The Bible Story

Chapter 223

_Zidon_. One of the great cities of commerce in the ancient world. It traded with Egypt, Greece, Carthage, and even distant Spain. It is still a town of some importance, with ruins of the ancient walls and towers about the harbor.

_Baal and Asherah_. Symbols of the Canaanite and Phoenician G.o.ds. The people had worshiped the Canaanite G.o.ds, or Baals, ever since they came to Palestine, and the prophets had tried to get them to worship only Jehovah, but without entire success. In the time of Elijah the wicked Jezebel was queen. She had come from Phoenicia, the land of Tyre and Zidon, and did all she could to increase the Baal worship.

How Elijah fought against it is told in one of these stories.

_Jezreel_. A beautiful town northeast of Samaria, for a time a royal residence.

_Samaria_. The capital of Northern Israel during the latter part of its history. It was situated on a hill at the head of a beautiful valley, and was an important town for a long time.

_Gilgal_. The name of several places in Palestine. This Gilgal seems to have been not far from Bethel.

_Shunem_. A village not far from Jezreel, near Mount Tabor.

_Mount Carmel_. The only mountain that runs out to the Mediterranean in the land of Israel. From its top one can look in all directions over the land and the sea, for it stands with the sea on the west and a great plain on all other sides.




This picture shows the outer walls of the famous Church of the Nativity.

[End ill.u.s.tration]


_Syria_ was for a time a kingdom stronger than Israel. Its capital was at the famous old city of Damascus.

_Abana and Pharpar_ are rivers which flow from the mountains past Damascus, giving it water and fertility in the midst of a plain that is almost a desert. So the people of Damascus are very proud of their rivers.

_Rimmon_. The G.o.d that Naaman"s king worshiped, and to whom Naaman had to bow down when he attended the king in the temple.



_Nineveh_. The greatest, most hated city in the ancient world. It was the center of more barbaric cruelty in both war and peace than any other place. This story shows that G.o.d cares even for the people of a wicked place like Nineveh.

_Tarshish_. Probably in Spain.


_Timnah_. On the south side of the valley of Sorek, in the western part of Palestine, northeast of Jerusalem. The whole story of Samson is laid in this region, between Jerusalem and Joppa.

_Philistines_. A people which had taken the plains west of the hills of Judaea, and for a long time were the rivals and enemies of Israel.


_n.a.z.irite_. A man who had taken a vow not to cut his hair, not to eat grapes or drink wine, and not to touch a dead body. It was one way of expressing devotion to G.o.d.

_Dagon_. The G.o.d of the Philistines.


_Pulse_. A sort of pea; good, healthy food, but not delicate or luxurious.

_Chaldeans_. Usually the people of Babylon. In Daniel, however, it means a cla.s.s of people who practiced sorcery.

_Medes_. The Persians and Medes were combined into the Persian empire.

It was they who took Babylon, and put an end to the Babylonian empire, though the city of Babylon was still for many hundred years a great center of commerce and of learning.


_Shushan_. See notes on Esther.

_Chislev_. A month corresponding to parts of November and December.

Nisan corresponds to parts of March and April.

_Artaxerxes_. King of Persia, the son of the Xerxes of the story of Esther.

_Tirshatha_. An officer of the empire, appointed for a special service.

_Feast of Booths_. One of the three great feasts of the Hebrews. It was a joyful feast, a thanksgiving time. During the feast the people lived in booths, from which comes the name.



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