The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 561: 561

Chapter 561: 561

Last night, s.h.i.+ Yao took care of Lin Jiage all night . She didn"t sleep long and didn"t sleep well .

She saw that Lin Jiage was asleep . In the air-conditioned room without a blanket, she went to the bedside, pulled the quilt and gently covered him . Then she touched his forehead to make sure that his temperature was normal . As she came in, she walked out of the bedroom and helped him bring the door to the next room to catch up .

s.h.i.+ Yao had a deep and long sleep . When she woke up, it was dark outside the window .

When Yao suddenly sat up, picked up the phone charged before going to bed, looked at the time, it was already eight o"clock in the evening .

She slept for five hours . Did Lin Jiage wake up? Did she have any trouble after waking up

Thinking about it, s.h.i.+ Yao quickly left her cell phone, jumped out of bed in a hurry, and ran out without wearing any shoes .

She habitually wanted to go to the next bedroom, but she ran to the door and saw Lin Jiage sitting on the sofa and waking up .

She subconsciously stopped at the foot of the action, turned to see .

The boy is sitting on the sofa, with a laptop on his knee . His left hand is in good condition . He presses the keyboard quickly from time to time

Is he busy? This is the first time for her to see him busy

When Yao originally wanted to ask Lin Jiage what to eat at night, she disappeared to her lips . She couldn"t help staring at Lin Jiage with a serious look .

Lin Jiage is probably aware that someone is looking at herself . After pressing the keyboard with her left hand, she looks up inadvertently and takes a look in the direction of the bedroom . Then when she sees s.h.i.+yao, she is about to take back her sight and stops .

"Awake?" Lin Jiage asked in a light tone, and then without waiting for Yao to reply, she said again: "wait for me . . . "

With that, he lowered his head, looked at the computer screen, and hit again on the keyboard with one hand .

But this time, after a few knocks, he raised his head again and looked at s.h.i.+yao . Then his eyes fell on s.h.i.+yao"s bare feet .

He micro Cu Cu eyebrow heart, "how so ran out?"

For a while, s.h.i.+ Yao didn"t understand what Lin Jiage was referring to, and he said, "hmm?" He let out a cry .

Forget it, I"d better deal with the rest of the project later Thinking of Lin Jiage, he put the computer next to him, got up and rushed to s.h.i.+yao .

s.h.i.+ Yao thought that Lin Jiage was going to stop in front of her, but she stared at him all the way, walked to her, walked around her and went into the bedroom where she was sleeping

Just when s.h.i.+ Yao wants to ask Lin Jiage "what"s the matter", she sees Lin Jiage bend over and pick up the slippers that she kicked .

So, what he just asked her was that she didn"t wear shoes?

in s.h.i.+ Yao"s consternation, Lin Jiage had bent over and put her slippers in front of her: "put on your shoes, be careful you catch cold . "

He was supposed to be busy, but when he saw that she didn"t wear shoes, he put down the computer and helped her get the shoes

This tiny detail somehow moved s.h.i.+ Yao .

She didn"t respond to Lin Jiage"s words . She just looked down at Lin Jiage .

When Lin Jiage saw that the girl didn"t respond, she simply squatted down, held her ankle and put her slippers on her feet .


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