The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 952: 952

Chapter 952: 952

On the way out of the hospital, s.h.i.+ Yao asked Lin Jiage, "do you like boys or girls?"

"As long as it"s your baby, I like it . " Lin Jiage has no requirements for a boy or a girl . After returning to s.h.i.+ Yao"s words, he said, "what about you? Do you like boys or girls? "

"Well . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao tilted her head and thought for a while . She seriously answered Lin Jiage"s question I like boys and girls just like you, but I hope it"s a boy, because girls It"s too dangerous . . . "

"Well?" Lin Jiage didn"t understand what s.h.i.+ Yao meant .

"You see, you are so handsome and I am so beautiful . Our children must have a high face value Such a beautiful little princess, everyone must like it . If you think about it, everyone will like it, which means everyone will miss it . How dangerous it is . . . "

That"s right, but he prefers girls, especially girls who look like her However, Lin Jiage only dares to think like this, but he doesn"t dare to say it . He actually wants to echo s.h.i.+ Yao"s meaning, but before he says it, he sees a car coming straight in front of him and s.h.i.+ Yao .

Speed is very fast, almost did not give him too much thinking, he looked around for a while, and then did not want to push s.h.i.+yao to the arms of a man who happened to pa.s.s by him and s.h.i.+yao .

Only when s.h.i.+ Yao b.u.mps into someone, can he not fall to the ground, and there will be no danger

Lin Jiage thought like this, felt a strong force, hit his body .

s.h.i.+ Yao, who was suddenly pushed out by Lin Jiage, was held by the strange man she ran into . She was surprised for a while, then said "thank you" and turned to look behind her in anger .

She wanted to get angry with Lin Jiage, but she never thought that she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life - Lin Jiage was. .h.i.t by a car and flew out

After that, s.h.i.+ Yao can"t remember clearly . She seems to be silly . She stares at Lin Jiage lying on the ground for a long time, and only when there are people around to look at him can she walk to him .

She squatted beside Lin Jiage and looked at him . She didn"t know what she should do . Finally, a kind-hearted person ran to the emergency department of the hospital and told him about it .

When Lin Jiage"s car was knocked down, he was stopped by the security guard of the hospital . The security guard knocked on the door for a long time, but no one opened it until the police arrived .

Qin was still frightened: "I hit someone, I hit someone, I killed someone, I killed someone, I didn"t want to do this, I don"t know why I did it, I don"t know, I don"t know anything . . . "

Soon, the doctor of the hospital comes, and Lin Jiage is taken away . s.h.i.+ Yao is like a puppet manipulated, and follows Lin Jiage rigidly .

When she was about to enter the emergency building, there was another harsh cry behind her . She looked back and saw that Qin was still squatting on the ground with her stomach covered . Someone nearby pointed to her skirt and said, "bleeding, bleeding --"

then, when Yao was dark, she fainted .

When she woke up again, s.h.i.+ Yao was in the hospital ward .

The room was quiet, with only one light that was suitable for sleeping .

s.h.i.+ Yao lay on the bed for a while and then sat up abruptly .

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