The Bible Story

Chapter 42

(Map, page 14 T.J.)

Where was the town of Gath, the home of the giant Goliath? 386, 497 H.T.

(Note that later King Uzziah broke down the walls of Gath. 287, 288 T.J.)

Locate the land belonging to the tribe of Judah on whose hills David lived as a boy and tended sheep. 382 H.T.


Describe the location of the city of Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom of David and Solomon.

Give its position with respect to the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean, Dan, and Beer-sheba. 461 H.T.

Did the Queen of Sheba come far to visit Solomon?

Trace what was probably her route. Note how far Solomon"s fame had spread. 487, 498 H.T.


Locate Ezion-geber, the town on the Red Sea from which Solomon sent his ships to trade in Egypt and Arabia. 482, 498 H. T.

(Note that the same people who were formerly in bitter bondage in Egypt were trading on equal terms with that nation. 498 H.T.).


(Map, page 14 T.J.)

What general section of the Israelitish country was concerned in the story of Deborah? 487 T.J.

Locate the places: the hill country of Ephraim near the country belonging to the tribe of Naphtali from which Barak came to seek Deborah"s help, 52, 53 T.J.; Bethel where Deborah lived, 52 T.J.

Elijah and Elisha

(Map, page 112 T.J.)

Trace out the journeys of Elijah from Samaria, the capital of Ahab"s kingdom (113 T.J.) to Zarephath, where the widow served him, 114, 115 T.J.; Mount Carmel near Jezreel where he met the prophets of Baal, 116-122 T.J.; Beer-sheba, where he left his servant, 123 T.J.; Mount h.o.r.eb, where he received new courage, 123, 124 T.J.; Jezreel, the scene of Naboth"s vineyard, 127-130 T.J.; the Jordan, near Jerusalem, where Elijah was taken in a chariot of fire and where Elisha took up his work, 130-134 T.J.

Locate Syria and its capital, Damascus, the home of Naaman, the leper who came to Elisha to be healed. 143-147 T.J.


Locate Joppa, from which place Jonah sailed to Tarshish.

Locate Nineveh to which he finally went. 165-171, 493 T.J.


(Map, page 14 T.J.)

Locate the city of Dan which was Samson"s home, and in general the scenes of his raids into Philistia. 172-182, 493 T.J.


Locate Babylon, where Daniel lived in the court of Nebuchadnezzar. 183 T.J.


Esther, Nehemiah

Locate Shushan, prominent in the stories of Esther and Nehemiah. 60, 212, 488 T.J.

Life of Jesus

(Use map, page 24 L.J., in addition to map in this volume.)

The scenes of Jesus" life were laid in many places throughout the land of Palestine. These places are here tabulated and divided according to the periods of His life. Three practical tests are proposed:--

(1) How many of the places given below suggest to you familiar stories?

(2) How many of these scenes can you locate on the map?

(3) Make an outline of the life of Jesus from the sequence of events here given by writing out in brief the incident connected with each place.

The Boyhood

Bethlehem of Judea. 37 L.J.

Jerusalem. 49 L.J.

Egypt. 45 L.J.

Nazareth. 49 L.J.

Preparation for the Ministry

The Jordan River. 65 L.J.

The Wilderness near Jericho. 70 L.J.

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