The Bible Story

Chapter 12



Do not use these questions simply to "Mark Time." Let their message to you be--"Forward March." Interrogation, not statement, stirs the mind.

The questions are framed to draw out the reader"s knowledge and provoke discussion that will bring to light interesting points without consuming too much time.

Try the questions in this way: Select one of the following stories and read it. After the reading, ask the questions that bear on the story.

By means of the subt.i.tles and page numbers the desired questions may be readily found in the pages that follow. The whole family may join in this test and it will be doubly interesting if conducted as a game, such as the old-fashioned "spell-down."

Other stories than those here suggested may be chosen and used in the same way. Select from the t.i.tles any part of the Bible that you may wish for any particular reason,--its bearing on the Bible School lesson perhaps, its seasonal interest, or personal message,--you can find the text by means of the page reference. So using these questions you can make definite strides in knowledge of the Bible.

Joseph in Egypt. 96-108 H.T.

Gideon. 319-331 H.T.

David and Goliath. 386-394 H. T.

The Story of the Flood. 24-31 T.J.

Esther. 60-79 T.J.

Samson. 172-182 T.J.

Daniel. 183-190 T.J.

Boyhood of Jesus. 49-53 L.J.

The Feeding of the Mult.i.tude. 144-148 L.J.

The Rich Young Man. 211, 212 L.J.

The Raising of Lazarus from the Dead. 215-220 L.J.




What leaders in Hebrew history held a place similar to that of Sheik Ilderim in the story "Ben Hur"? 19 H.T.

Who tented with his flocks on the upland pastures of Palestine, and became the father of a great nation? 21, 487 H.T.

Into what land, later known as Palestine, did Abram come? 21 H.T.

After making the journey to the new land with Abram, why did Lot not stay with him? 22 H.T.

In what way was Abram unselfish toward Lot? 22 H.T.

How did Lot show that he was not so kind and generous as Abram? 22-25 H.T.

In what words did G.o.d promise Abram that he was to be the father of a great nation? 25 H.T.

What part did Abram take in the battle of the five kings against the four and why? 25-27 H.T.

What pay did Abram take for his service in this campaign? 26 H.T.

How did G.o.d tell Abram that his own children were to be heirs to the land of Canaan? 27 H. T.

Who was Ishmael? 28 H.T.

How was Abram"s name changed to mean "father of a mult.i.tude"? 29 H.T.

How did G.o.d answer Abraham"s plea for Sodom? 31, 32 H.T.

What became of the "cities of the Plain"? 32-36 H. T.

Who was Isaac? 36 H.T.

Why was Hagar driven out? 36-39 H.T.

How was the life of Ishmael saved in the desert? 39 H.T.

What became of Ishmael? 39 H.T.

In what way was Abraham tested? 41, 42 H.T.

What two ideas of sacrifice did the Hebrews hold and which idea was symbolized in the offering of Isaac? 41, 491 H.T.

What cave did Abraham buy for a family tomb? 45, 46, 491 H.T.



What kind of man was Isaac? 49 H.T.

By whom and in what way was a wife sought for Isaac? 49-50 H.T.

How was the servant received by Rebekah and Laban? 50-56 H. T.

What did she say as to going to Isaac? 56 H.T.

In receiving Rebekah, how did Isaac prove his native courtesy? 59 H.T.


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