The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 840: 840

Chapter 840: 840

Although the boy is not as tall as Lin Jiage, he is also a tall boy . His skin color is a little bit dark, but he is quite handsome .

How to describe It"s the kind of facial features . When you take them apart, they feel very flat, but when they are put together, they are very pleasing to the eye

If a person"s face value, the highest score is 100, s.h.i.+ Yao thinks that the boy"s face value can also get 85 + .

However, s.h.i.+ Yao is still very puzzled when she looks at her face Because she didn"t know the boy at all

s.h.i.+ Yao hesitated for a moment and said, "excuse me Are you calling me? "

"Yes, you are Yao Xi . You like ice cream, right? Micro signal is . . . " The boy then read a few numbers .

He not only knows his game name, but also his wechat

s.h.i.+ Yao subconsciously turned his head and looked at Lin Jiage .

Lin Jiage was probably surprised that she knew about s.h.i.+ Yao"s personal wechat . Before s.h.i.+ Yao spoke this time, he said, "who are you?"

"Don"t be so nervous, I"m not a bad person . . . " The boy could see the two people"s defense and grinned I"m a barren year . "

A barren year? The name is a little familiar s.h.i.+ Yao tilted her head and recalled .

A barren year? 36 . 1w wild man! What a narrow road! A very bad premonition filled Lin Jiage"s mind .

When the boy saw that they didn"t speak, he thought that s.h.i.+ Yao really didn"t remember himself, and then he said, "Yao Xi, don"t you really remember me? I"m in the famine of bean sprout TV . During the summer vacation, we played games together for a long time . We made an appointment to meet before . . . "

After such a reminder, s.h.i.+ Yao suddenly realized: "Oh, I remember, that"s Huang . . . "

s.h.i.+ Yao, who almost blurted out "Huang Nian", quickly turned his p.r.o.nunciation around In the barren years . . . "

"Yes, yes, it"s me . I came to g to play today . I happened to see a campus compet.i.tion, so I came to have a look . I didn"t expect to meet an old acquaintance . I have to introduce myself . My name is Lin Wei . If you"re not used to it, you can call me barren as before . . . "

Old acquaintance, do you know each other in reality? You call yourself an old acquaintance? It"s really a heresy today . I sent away a rival and another one And they are all old enemies!

Lin Jia Ge stood aside, and make complaints about his face .

"h.e.l.lo, my name is s.h.i.+ Yao, you can also call me Yao Xi as before . " As the saying goes, meet three love, even if the Internet before the unpleasant, but when Yao feel that in reality occasionally met, or to be polite .

"h.e.l.lo, Yao Xi, nice to meet you . . . " The barren years say, toward the time Yao politely stretched out a hand .

Out of education, s.h.i.+ Yao also stretched out her hand, but before her hand touched the hand in famine, Lin Jiage grabbed it first: "h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you . My name is Lin Jiage, s.h.i.+ Yao"s boyfriend . "

"Oh, h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo, s.h.i.+yao"s boyfriend . " When he said that, he couldn"t help looking at Lin Jiage . Is it his illusion? Why does he think Yao Xi"s boyfriend is a little familiar

"Yes, he"s my boyfriend . You"ve played games together before . It"s Mr . number, 111111 . . . " s.h.i.+ Yao gives a detailed introduction to Lin Jiage .

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