The Bible Book by Book

Chapter VII.

4. _The Dispensation of Promise_. From Abraham to the giving of the law. Gen. 12-Ex.19. G.o.d promised Abraham land, natural seed, spiritual seed and other conditional promises. For the sake of study, this dispensation is divided into two sections. (1) Abraham and the chosen people, Gen. 12:50. (2) Moses and the Exodus, Ex. 1-19. The time covered, B. C. 1921-1491=430 years.

5. The Dispensation of the Law. From Sinai to Calvary or from Exodus to the cross, Ex. 20-John 21. The history of Israel in the wilderness and their lapses into idolatry and their other sins while in Canaan, their captivity by Babylon and final dispersion are evidences of their failure in this dispensation. All of the Old Testament was written during this period. The time covered, B. C. 1491-A. D. 34=1525 years.

6. The Dispensation of Grace. From Calvary to the second coming of Christ, Act 8-Rev. Grace is G.o.d giving instead of requiring righteousness. It is unmerited favor. During this dispensation, perfect and eternal salvation is fully offered to both Jews and Gentiles upon the condition of faith. It will end with the destruction of the wicked. The time covered is not known.

7. The Dispensation of the Kingdom. The Millennium (1000).

Directions for Study. (1) Drill the cla.s.s on the names of dispensations, the portion of scripture included and the period of time covered. (2) Have each student to select for himself some prominent person or historical event found in each dispensation with which he will familiarize himself.

Chapter VII.

Ages and Periods of Biblical History.

Bible history is commonly divided into the following ages or periods according to the purpose to be served or the minuteness of the study to be taken.

Seven Ages.

1. The Adamic Age. Gen. 1-8-From the creation to the flood.

2. The Noachian Age, Gen. 9-11-From the flood to the call of Abraham.

3. The Abrahamic Age, Gen. 12-Ex. 19-From the call of Abraham to the giving of the law.

4. The Mosaic Age, Ex. 20-1 Sam. 31-From the giving of the Law to the reign of David.

5. The Davidic Age. 2 Sam. 1-2 Kings 25-From David"s ascension to the throne to the restoration.

6. The Ezraitic Age. Ezra-Mal.-From the restoration to the birth of Christ.

7. The Christian Age. Matt-Rev.-From the birth to the second coming of Christ.

Fifteen Historical Periods.

1. _The Ante-diluvian Period_, From the creation to the flood. Gen.

1-6. The time covered, B. C. 4004 minus 2348 equal 1656 years.

2. _The Post-diluvian Period_. From the flood to the call of Abraham. Gen. 7-11. Time covered, B. C. 2348 minus 1921 equal 427 years.

3. _The Patriarchial Period_. From the call of Abraham to the descent into Egypt. Gen. 12-50. Time covered. B. C. 1921 minus 1706 equal 215 years.

4. _The Period Of Bondage_. From the descent into Egypt to the Exodus Ex. 1-12. Time covered B. C. 1706 minus 1491 equal 215 years.

5. _The Period of Wilderness Wandering_. From the exodus to the entrance into Canaan. Ex. 2-Deut. 34. Time covered, B. C. 1491 minus 1451 equal 40 years.

6. _The Period of the Conquest of Canaan_. From the entrance of Canaan to the time of the Judges, Job. 1-Judge 2. Time covered, B. C.

1451 minus 1400 equal 51 years.

7. _The Period of the Judges_. From the beginning of the Judges to the beginning of the Kingdom. Judg. 3-Sam 8. Time covered, B. C, 1400 minus 1095 equal 305 years.

8. _The Period of the Kingdom of Israel_. From the beginning to the division of the Kingdom, 1 Sam.9; King 11; 1 Chron. 10;2 Chron. 9.

Time covered B. C. 1095 minus 975 equal 120 years.

9. _The Period of the Two Kingdoms_. From the division of the kingdom to the fall of Israel, 1 Kings 12; 2 Kings 18; 2 Chron. 10-29.

Time covered, B. C. 975 minus 722 equal 253 years.

10. _The Period of the Kingdom of Judah_. From the fall of Israel to the fall of Judah, 2 Kings 21-25; 2 Chron. 33-36. Time covered, B. C.

722 minus 587 equal 135 years.

11. _The Period of Babylonian Captivity_. From the fall of Judah to the restoration to Jerusalem. 2 Kings, Is., Jer, Eze., Dan. Time covered, B. C. 587 minus 537 equal 50 years.

12. _The Period of the Restoration_. From the return to Jerusalem to the end of the Old Testament, Ezra, Neh., Esth., Hag., Zech. Time covered, B. C. 537 minus 445 equal 92 years.

13. _The Period Between the Testaments_. From the end of the Old Testament to the Birth of Christ-no scripture. Time covered, B. C. 445 minus 4 equal 441 years.

14. _The Period of the Life of Christ_. From the birth of Jesus to the ascension. Matt.-John. Time covered, B. C. 4 minus A. D. 30 equal 34 years.

15. _The Period of the Church after the Ascension_. From the ascension to the second coming, Acts-Rev. Time covered A. D. 34 to the end of the age.

Twenty-one Shorter Periods.

1. From the Creation to the Fall, Gen. 1-3.

2. From the Fall to the Flood. Gen. 4-8.

3. From the Flood to Abraham, Gen. 9-11.

4. From Abraham to Egypt. Gen. 12-50.

5. From Egypt to Sinai. Ex. 1-19.

6. From Sinai to Kadesh, Ex. 20-Num. 14.

7. From Kadesh to the death of Moses, Num. 14-Dt. 34.

8. Joshua"s Conquest, Josh. 9. The Judges, Jud. 1-1 Sam. 7.

10. Saul"s Reign. 1 Sam. 8-end.

11. David"s Reign, 2 Sam.

12. Solomon"s Reign. 1 K. 1-11.

13. The Divided Kingdom 1 K. 12-2 K. 17.

14. From the captivity of Israel to the captivity of Judah. 2 K. 18- 25. 15. From the captivity of Judah to the Restoration, Dan. and Eze.

16. From the Restoration to Malachi, Ezra, Neh., and Esther.

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