The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 870: 870

Chapter 870: 870

When he didn"t control his strength, she couldn"t help hissing . He stopped in a hurry, put on her lips again, and after kissing her for a while, he dropped his head on her right ear .

She didn"t turn to look, but she could hear his teeth tearing open the package .

After a while, he looked up again and closed her eyes .

There is no light in the bedroom, the moonlight outside the window, through the window, quietly sprinkles on the bed .

He and she looked at each other for a while, and then he slowly lowered his head and kissed her eyes, her nose, her lips Finally, it fell on her heart .

Her whole body seemed to be shocked by an electric shock . She s.h.i.+vered a little, and then her fingertips grasped the sheet under her body silently, even holding her breath .

He was like kissing a treasure . Inch by inch, the kisses changed every skin of her body . In the quiet bedroom, the unsteady breath of her and him gradually came out .

She clearly felt that his temperature was rising, and at the end, it was surprisingly hot .

He was so intimate with her that for a long time, she heard his voice: "Yao Yao . . . "

She instinctively gave a "um", but before the voice was completely settled, he suddenly stepped forward and entered her world .

He has tried to be very gentle, and she has also tried to prepare for the psychological, but when this moment comes, she is still in pain .

He stopped abruptly and did not dare to move .

He repeatedly kisses her lips, waiting for her to adapt .

He didn"t go on until he felt her relaxed .

There was still some pain, but she tried to bear it .

In fact, she has seen similar scenes in some books . She thought this moment would be terrible . But when this moment really came, she found that even if it was painful, it was sweet .

It"s the first time for him, and it"s the first time for her . They have no experience . They all rely on human instinct . There are not many tricks between him and her, even a little clumsy . But he and she are very satisfied .

He was sweating slowly . When the sweat drops fell into her chest, there was an indescribable touch . With the pain he brought to her, it came into her blood and penetrated into the deepest part of her heart .

She knows, this kind of move is called "soul blend, skin blind date" .

She couldn"t help reaching out and grabbing his shoulder .

Her subtle movement, let his body tremble, and then more crazy .

s.h.i.+ Yao feels that she is going to be swallowed up by Lin Jiage . Later, her brain is a little dizzy and confused . She seems to be back to the year when she was 13 years old . Grandfather Lin points to a young man who is so beautiful and delicate that he seems to come out of a cartoon and says to her, his name is Lin Jiage, and he is your fiance

I do not know how long, the room finally quiet down, sweating him, fell on her .

His breathing was still messy and fierce . After a while, he slowed down slightly . He slightly tilted his head, kissed her hair, and then suddenly laughed: "Yao Yao You are mine . . . "

Tired to move also do not want to move when Yao, did not speak, just quietly moved hands .

He felt her movement and quickly handed her his hand .

After a long time, she finally moved . Then she turned her head and said to him, "what a coincidence, you are mine too . . . "

PS: that"s not driving to half stop, it"s driving slowly ~ 11 long vacation, my baby has been adding more for three days in a row! So, are you really not sure to reward me with the ticket? All the cars have been given to you . You have to make up for the tickets!

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