The Bible in Spain

Chapter 73

VERDUGO, VERDUGA. _Span._ and _Port._ Said of an exceedingly cruel person. Prim. a switch, then a flogger, or executioner.

VIAJE. _Span._ A voyage.

VID. _Span._ Vine.

VIEJO. _Span._ Old; an old man.

VILLA. _Span._ A town; greater than an _aldea_ or village, less than a _ciudad_ or city.

VILLANO, VILLANA. _Span._ Countryman, peasant; country girl or woman.

VINO. _Span._ Wine.

VIRGEN. _Span._ VIRGO. _Lat._ Virgin.

VISE. _Nor. Dan._ A ballad.

VISe. _Fr._ Endorsed, or furnished with the official visa. As commonly applied to pa.s.sports, neither the verb nor the substantive has any exact equivalent in English.

VIVER. _Span._ and _Port._ To live. _Que viva_! "Long life to him!"

VOSSe, or VOSSEM. _Port._ _Vossa merce_, your worship; you. Gal.

_vuste_; Span. _usted_. See note, i. 89.

VOY. _Span._ I am going; from _ir_.

WADY. _Arab._ River. _Wady al kebir_ = the great river, the Guadalquivir.

WAKHUD. _Arab._ A, the article. More correctly, _wa?id_.

WULLAH. _Arab._ "By G.o.d!"

WUSTUDDUR. _Arab._ Home; abode. Lit. the middle of the houses. See DAR.

Y. _Span._ And.

YAW. Borrovian for the Germ. _ja_ = yes.

YDOORSHEE. _Arab._ It signifies; lit. it hurts.

YERBA. _Span._ (1) Gra.s.s. (2) Poison.

YESCA. _Span._ Under.

YO. _Span._ I.

YOUM. _Arab._ A day.

YUDKEN. _Germ._ A little Jew; more correctly, _Judchen_.

ZAMARRA. _Span._ A sheepskin coat, the woolly side turned inwards; from the Basque _echamarra_ (having the same signification), usually worn by shepherds. The French _chamarrer_, to deck out, or bedizen, is said to be a word of kindred origin.

ZARZA. _Span._ A bramble.

ZINCALO. plur. ZINCALI. _Span. Rom._ Gypsy. P. ii. 259; M. viii. 65.

ZOHAR. _Hebr._ Brilliancy. See note, ii. 318.


Abades, ii. 209

Abyla, Mount (Gibil Muza), ii. 295

Aguilar, Antonio Garcia de, i. 282286

Alcala de Guadaira, i. 223

Aldea Gallega, i. 19, 58, 71

Alemtejo, i. 16, 72

Algeziras, ii. 296

Andalusia, Desert of, i. 224

Andalusians, The, ii. 261

Andujar, i. 253

Antigola, ii. 206

Antonio, the gypsy, i. 106

Antonio Buchini, i. 265; ii. 161, 171, 217

Aranjuez, 1. 254; ii. 202

Arroyolos, i. 84

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