The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 574: 574

Chapter 574: 574

Han Jing instinctively turns back and sees a girl with a red umbrella and a white gauze skirt, walking towards herself in strapping sandals .

Close, Han Jingcai see clearly, shouting his own people, is still Qin .

He and she are cla.s.smates . In the past, they didn"t talk to each other . Since last semester, she wore all kinds of vest on the forum and went crazy to black s.h.i.+yao, he saw her again and paid little attention to her .

So after Han Jing recognized Qin still, there was an obvious disgust in his eyes, so that his voice was very unfriendly: "what"s the matter with you calling me?"

Qin still didn"t mind Han Jing"s att.i.tude at all . He took a look at the girl"s dormitory that s.h.i.+ Yao had just entered . "Did you just send back s.h.i.+ Yao, a freshman majoring in English?"

She even has the face to mention s.h.i.+ Yao"s name Han Jing"s tone was even worse: "it has nothing to do with you!"

"It has nothing to do with me . . . " Qin"s tone was still warm and gentle But it has something to do with you . . . "

Before Han Jing spoke, Qin still said, "you like her very much, don"t you? I heard that in her freshman year, you received her and fell in love with her at first sight . You took care of her in the student union . I also heard that at Christmas, you queued up in the middle of the night in order to buy her one of her favorite Internet pancakes . . . "

Han Jing: "if you have nothing else to say, I"ll go first . "

"What"s the hurry?" Qin still chuckled: "everything should be done step by step, right? I haven"t laid the groundwork yet . How can I tell you the main point Forget it, since you don"t want to hear it, I"ll tell you the main point directly You like s.h.i.+yao so much, stay with her for so long, and treat her so well . How much do you know about her? Does she know you like him? Did she refuse you? Did she tell you at the beginning that she actually had a fiance

Fiance Does s.h.i.+ Yao have a fiance?

Han Jing"s face suddenly became stagnant .

Qin still: "look at your face, don"t you know? She knows you like her, but she doesn"t tell you that she has a fiance . It"s really a good wrist to hang you like this . . . "

s.h.i.+yao is so clean, not as Qin still said, there are so many scheming!

Thinking about it, Han Jing said: "don"t talk nonsense!"

"I"m not talking nonsense s.h.i.+ Yao really has a fiance . I just knew about it . The reason I told you is to remind you not to be cheated, and Her fiance, as you must know, is Lin Jiage, a man of the G University and a math major . They had an engagement six years ago . Oh, six years ago You just met s.h.i.+ Yao last year . It"s been more than a year . She didn"t tell you these things Alas . . . "

Qin still said, shaking his head, and then pointed to the dormitory building that s.h.i.+yao had just entered: "I just ran into you by chance . It"s no other meaning . It"s getting late . I"m going back to the dormitory to sleep . Good night . "

With that, Qin still walked into the girls" dormitory .

It"s still raining . Instead of stopping, it"s getting worse .

Han Jing stood in the rain and didn"t move for a long time .

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