The Bible Story

Chapter 78

Sometimes he was called by another name, Peter.

He caught fish in the lake of Galilee.

His house stood near the lake.

His fishing boat was drawn up upon the sh.o.r.e.

Another home where Jesus liked to stay was the home of Lazarus.

Lazarus had two sisters. Their names were Mary and Martha.

The brother and the sisters lived in a little town called Bethany.

Jesus loved these people very much.

Why was Jesus so poor?

"Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might become rich."--_2 Corinthians 8:90_




From a picture taken by Mrs. Frank L. Goodspeed, and used by her kind permission.

This is a picture of the village of Bethany, not far from Jerusalem.

It was here in the home of Mary and Martha that Jesus liked so much to stay.

[End ill.u.s.tration]



The people loved Jesus.

They crowded about him to hear him talk.

Sometimes Jesus and his friends did not have time to eat.

Sometimes the people came after sunset.

Sometimes they came early in the morning.

Sometimes so many people came that the house would not hold them.

Then they had to go out of doors.

Jesus loved to talk with the people out of doors.

He loved to look up and see the blue sky and the green hills.

He told the people many stories while out of doors.

Jesus never turned the people away without trying to help them.

"Many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room for them."--_Mark 2:2_.

"And he went forth again by the seaside, and many came unto him, and he taught them."--_Mark 2:13_.

"And all the city was gathered together at the door where Jesus was."--_Mark 1:33_.

"And Jesus with his disciples withdrew to the sea . . . and a great mult.i.tude, hearing what great things he did, came unto him."

--_Mark 3:7, 8_.



Do you know what a lake is?

Did you ever see a lake?

There was a lake in the country where Jesus lived.

It was a pretty lake.

There were hills and mountains all about it.

There were towns and villages on its

Jesus sometimes stayed in these villages.

The lake had a long name.

It was called Gennesaret.

It also had other names.

Sometimes it was called the Sea of Tiberias.

Sometimes it was called the Sea of Galilee.

There were many boats on the Lake of Gennesaret.

How swiftly they sailed along!

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