(346) HALLET, RICHARD MATTHEWS (_for biography, see 1917_).

*Harbor Master.

HART, FRANCES NOYES. Born at Silver Spring, Maryland, August 10, 1890. Educated at Chicago Latin School, privately in Connecticut and abroad, and at the Sorbonne in the College de France. Interested in anything from baseball to Bach. First short story, "Contact," published in the Pictorial Review, December, 1920, and awarded second prize by O.

Henry Memorial Committee Society of Arts and Sciences. Published "Mark"

1913, and "My A.E.F.," 1920, under name of Frances Newbold Noyes. Lives in New York City.

*Green Gardens.

(256) HECHT, BEN (_for biography, see 1918_).


(23456) HURST, FANNIE (_for biography, see 1917_).

*She Walks in Beauty.

(6) IMRIE, WALTER MCLAREN (_for biography, see 1919_).


(7) KOMROFF, MANUEL. Born in New York City. Educated in New York public schools, and special courses at Yale University. Journalist.

First short story published in Reedy"s Mirror two years ago. Lives in New York City.

*Little Master of the Sky.


*Man With the Good Face.

(457) O"HIGGINS, HARVEY J. (_for biography, see 1917_).

*Peter Quayle.

(3457) O"SULLIVAN, VINCENT (_for biography, see 1917_).

*Master of Fallen Years.



(1237) POST, MELVILLE DAVISSON (_for biography, see 1920_).

Unknown Disciple.

(5) Rhodes, Harrison (Garfield) (_for biography, see 1918_).

Miss Sunshine.

ROBBINS, TOD. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., June 25, 1888. Educated at Polytechnic Preparatory School, Mercersburg Academy, and Washington and Lee University. Well-known amateur athlete. First short story "Married," published in The Parisienne, February, 1917. Author of "The Unholy Three," 1917; "Red of Surley," 1919; "Silent, White and Beautiful," 1920. Lives in New York City.

Toys of Fate.

SCOBEE, BARRY. Born at Pollock, Missouri, May 2, 1885. Educated at Missouri State Normal School. Journalist and printer. Chief interests metaphysics and mountains. Was in regular army 1907-10, including Philippine campaign. First story "The Whip In the Thatch," Young"s Magazine, March. 1915. Lives in Bellingham, Washington.

*The Wind.

(3457) SPRINGER, FLETA CAMPBELL (_for biography, see 1917_).

*Role of Madame Ravelles.

(234567) STEELE, WILBUR DANIEL (_for biography, see 1917_).




*Shame Dance.

"Toinette of Maisonnoir.

THAYER, HARRIET MAXON (MRS. GILBERT THAYER). Born at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, 1889. Attended University of Wisconsin and School of Journalism, Columbia University. Fairy tales in Philadelphia North American and in the Guide, Milwaukee, 1921. Married Gilbert Thayer, September 5, 1921. Served in France with American Red Cross Canteen, 1918 and 1919.


TOWNE, CHARLES HANSON. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, February 2, 1877. Educated in New York public schools and College of the City of New York. Author of "Quiet Singer"; "Manhattan"; "Youth"; "Beyond the Stars"; "To-day and To-morrow"; "The Tumble Man"; and "Autumn Loiterers." Has been editor of The Designer, Smart Set, and McClure"s Magazine. Lives in New York City.


(56) VENABLE, EDWARD C. Born at Petersburg, Virginia, July 4, 1884. Graduate of Princeton University, 1906. Served in France in Field Ambulance Service and Flying Corps, 1917-19. Author of "Pierre Vinton,"

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