The Black Card

Chapter 105 - Moved into a Palace 

Chapter 105 - Moved into a Palace 


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Lying flat on the bed, Shi Lei heard his stomach’s protest as it was past dinner time yet he still haven’t eaten anything. 

Shi Lei wanted to eat but he was so tired that even moving an inch on the bed was disrespectful towards his life, so he decided to lay down for a while first. 

But someone didn’t want Shi Lei to rest in peace at all as the phone rang. 

“Yiyi, I’m near my school but I’m not there. Just wait, I’ll…… Nevermind, you can come over, I’m so tired that I don’t want to move anymore. You brought soup for me? Great! Yiyi, you are my angel.” 

Shi Lei hung up the call, shared his location with Sun Yiyi on WeChat, then messaged her the apartment floor and unit number and he fell back on his bed. 

The phone rang again after a while. Shi Lei glanced at the caller’s ID and threw it on the side. It was the fatty Zhang Mo, probably calling to ask why he wasn’t at dorm and Shi Lei didn’t bother to pick up. 

But Zhang Mo was rather dedicated as he saw that Shi Lei didn’t pick up, he continued to make calls one after another. Shi Lei was helpless as he saw the phone rang three times. Zhang Mo still hadn’t give up and Shi Lei could only pick up and said “hey” without any energy. 

“s.h.i.tou, where the h.e.l.l did you go? You didn’t even pick up my call!” 

“I fell asleep, didn’t hear it. What do you want to say? Hurry up and spit it out, I’m tired!” 

“d.a.m.n, what’s happening? It’s only 7PM and you are sleeping already?” 

“Do you have something to say or not? If not I’m gonna hang up.” 

“No, no, no, don’t hang up! Hmm? What? You are not in the dorm, where are you sleeping at? Did you get a room at a hotel? No wonder you are tired this early. Don’t tell me you were doing exercise in bed for the whole day? s.h.i.tou, I need to discipline you. Although you are a fuerdai and have a lot of money, but you still need to take care of your body, right? You need to control yourself when doing it with women, you still have a long life ahead……” 

“f.u.c.k off!” 

“Don’t worry dude! I’m saying this for your sake! Uh, where are you? Hurry up and share your location so we can check out what’s a five-star hotel like. President deluxe suite?” 

Facing against someone as shameless as Zhang Mo, Shi Lei couldn’t do anything and said: “I rented a house, come over if you want to.” 

He gave the address to Zhang Mo and hung up with annoyance. Thanks to Zhang Mo’s call, Shi Lei was slightly more awake than before. The doorbell rang at this time too, Shi Lei checked the door and no one was there, he was wondering who it was before the bell rang again. 

He observed carefully and in the doorbell was a monitor connected to downstairs. 

He quickly pressed the b.u.t.ton and Sun Yiyi’s face appeared in the screen. “s.h.i.tou ge, the security guard said that you need to open the door for me from inside.” 

Shi Lei quickly said: “Aye, aye, I’ll open right now.” 

He looked at the monitor and there was an ‘unlock’ b.u.t.ton on it. He pressed it and asked: “Yiyi, is the door opened?” 

Sun Yiyi pulled the door open and said: “It’s opened, I’m coming up now!” 

Not long after, Sun Yiyi knocked on the door. When Shi Lei opened the door, Sun Yiyi studied the house curiously and asked in confusion: “s.h.i.tou ge, this……” 

“I rented this place. I’m graduating soon and I need to find a job. It’s inconvenient for me to stay in the dorm so I rented this house.” 

Shi Lei took the thermal container from Sun Yiyi’s hand and said: “Hurry up and come in, why are you standing at the door?” 

“Ok!” Sun Yiyi took off her shoes and walked in, looking slightly intimidated. 

Shi Lei turned around and spoke: “Why are you taking off your shoes? It’s such a cold day today. Oh, woops, I forgot to buy slippers for you so just wear your own shoes in. My friends are also coming later and they will probably make a mess here.” 

Sun Yiyi put her shoes back on and her eyes glowed at the furnishings of the house. 

“The furnishings are so nice, it must be expensive!” 

Shi Lei hesitated for a while but didn’t tell the truth: “I didn’t really pay for it. This is Wei Qing’s house from the other day. He furnished this place long time ago but didn’t live here. He heard that I wanted to rent the house, he let me stay here without having to pay too much. He said, it’s empty anyways, if I live here, I can look after it for him.” 

Sun Yiyi nodded and opened the thermal container on the table for Shi Lei: “You were busy with this house for the whole day? You are definitely hungry, right? I should’ve made some food for you.” 

“It’s okay, I’ll have some soup first, rest for a while and we’ll go out for supper.” 

While Shi Lei was drinking the soup, Sun Yiyi was looking around the house. The more she observed, the more she liked the house. 

“Do you like the house? It’s a shame that there’s only one room. If there were two rooms, I can pick you and aunt up to live here together.” Shi Lei had thought about this before, except he was worried about the weekly sum and also worried that Sun Yiyi’s mother would turn the offer down. This was such a nice house and it won’t matter how Shi Lei explained it, an adult couldn’t be fooled as easily as Sun Yiyi. She wouldn’t be able to afford the rent and if he paid for her, she probably wouldn’t move in either. 

“I can’t afford to live in such a nice house. After a few months, when my Mum recovers, I would be more than happy if we can go back to a house like the one we had before.” 

Shi Lei was taken back by her words. He felt sympathetic for her as he stared at her. 

“s.h.i.tou ge isn’t doing much right now, but just wait, I’ll definitely be rich in the future. When that time comes, I’ll buy a house so you and aunt can also live here, the furnishings wouldn’t be worse than here too... “ 

When he was speaking, the doorbell rang again. This time, Shi Lei familiarly pressed down the ‘call’ b.u.t.ton and the pig face of Zhang Mo appeared on the screen. Except that his face was so large that he couldn’t fit more than half of his face into the screen, but from the gap on the side, Shi Lei could see that Xu Yi and Luo Ming also tagged along. 

“I opened the door, come up yourself.” Shi Lei pressed the ‘unlock’ b.u.t.ton and continued to drink his soup by the table. 

Zhang Mo was rather excited and yelled in the corridor: “Holy s.h.i.t, s.h.i.tou, aren’t you awesome one?! Such a luxurious apartment, hurry the f.u.c.k up and open the door for me.” 

Shi Lei opened the door and pulled a long face: “Can you be any louder yelling in the corridor? The security guard might kick you out.” 

“d.a.m.n, you and your house are both extravagant. Emperor, did you just move into a palace? This furnishing……” Zhang Mo began to yell as soon as he entered the door without thinking whether he needed to take off his shoes or not. Xun Yi, who was behind Zhang Mo, asked: “Do we need to take off our shoes?” 

Shi Lei waved his hands: “I don’t have that many slippers for you all. You guys’ feet are stinky so just come in like that.” All three of them came in and Zhang Mo was still talking: “You little brat, a wealthy person like you, rent…… No, you should definitely buy a house with at least three bedrooms. Or you should just buy a mansion and let us bros live with you? It’ll be easier for us pick up on girls too. We can just take her to the mansion and boom! We could do whatever we want with them…… Oh, someone’s here!” When Zhang Mo finished speaking, he finally realised that there was Sun Yiyi sitting in there. She was blushing furiously and Shi Lei was speechless. 

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