The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 994: 994

Chapter 994: 994

"Well, good . " Xia, Shang and Zhou wanted to say "good night", but they felt that these two words seemed too close and too overstepping . At last, they were forced to swallow them back and changed them into "goodbye, Mr . Lin"

"Goodbye . " Lin Jiayi said and hung up .

Xia Shangzhou listened to the beep after the phone was hung up . After a while, he took the mobile phone down from his ear .

He first found the location of the Beijing Hotel and sent it to Qin . Then he sent a message to him: "is it OK here at 6:30 tomorrow evening?"

After receiving Qin"s "yes", Xia Shangzhou called the manager of Beijing Grand Hotel and pa.s.sed on Lin Jiayi"s demands one by one . Then he left his mobile phone in the pa.s.senger seat next to him .

It"s very late . He"s done everything she ordered, but he doesn"t mean to drive home .

He leaned against the back of the car and sat for a long time . Then he fell down the window and lit a cigarette . He took a puff and coughed violently .

In fact, when he was in college, he smoked . Later, she said that she could not smell the smoke, so she gave up smoking .

Occasionally, he is upset and wants to take a sip, but it seems that Today"s cigarette is not the same as it was at that time in the University . One cigarette can relieve one hundred worries When the cough stopped, Xia Shangzhou did not smoke a second puff, but put the cigarette out directly and threw it into the garbage can .

He doesn"t have to be so upset, does he?

He had known for a long time that she would not belong to him . She must be a dragon in the world to be worthy of her As for him, after graduation, he worked hard for five years, but just paid a down payment in Beijing and bought a small apartment that was not as big as her bedroom .

Everyone said that the princess may not be with the prince, but also with the knight, but he Don"t mention the prince, even the knight is not, at best, just a bodyguard beside the princess Such a gap, is his life can not cross .

Now, Qin has come back . She has been thinking about it for so long . It"s very good Anyway, she can"t be single all her life . Instead of getting married for the sake of marriage, it"s better to be with someone she really likes Then she would be very happy, and that"s what he expected?

In Xia Shangzhou trance, he was left in the pa.s.senger seat of the mobile phone suddenly rang .

He took a look at the caller ID and answered: "Mr . Zhang Back to Beijing on business? This weekend? Yes But I"m not sure . You know what"s going on here . It means that I have to work overtime on weekends Ha ha, isn"t that job hopping thing over? Why do you always tease me when you have nothing to do All right, all right, get in touch over the weekend . "

Four years ago, Zhang always dug the one he changed jobs frequently . Instead of poaching him, they became good friends . Occasionally, on weekends, Zhang always asked him to chat and have afternoon tea .

He just called and wanted to have coffee with him at the weekend . He said that when he worked overtime at the weekend, Mr . Zhang laughed at him . It"s good to jump to his company early . As an executive, you can fish in troubled waters at any time . He also laughed at him . He really has a long love for Lin"s enterprise

The world thinks that he is in love with Lin"s enterprise, but they don"t know that he is only in love with a person in Lin"s enterprise .

It"s a pity that his sweetheart, she wants to be the right one .


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