The Bible Book by Book

Chapter x.x.xIX.

Date. It was probably written about A. D. 66. At any rate it must have been written before A. D. 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed, as Jude would hardly have failed to mention that event along with other examples of punishment, 5-7.


Introduction, 1-4.

I. The Fate of Wicked Disturbers, 5-16.

1. G.o.d punishes the wicked, 5-7.

2. He will destroy these men, 8-16.

II. How to Contend For the Faith, 17-23.

1. Be mindful of the enemies, 17-19.

2. Be strong (built up in the faith), 20-21.

3. Maintain an evangelistic spirit, 22-23.

Conclusion, 24-25.

For Study and Discussion. (1) Make a list of all the words and phrases occurring in threes, as mercy, love, peace, or Cain, Baalam, Korah.

(2) Make a list of all the different things taught about the evil workers mentioned, 8-10, 12, 13. 16, 19. (3) What the apostles had foretold concerning them.

Chapter x.x.xIX.


Author. John, the Apostle, while in exile on the Isle of Patmos, 1:1, 4, 9; 22:8.

Date. About 95 or 96 A. D.

The Book. (1) It is a book of symbols and imagery, and constantly creates excitement and wonder. (2) It is a book of wars, but war always ends in peace. The word war occurs seven times in Revelation, and only seven times in all the rest of the New Testament. (3) It is a book of thunder, but the thunder and earthquake die away and are followed by liturgies and psalms. (4) It is a book of the rewards of the righteous. This is seen in the letters to the seven churches, and in the victories of the right in all conflicts and wars of the book.

(5) It is, therefore, a book of optimism. Everywhere G.o.d overcomes Satan, the Lamb triumphs, Babylon falls, etc.

Its Interpretation. There are several of interpreters, as follows (1) _The Praeterist_, who thinks it has been fulfilled in its primary sense. He makes all the prophesies and visions refer to Jewish history down to the fall of Jerusalem, and to the history of Pagan Rome. (2) _The Futurist_, who interprets literally and thinks all the events of the book are to come just before or just after the second coming of Christ. (3) _The Historical or Continuous School_. These think some have been fulfilled, some are now being fulfilled, and some will be fulfilled in the future. (4) _The Spiritualist_, who objects to the other three of interpreters because they make so much of the time element. He lays stress upon the moral and spiritual element of the book and reads the book "as a representation of ideas rather than of events."

Value. The chief value of the book seems to lie in its testimony to the faith and hope of persecuted Christians and in the comfort and inspiration it has brought to sorrowing and oppressed souls of every age. It points outthat there will be an end of conflict, that G.o.d and the Lamb will triumph that the enemies of our souls will be punished and that the followers of G.o.d will be rewarded with eternal reward.


Introduction, 1-8.

I. The Seven Churches, 1:9-3 end,

1. A preparatory vision of Christ, 1:9 end.

2. The addresses to the churches, Chs. 2-3.

II. The Seven Seals, 4:1-8:1.

1. A preparatory vision of the throne, Chs. 4-5.

2. Six seals opened in order, Ch. 6.

3. An episode-sealing G.o.d"s servants, Ch, 7.

4. The seventh seal opened, 8:1.

III. The Seven Trumpets, 8:1l end.

1. A preparatory vision, 8:2-6.

2. Six trumpets sounded in order, 8:7-9 end.

3. An episode-Little book, measuring the temple and two witnesses, 10:1-11:14

4. The seventh trumpet sounded, 11:15 end.

IV. The Seven Mystic Figures. Chs. 12-14.

1. The sun-clothed woman, Ch. 12.

2. The red dragon, Ch, 12.

3. The man-child, Ch. 12.

4. The beast from the sea, 13:1-10.

5. The beast from the earth, 13:11-18.

6. The Lamb on Mount Sion, 14:1-13. Three angels.

7. The son of man on the cloud, 14:14-20. Three angels.

V. The Seven Vials, Chs. 15-16.

1. The preliminary vision, Ch. 15-a song of victory.

2. Six vials poured out in order, 16:1-12.

3. An episode, 16:13-16. The spirits of the devil gather the kings of the earth to the battle of Armageddon.

4. The seventh vial poured out, 16:17-21 (end).

VI. Three Final Conflicts and Triumphs, 17:1-22:5.

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