The Bible Story

Chapter 112

When nightly burst from seraph-harps The high and solemn lay,-- "Glory to G.o.d; on earth be peace; Salvation comes to-day!"

--_Edmund Hamilton Sears_.






Hark! the clock strikes from the steeple; Now good-night to all good people; Bed is ready to receive us; Yet you say, "Oh, do not leave us!"

Thank you, friends, but we must hurry, Else our dear old nurse will worry.

Good-bye, father; good-bye, mother; Come now, baby; come now, brother: By your sisters three attended, All must go, for play is ended.-- Early go, if wise and wealthy We would be, and also healthy.

So good-night to all good people!

Hark! from yet another steeple, One, two, three, four, five, six, seven: Now to bed, and bless you, Heaven.

Good advice comes from the steeple: So good-night to all good people!

--_Ida Fay_.



Baby"s in the boat, Rocking to and fro; Tautest craft afloat,-- Baby"s watch below.

Snowy sails are set: Little lullabies, Hush the pretty pet, Close the laughing eyes.

Storms can never harm; Mother watches near: Oh! her loving arm Knows the way to steer.

Quiet now, at last, Till the morning beams; Baby"s anch.o.r.ed fast In the port of dreams.

--_George Cooper_.



THE ADORATION OF THE ANGELS By William Adolph Bouguereau (1825-1905)

"Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o"er all the earth, Ye who sang creation"s story, Now proclaim Messiah"s birth; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King."

--_James Montgomery_ [End ill.u.s.tration]



What says the little brook?

"I am but a little brook; Yet on me The stars as brightly gleam As on the mighty stream; I sparkle on my way To the sea."

What says the little ray?

"I am but a little ray, Sent to earth By the sun so great and bright, Giving food and heat and light; Yet I gladden every spot The palace and the cot Hail my birth."

What says the little flower?

"I am but a little flower At your feet; Yet on the path you tread, Some joy and grace I shed; So I am happy too For the little I can do When we meet."

What says the little lamb?

"I am but a little lamb Soft and mild; Yet in the meadows sweet I ramble and I bleat; {428} And soon my wool will grow, To clothe you with, you know, Darling child."

What says the little bird?

"I am but a little bird With my song; Come, hear me singing now, As I hop from bough to bough; For I cheer the old and sad With my voice, and I am glad All day long,"

What says the little child?

"I am but a little child Fond of play; Yet in my heart, I know The grace of G.o.d will grow, If I try to do His will, And His law of love fulfill, And obey."



The twilight falls, the night is near.

I fold my work away, And kneel to One who bends to hear The story of the day.

The old, old story; yet I kneel To tell it at Thy call, And cares grow lighter as I feel That Jesus knows them all.

Thou knowest all: I lean my head; My weary eyelids close; Content and glad awhile to tread This path, since Jesus knows.

And He has loved me: all my heart With answering love is stirred, And every anguished pain and smart Finds healing in the word.

So here I lay me down to rest, As nightly shadows fall, And lean confiding on His breast Who knows and pities all.



Saviour, breathe an evening blessing Ere repose our spirits seal; Sin and want we come confessing, Thou canst bless, and Thou canst heal.

Though destruction walk around us, Though the arrow past us fly, Angel-guards from Thee surround us, We are safe if Thou art nigh.

Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from Thee; Thou art He who, never weary, Watchest where Thy people be.

--_James Edmeston_.


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