The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 749: 749

Chapter 749: 749

After a pause, s.h.i.+ Yao expressed her concern: "however, it"s still early, the dormitory building hasn"t opened yet, and when I go back, I may be seen that I didn"t go home last night . . . "

"It"s not far from me . Why don"t you go and sleep with me?"

s.h.i.+ Yao thought for a while and nodded gently .

Seeing that she agreed, Lin Jiage stepped on the gas and drove all the way to the underground parking lot of her apartment building .

After returning home, Lin Jiage took s.h.i.+ Yao"s slippers and went to the storage room . After she changed her shoes, she went into the room . Lin Jiage handed her a brand new toothpaste, toothbrush and tooth cup: "you still sleep in the bedroom where you used to sleep, and you still have the bath milk you used before . You don"t need to change the sheets and covers . My aunt just washed them yesterday, besides mites and bath towels The towels are still there . . . "

Speaking of this, Lin Jiage, as if thinking of something, left a sentence to s.h.i.+ Yao: "you wait for me", and went into his bedroom . After a while, he came out with a white T: "you can make do with it as pajamas . "

s.h.i.+ Yao nodded her head and said "mm-hmm" twice . Then she went to the bedroom where she wanted to live, holding the things that Lin Jiage had given her .

After she walked a few steps, Lin Jiage called her again: "by the way, Yao Yao . . . "

When Yao turned back, "what"s the matter?"

Lin Jiage raised her wrist and took a look at the time: "I have a meeting at 9:30 in the morning, so I may go out between 8:30 and 9:00 . Although you sleep well, when you wake up, there may be no one at home . You can help yourself then . "

s.h.i.+ Yao said "Oh Oh" twice, indicating that she knew, and then asked, "is there anything else?"

Lin Jiage was silent for a moment and shook her head . s.h.i.+ Yao opened the door and entered the bedroom .

When she came out of the bath, she lay on the bed one second before and went to sleep the next .

She didn"t know how long she had been sleeping . She heard the sound of the door closing . She continued to lie down for a while . Then she thought of Lin Jiage"s saying that she would go out at about nine in the morning . She didn"t have too many thoughts in her mind . She quickly lifted the quilt and ran out on slippers .

Lin Jiage, who stayed with her all night last night and has only slept for four hours, is standing in the dining room, making coffee .

Seeing s.h.i.+ Yao, Lin Jiage asked, "why didn"t you sleep any more?"

"I . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao takes a look at the nearby water dispenser and makes a random excuse I"m thirsty . "

Lin Jiage did not speak, put down the coffee cup, took a water cup from the side, took a cup of warm water and handed it to s.h.i.+ Yao .

"I"m going out . You can go back to sleep after drinking water . . . " Lin Jiage took the coffee and drank half a cup . After refres.h.i.+ng, she put down the cup and said to s.h.i.+ Yao .

When Yao holding a gla.s.s of water, drinking water side "um" a .

Lin Jiage didn"t stay much longer . He took the computer and files beside him . Just as he was about to leave, the mobile phone in his pocket rang .

The next s.h.i.+ Yao hears the sound and looks at him .

When Lin Jiage saw the caller ID, she suddenly stopped walking outside, and then pressed the answer without hesitation: "Liang Xiao . . . "

Liang Xiao When hearing these two words, Yao subconsciously raised her ears and stopped drinking water . She listened attentively to Lin Jiage"s phone call .

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