The Black Card

Chapter 112 - I’m Your Aunt

Chapter 112 - I’m Your Aunt

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Without realising, Shi Lei stayed up till late night and he was extremely energised. He felt overly excited for no reason and laughed from time to time. 

When he laughed every time, he would turn around and check on Sun Yiyi. He made sure that Sun Yiyi was still sound asleep and he giggled in a low voice again.  

Although it was only 3,250 yuan, but Shi Lei felt like it was his first actual victory against the Scepter. 

Previously, the Scepter cursed at him all it wanted and even attempted to lie to him to make Shi Lei its slave willingly just like those people before him. Even if it was only the address of ‘slave’, Shi Lei said ‘no’ to it. Why would he be its slave? Especially something that wasn’t even a living being. 

Today, he felt the Scepter’s loathe deeply. It was not the angry for no reason type, but the Scepter was really provoked by Shi Lei, and it was furious from its helplessness. It was like a child who hated his teacher, but also could not do anything to his teacher. 

Subst.i.tuting with the internet slang right now, it would be “I like the look of you when you hate me but can’t kill me”. 

Shi Lei felt great!

Extremely great! Not to mention that his own funds were also reinforced. 

The 9,300 yuan from before and the 1,500 yuan living expenses from his parents were his own money. 

Plus the tutoring fees from Zhang Liangliang, Shi Lei’s property had increased to a few yuan short till 11,100 yuan. Now, he had increased it by 3,250 yuan, which meant that his overall funds had reached 14,170 yuan. Without counting the money he received from the Black Card, this was the highest amount of money Shi Lei ever had in his whole life. 

Don’t look down on this 10,000 yuan as it was the basis of his life. Although he had already used the investment card’s three chances to check stocks, but there’s also next month. As soon as he grasped good investment opportunities, his funds will increase and so will his profits. What Shi Lei needed to do right now was to increase his funds as much as possible. 

Of course, it was mainly because he won against the Scepter. Although it was small and didn’t affect things on a big scale, but Shi Lei firmly believed that if he had these small victories, eventually he will be able to overpower the Scepter. After all, all great victories were acc.u.mulated from small victories. 

Fighting! Shi Lei, you can do it! You can definitely defeat the Scepter or even the Black Card! One day, you can escape from them and spend money however you want! 

Although he was indeed tired, but he was so high-spirited that he even increased the efficiency in reading the investment books. He now understood concepts which he couldn’t understand before, perhaps even thoroughly. This thought pushed and motivated Shi Lei to absorb all the knowledges from the books. He needed to become stronger, and he needed to become stronger as soon as possible. 

Shi Lei heard a soft exclaim from behind. He put down his book and turned around, seeing that Sun Yiyi woke up with her eyes half closed. 

She squinted her eyes and realised that Shi Lei was sitting in front of her. She didn’t notice where she was and asked in confusion: “s.h.i.tou ge, why are you here?” 

Shi Lei smiled but kept silent. Sun Yiyi opened her eyes fully and realised that she wasn’t at home, but…… 

Oh my G.o.d, I’m at s.h.i.tou ge’s house! Did he do anything to me?! —— Sun Yiyi looked down in horror and realised that she was still neatly dressed. Other than the bear vest which was taken off by Shi Lei, she was still wearing everything else. Not to mention that Shi Lei even covered her with a think blanket. 

Although girls would always worry this kind of thing, but when she finally realised that she was lying there and Shi Lei didn’t do anything to her, she was rather disappointed. 

Shi Lei did not think that much but perceived Sun Yiyi’s concern. He said: “Idiot, don’t worry, I would never take advantage of you when you are unconscious. Even if I wanted to do it, I definitely wouldn’t do it when you are drunk. I will…… Hehe, do it with you are conscious……” 

Sun Yiyi blushed instantly and all the worries previously disappeared as she was haunted by Shi Lei’s word of ‘do’. 

Shi Lei got off the bed and quickly said: “Don’t drink if you can’t. You were so light weight and you didn’t know how I had to drag you home! Don’t leave the bed, just lay down, I’m reading a book.” 

Sun Yiyi said in a small voice: “I want to go to the bathroom…...” 

Shi Lei laughed and Sun Yiyi quickly ran to the bathroom in embarra.s.sment. Quickly, Shi Lei heard the soft sound of water and he couldn’t control himself but to picture Sun Yiyi sitting on the toilet. 

Tsk…… So perverted! 

After Sun Yiyi came out, she was fully awake. She also realised that it was almost 2:30AM. She panicked and quickly ran over: “s.h.i.tou ge, why didn’t you wake me up? It’s this late already, my Mum will scold me.” 

Of course Shi Lei knew that a young girl like Sun Yiyi who didn’t go back home was very worrying, but her mother knew that she was with him. If it was someone else, she would’ve called her a thousand times already. 

“Put the vest on and I’ll drive you home. But after you go back, don’t tell Aunty that you were drunk. Say that we went to the movies after dinner and we were hungry after that, so we also went for supper, and we didn’t tell her because we didn’t want to wake her up from sleep.” 

Sun Yiyi pondered for a while and nodded: “Mhm. If I say I was drunk, Mum won’t be happy about it.” 

After they went downstairs, Sun Yiyi spoke again: “I’m never drinking again.” 

Shi Lei laughed loudly and said: “Idiot, you can just drink one gla.s.s. Why did you drink that much?” 

Sun Yiyi blushed and said: “That’s because the waiter said I could refill for free. So I thought, since the alcohol was that expensive at the price of more than 100 yuan, I thought that the more I drank, the cheaper it would become. I drank four and it was about 30 yuan for one gla.s.s. It would be worth even less if I could drink another three” 

Shi Lei was impressed by her economic thinking. 

Shi Lei got into the car with Sun Yiyi and sent her home. He urged her to text him after she’s in bed and asked the driver to drive back to where they came from. 

After he got off, the driver looked at Shi Lei seriously and earnestly said: “Man, you are a good guy.” 

Shi Lei was blank for a few seconds and as he watched the car disappeared into the darkness, he finally realised what the driver meant. The driver meant that Shi Lei didn’t keep such a beautiful girl at his apartment but sent her home, hence he made the comment. 

Sun Yiyi messaged Shi Lei at this time and said: Mum said you shouldn’t buy clothes for me anymore. She said that we already owe you a lot and we can’t keep doing this. 

Shi Lei replied: Tell Aunty that she married you to me when were young. It’s natural for me buy clothes for you. 

Sun Yiyi didn’t reply for quite a while and obviously it was because she didn’t know what to reply to this. After Shi Lei entered his room, she finally sent another text. Shi Lei glanced and it said: s.h.i.tou, I’m your Aunty. Thank you for helping us like this, and thank you for liking Yiyi. I’m very happy to see you say this,  It wasn’t in vain when I took care of you when you were young. 

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