_Chapin, Maud._ Rush-light Stories. Duffield.

_Cobb, Irvin S._ *Thunders of Silence. Doran.

_Davis, J. Frank._ Almanzar. Holt.

_Dodge, Henry Irving._ Skinner"s Big Idea. Harper.

Yellow Dog. Harper.

_Dougherty, Harry Vincent._ Way of the Transgressor. Roycrofters.

_Douglas, A. Donald._ From their Galleries. Four Seas.

_Dreiser, Theodore._ *Free, and Other Stories. Boni and Liveright.

_Driggs, Laurence la Tourette._ Adventures of Arnold Adair, American Ace. Little, Brown.

_Duncan, Norman._ *Battles Royal Down North. Revell.

*Harbor Tales Down North. Revell.

_Eells, Elsie Spicer._ *Tales of Giants from Brazil. Dodd, Mead.

_Ferber, Edna._ *Cheerful-By Request. Doubleday, Page.

_Foote, John Taintor._ Lucky Seven. Appleton.

_Ford, Sewell._ House of Torchy. Clode.

Shorty McCabe Looks "Em Over. Clode.

_Fox, Frances Margaret._ Seven Little Wise Men. Page.

_Frazer, Elizabeth._ Old Glory and Verdun. Duffield.

_Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins._ *Edgewater People. Harper.

_French, Joseph Lewis_, _editor_.

*Great Ghost Stories. Dodd, Mead.

_Ganoe, William Addleman._ *Ruggs-R. O. T. C. Atlantic Monthly Press.

_Gatlin, Dana._ Full Measure of Devotion. Doubleday, Page.

_Giesy, J. U._ *Mimi. Harper.

_Gla.s.s, Montague._ Worrying Won"t Win. Harper.

_Goldsberry, Louise Dunham._ Ted. Badger.

_Greene, Frances Nimmo._ America First. Scribner.

_Griswold, Florence._ *Hindu Fairy Tales. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard.

_Hamby, William H._ Way of Success. Laird and Lee.

_Hardy, Thomas._ *Two Wess.e.x Tales. Four Seas.

_Harris, Joel Chandler._ *Uncle Remus Returns. Houghton-Mifflin.

"_Hay, Timothy._"

_See_ Rollins, Montgomery.

_Hearn, Lafcadio._ *j.a.panese Fairy Tales. Boni and Liveright.

*Karma. Boni and Liveright.

"_Henry, O._" (_Sidney Porter._) *Ransom of Red Chief and Other O. Henry Stories for Boys, As Chosen by Franklin K. Mathiews. Doubleday, Page.

_Hergesheimer, Joseph._ *Gold and Iron. Knopf.

_Herring, J. L._ Sat.u.r.day Night Sketches. Badger.

_Hughes, Rupert._ *Long Ever Ago. Harper.

_Hunt, Edward Eyre._ *Tales from a Famished Land. Doubleday, Page.

_Hurst, Fannie._ *Gaslight Sonatas. Harper.

_James, Henry._ *Gabrielle de Bergerac. Boni and Liveright.

_King, Basil._ *Abraham"s Bosom. Harper.

_Law, Frederick Houk_, _editor_.

*Modern Short Stories. Century.

_Leonard, Orville H._ *Land Where the Sunsets Go. Sherman, French.

_Levinger, Elma Ehrlich._ Jewish Holyday Stories. Bloch. Pub. Co.

_London, Jack._ *Red One. Macmillan.

_McKenna_, "_Jawn._"

Stories. Published by the Author.

_MacLean, Annie Marion._ "Cheero!" Woman"s Press.

_McSpadden, J. W._, _editor_.

*Famous Ghost Stories. Crowell.

_Mahon, Shiela._ Irish Joy Stories. Mahon Press.

_Marcy, Mary Edna Tobias._ Stories of the Cave People. Kerr.

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