The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 724: 724

Chapter 724: 724

He had taken off his coat, probably when he was just cooking brown sugar ginger tea . For convenience, he rolled up his sleeve .

When Yao just turned her head, before she could speak, she saw that there were obvious scars on his exposed arm .

The scars have scabbed, but it still looks shocking

s.h.i.+ Yao suddenly remembers what sister Jiayi said to her . Then she stares at Lin Jiage"s arm and says, "you You were beaten by grandfather Lin, weren"t you? "

Asked by s.h.i.+ Yao, Lin Jiage quickly rolled down her sleeve, but he was still very keen to grasp the key point of her words, "how do you know it"s grandfather?"

One second before he asked, the next second seemed to understand the general, and then opened the mouth: "do you know?"

Although his words were not clear, s.h.i.+ Yao knew that he was referring to the reasons he made up for grandfather Lin . she nodded: "well, I called sister Jiayi . Sister Jiayi told me . . . "

After two seconds of silence, s.h.i.+yao said, "why do you want to tell grandfather Lin such a lie? Don"t you make people misunderstand you You . . . "

When Yao said, she didn"t know how to go on .

"Yao Yao, I will do what I promise you . "

"But But you can"t let yourself be wronged . "

"Do you have one?" Lin Jiage suddenly smile: "I don"t feel aggrieved . . . "

Lin Jiage"s light words made s.h.i.+ Yao"s eyes suddenly sour . She subconsciously lowered her head to maintain such a quiet and clever appearance . After a while, she whispered: "Lin Jiage, thank you . . . "

"Well, this is what I"m willing to do . . . " As Lin Jiage said this, she focused on s.h.i.+ Yao"s cake box on the table What"s that? Cake? "

"Well . . . " Hearing Lin Jiage"s words, s.h.i.+ Yao looks up at the cake, then takes her bag, takes out the exquisitely packed box from inside and hands it to Lin Jiage: "this is for you, and the cake is for you . "

"Mine?" Lin Jiage"s eyes were full of surprises . Because of excitement, when he took over the box, his fingertips all trembled slightly .

"Well, today is your birthday . I promised you that I would give you a birthday present . . . " When she finished her explanation in a low voice, she added: "I"m sorry I chose the gift . I don"t know if you like it or not . "

Before s.h.i.+ Yao"s words came out, Lin Jiage said, "I like it!"

Lin Jiage, who finished the answer, raised her wrist and took a look at the time: "it"s not past twelve o"clock . It"s just that I haven"t eaten a cake on my birthday today . Since you have all brought a cake, shall we cut a cake?"

s.h.i.+ Yao didn"t refuse .

Lin Jiage pulls the cake in front of her, takes it apart and inserts the candle .

Before blowing the candle, s.h.i.+ Yao said a happy birthday to Lin Jiage seriously . Lin Jiage put her hands together and made a wish .

When he blew out the candle and cut the cake, s.h.i.+ Yao couldn"t help asking curiously, "what"s your wish?"

Lin Jiage"s action of cutting the cake stopped .

He didn"t speak, but in his mind, he recalled the wish he had just made .

His wish is that next year we can hear her say happy birthday to him .

He said next year, not that next year, he said next year, next year, next year, next year Until his whole life, there was no next year .

PS: I know that he will never have another year in his life . Ha ha, song Tiao, I"ll update it today . I"ll see you in the evening . Remember to vote for song Tiao!

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