The Bible Story

Chapter 74


winter play sleep

cold frozen covers

under lake fort

It is winter.

Summer and autumn have gone.

The air is cold.

The robins and the bluebirds have gone.

The snow falls from the sky.

The snow covers the hills and the woods and the fields.

The flowers sleep under the snow in my garden.

They will wake when it is spring.


The lake is frozen.

I see the white snow in my garden.

I love to play in the snow.

I will make a fort of the white snow in my garden.

I love the cold winter days.

G.o.d gives us the winter days as well as the summer days.

"He giveth snow like wool; He scattereth the h.o.a.r-frost like ashes."--_Psalms 147:16_.




"Unchangeable save to thy wild waves" play, Time writes no wrinkles on thine azure brow-- Such as creation"s dawn beheld, thou rollest now."

--_Lord Byron_ [End ill.u.s.tration]


Harold beach man

sea-sh.o.r.e dug owns

went sand sailing


Harold went to the sea-sh.o.r.e.

He went with his father and his mother.

It was summer when he went.

The days were long and bright.

He played all day on the beach.

He dug in the sand.

He made hills in the sand.

When he went to bed at night, he heard the sea.


He said his prayer beside his mother, and the sea sang him to sleep with its song.

He saw the sea when the sun rose in the morning.

The sun rose above the sea, when the night was gone, and the stars went to sleep.

In the bright morning, he saw the ships sailing on the sea.

No man owns the sea.

G.o.d made it, and it is his.

"The sea is his, and he made it."--_Psalms 95:5_.




"You should have seen that long hill-range With gaps of brightness riven, How through each pa.s.s and hollow streamed The purpling lights of heaven,--

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