The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 518: 518

Chapter 518: 518

Until he Tiantian shouts "Nuan Nuan", rushes to Leng Nuan, reaches out his hand and grabs Leng Nuan"s arm, causing Leng Nuan to scream excitedly again, Lu originally regained his consciousness .

In he Tiantian"s impression, Leng Nuan has always been a kind of calm girl . This kind of Leng Nuan is the first time she met .

Maybe she was frightened by this scene, holding her warm and cold arm, she didn"t let go .

Leng Nuan screamed even more severely, and even his body was shaking a little frightening . He Tiantian reacted later, then quickly released Leng Nuan"s arm and whispered to Leng Nuan: "wennuan, what"s the matter with you? Nuan Nuan, I"m Tian Tian, Nuan Nuan . . . "

Leng Nuan didn"t speak, but she may have heard the familiar voice, the familiar name, and her whole mood gradually calmed down .

"Nuan Nuan, I"m Tian Tian, your roommate . Now you"re OK, darling, you"re ok . . . " He Tiantian saw that his words just had an effect . He continued to coax the cold and warm in a low voice, and tried to extend his hand again .

When she met Leng Nuan"s arm this time, she saw that Leng Nuan"s body was shaking violently, and she didn"t resist or scream again . Then she felt relieved and boldly dropped her hand on Leng Nuan"s back and patted it gently Warm, it"s ok It"s ok . . . "

With he Tiantian reciting "it"s OK" over and over again, she obviously felt that her cold and warm body began to become soft and no longer rigid .

Then she raised her head, looked around, and found that Lin Jiage and Jiang Yue were no longer in the bathroom entrance .

As soon as she wanted to ask where they had gone, a lot of footsteps came from the corridor .

Then Lin Jiage and Jiang Yue appeared at the entrance of the bathroom .

He Tiantian said subconsciously, "what about Yao Yao? Why is Yao Yao missing? Where has she been taken by them . . . "

Lin Jiage"s face is low, which makes people a little afraid .

He didn"t speak, but Jiang Yue took he Tiantian"s words, "we just went to find Yao Yao, Yao Yao didn"t leave KTV, we also went to box by box to find, no her . . . "

Jiang Yue"s words haven"t finished, Lin Jiage has stepped to the door of the men"s bathroom .

He reached out and pushed, but failed to open the bathroom door .

The bathroom is public, and the door can"t be locked without any reason As this thought flashed through Lin Jiage"s brain, he suddenly pushed the door harder as if he knew something . When he saw that the door was still, he completely confirmed his idea . Then he turned to look at Lu Ben and the three girls

Soft buns roommate said, there are several boys

For him, a few boys are not the key . The key is the roommates of soft buns .

There are only two boys here, he and Lu Ben . If he really kicks the door in, the boys rush out . He and Lu Ben protect one girl . Fortunately, one protects two

Just a few seconds later, Lin Jiage made a decision: "Lu Ben, you take them three away!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan was worried: "boss, let the three of them go first, I"ll stay with you . . . "

"Just three or two of them drank, and one of them was delirious . Are you sure?" Lin Jiage glanced at the three girls next to him and asked Lu Ben lightly . Before Lu Ben spoke again, he continued: "let you go, you go . If I can"t protect the girl I like, I"ll be a man!"

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