The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 568: 568

Chapter 568: 568

"Wait a minute for me . . . "

Lin Jiage seems to be very busy . After leaving a sentence in a hurry, she looks at the computer again .

He quickly knocked his fingertips on the screen for a while, and then stopped . Then he looked at the screen for a while as if he was checking the problem . Then he closed the computer, got up and walked to s.h.i.+ Yao .

As last night, when Yao helped Lin Jiage take off her clothes, Xiaolian began to have a fever .

However, it"s not the first time to see his naked upper body . Tonight, s.h.i.+ Yao is relatively calm . At least when she helps him wrap the injured right arm with plastic wrap, she is no longer as bold as she was yesterday .

While Lin Jiage is taking a bath, s.h.i.+ Yao runs back to her bedroom, takes her mobile phone and continues to watch the play .

Almost ten minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Lin Jiage came out with a bath towel wrapped all wet .

Even last night, s.h.i.+ Yao had been attacked by such a "beautiful man out of the bath picture", but when she saw it again today, her whole mind was still inevitably unstable .

I have to say Lin Jiage"s figure is really good Just like in the cartoon, it"s amazing and unreal

But then again, isn"t she a foodie? How can you be so beautiful now? Is it difficult that Lin Jiage inspires her hidden What is the nature of flower mania?

Er No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! We can"t just turn it into color However, it is also possible that Lin Jiage is more delicious yummy? What a delicious taro!

s.h.i.+ Yao quickly shakes her head . In Lin Jiage"s surprised eyes, she stands up and runs to him . She dares not look into his eyes . She helps him remove the plastic wrap from his arm and puts on clean clothes for him . Just like yesterday, she once again runs back to her bedroom .

Two people live under the same eaves the second night, peace, is a sleep until dawn .

The next day was the day to report to school .

Because Lin Jiage was injured, s.h.i.+ Yao didn"t trust him to go out alone . In addition, she didn"t want to drive his too ostentatious sports car to school . So after lunch, s.h.i.+ Yao called a didi and took himself and Lin Jiage to school .

When Yao entrusted Lin Jiage to Lu Ben and Xia, Shang and Zhou, she went to find Leng and Nuan .

As a result, when the dean"s office was queuing up to check in, several people met again .

Compared with the picture of Bixia, Shangzhou and s.h.i.+yao greeting each other warmly, Lu went straight to lengnuan: "you Are you all right? "

In the past, although Lu Ben didn"t meet Leng Nuan many times, he would hit a nail every time he met a chat up friend . But this time, Leng Nuan was silent for a while after hearing Lu Ben"s words . He spoke back to him . Although he was not familiar with Leng Nuan, he was not as cold as he used to be: "um It"s all right . "

Lu Ben"s eyes flashed a layer of ecstasy .

Xu was finally willing to talk to himself normally because of Leng Nuan . Lu stood in front of her for a long time before he said, "it"s ok . . . "

"It"s ok . . . " After repeating it twice in a row, he felt a small box from his pocket and handed it to Leng Nuan It"s used for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis . It"s very effective for the bruises on your face . Take it and remember to apply it, so that you don"t have to wear a mask like now in cla.s.s tomorrow . "

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