The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 707: 707

Chapter 707: 707

"Yao Yao, I promise you to terminate the engagement . "

On the terrace, there was silence again .

After a long time, s.h.i.+ Yao blinked and thought about what Lin Jiage had just said .

Yao Yao, I promise you to terminate the engagement This is not the first time he told her about the dissolution of the engagement . He promised her that he had said this to her when he was angry at the club last time .

Compared with the last time, his tone was mild, but s.h.i.+ Yao didn"t know what was wrong with her . His calm tone after careful consideration made her feel confused .

Is he and she going to break up?

s.h.i.+yao"s black eyes turn around for several times at a loss . Then she slowly turns her head and looks at Lin Jiage beside her .

Boy seems to be aware of her line of sight, slightly side head, and her eyes together .

The wind blowing from the cliff made his hair and clothes a little disordered, but he looked at her eyes and eyebrows, but they were as quiet as ever . He and she looked at each other, but in a few seconds, he opened his mouth again . In the light tone, he added a touch of imperceptible firmness, not like saying it to her, but more like saying it to himself: "Yao Yao, I"m sorry about breaking the engagement I promise you

Before he had finished his words this time, s.h.i.+ Yao felt the depth of her left chest and gave her a severe pain .

It"s really strange . At first, she wanted to break her engagement . Now he finally agreed to her . Why does her heart hurt so much?

She didn"t speak .

He didn"t wait for her to talk all the time, but quietly looked at her for a while, and then his lips slightly raised, with a very shallow smile, flowing out from his eyebrows and eyes, "Yao Yao, you will be free in the future, you can want to do what you want to do . . . "

He was clearly smiling .

But s.h.i.+ Yao saw the heavy sadness from his smile .

Freedom Yes He was right . Since she gradually understood what the engagement represented, she had dreamed many times that if she could freely choose the right to love and be loved like other girls, how wonderful it would be!

But now, freedom really comes But she didn"t feel so good at all!

"Everything here is for you . I"ll send it to school later . . . " Lin Jiage looked around at the food house surrounded by flas.h.i.+ng lights, and then continued to move her lips I have something else to do later . I"ll arrange the sightseeing bus for you to go down the mountain . It"s just at the door of the hotel . The driver of my family is in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain . Just tell him where you want to go

After a pause, Lin Jiage took another look at s.h.i.+yao: "if there"s nothing wrong, I"ll go first . "

With that, Lin Jiage turned directly .

When he stepped back to the hotel room, s.h.i.+ Yao turned to take a look at Lin Jiage .

She stared at his back and opened her mouth to stop him .

But the words to the mouth, but she was pressed back .

s.h.i.+ Yao stares at Lin Jiage"s disappearing figure and never opens her mouth . When Lin Jiage goes to the hotel door and opens the door, he stops . He seems to be waiting for something . After waiting for a long time, he doesn"t wait for the girl behind him to make any noise . Then, without looking back, he steps out of the door, brings the door and leaves .

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