The Bible in Spain

Chapter 69

PICARON. _Span._ Augmentative (_on_) of _picaro_, a great scamp.

PICA. _Span._ and _Port._ Peak, summit.

PILA. _Span._ A water-trough.

PINAR, PINAL. _Span._ Grove or wood of pine trees.

PINRo, PINDRo, plur. PINDRe. _Rom._ Foot; _en pindre_, on foot P. ii.

351; Pp. 433; M. viii. 47; A. 33.

PIO. _Span._ and _Port._ Pious.

PIRAR, PIRELAR. _Rom._ To go, walk. P. ii. 382; Pp. 436; M. viii. 42.

PITA. _Span._ The aloe (_Agave americana_).

PLULi. _Rom._ A widow. P. ii. 377; Pp. 439; M. viii. 43.

PLAKO or PLACO. _Rom._ Tobacco. Russ. _prak_ = powder. P. ii. 361; Pp. 445; M. viii. 52. A gypsy model at Granada gave it as _prajo_ in 1876, "L" and "R" being often interchanged by the peasants thereabouts.

G. i. 177 and J. has _polvo_ = _praco_.

PLAN, PLANORo, PLAL. _Rom._ Brother, comrade. Eng. Rom. _pal_. P. ii.

383; A. 79; Pp. 445; M. viii. 43.

PLAYA. _Span._ The strand.

PLAZA. _Span._ A square or open s.p.a.ce in a town. Ital. _piazza_, q.v.

PLAZUELA. _Span._ Dimin. of PLAZA.

POBLACION. _Span._ (1) Population; (2) act of populating; (3) a town.

POBRECITA. _Span._ "Poor thing!" Dimin. of _pobre_, poor.

POLITICO. _Span._ and _Port._ Political, civil. See note, ii. 127.

POLK. _Russ._ A regiment.

POQUITO. _Span._ Dimin. of _poco_. Small, little.

POR. _Span._ and _Port._ For.

PORQUE. _Span._ and _Port._ Because.

POSADA. _Span._ "A lodging; from _posar_, to sit down or lodge, hence lodging-house, tavern, or small hotel. The genuine Spanish town inn is called the _posada_, as being meant to mean a house of repose after the pains of travel. Strictly speaking, the keeper is only bound to provide lodging, salt, and the power of cooking whatever the traveller brings with him or can procure out-of-doors, and in this it differs from the _fonda_, in which meats and drinks are furnished."-Ford, _Gatherings from Spain_, ch. xv.

POSADERO. _Span._ Innkeeper.

POSTA. _Span._ and _Port._ Post, post-house. _Casa de las Postas_, General Post-office.

PRAcA. _Port._ Square, place.

PRADO. _Span._ and _Port._ A lawn or meadow. The great promenade at Madrid.

PRAIA. _Gal._ Seash.o.r.e, strand.

PRESIDIO. _Span._ and _Port._ Place of imprisonment, penitentiary; prim. a fortress, or the garrison thereof.

PRESTAR. _Port._ To be of use.

PRIMERO. _Span._ First.

PRINCIPE. _Span._ and _Port._ PRINCEPS. _Lat._ Prince.

PROPINA. _Span._ Lat. _propinare_. Drink-money; _pour boire_, a tip.

PUCHERA or PUCHERO. _Span._ A stew; prim. the pot in which the stew is made, which, as in the case of the _olla_, has come to signify the contents. The _puchero_ is more used in the north, the _olla_ in the south of the Peninsula. The combination _olla podrida_ is now at least never heard in Spain.

PUEBLO. _Span._ A small town, or village. _El pueblo_, the common people.

PUENTE. _Span._ A bridge.

PUERTA. _Span._ Door, gate. _Puerta del Sol_, Gate of the Sun. The central point of Madrid.

PUERTO. _Span._ A bay, or port; also a pa.s.s in the mountains.

PULIDO. _Span._ Neat, delicate, charming.

QUATRO. _Span._ and _Port._ Four.

QUE. _Span._ and _Port._ What, that.

QUER. _Rom._ A house. See KER.

QUIEN. _Span._ Who.

QUIERO. _Span._ I wish.

QUINTA. _Span._ and _Port._ A country house.

RABBI. _Hebr._ Master.

RAINHA. _Port._ Queen.

RAIS. _Arab._ Chief; captain of a ship.

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