, you go . . . "


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