The Black Card

Chapter 11 - 1 VS 3

 Chapter 11 - 1 VS 3

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Red light was shocked and he threw another punch at Shi Lei. He backed away, attempting to break free from Shi Lei’s grasp on his clothes.

Shi Lei held onto red light tightly and ripped his shirt apart, red light panicked and swore at him: “s.h.i.t! How dare you rip the new clothes I just bought last year? Do you f.u.c.king know what brand this is? Baleno! You ripped it……” Being extremely furious, red light entirely forgot that he just took away 300 yuan from Shi Lei, which was enough to buy a new shirt. Plus, it was already November, last year’s clothes could not be considered as new……

With two continuous kicks, Shi Lei fell backwards, at the same time ripped red light’s clothes into two parts.

Looking at the other half of his clothes in Shi Le’s hands, red light was even angrier. Because last time went too smoothly, red light did not think that Shi Lei would resist this time, and he even thought of something good before, that this is the last time he will borrow money from Shi Lei, making it three times. It did not matter how much money he would ‘borrow’ from Shi Lei, but there will not be a fourth time. The ancestors said ‘Do not do anything more than three times’, red light thought that he was really a thug with dignity 

But this time, he merely borrowed 300 yuan, it was not even enough for a meal of crayfish, but this guy was resisting so stubbornly.

“How dare you rip my f.u.c.king clothes! My shirt is Jeanswest limited edition, do you know how much it’s worth? If you give me 2,000 yuan right now, I’ll let you go, if not……”

Yellow light stared blankly as his leader, and said uncontrollably: “Head, you just said it was Baleno……”

Red light’s words were cut, he stared at yellow light, displeased, became even more irritated: “What’s Baleno?”

Green light hurried up and added: “Head, you just said your clothes were Baleno, just now you said Jeanswest……”

Red light went blank for a second, then swore out of embarra.s.sment: “Is that important? Is that important? I can say whatever I want about my own clothes, is it any of your business if I say it is Metersbonwe? f.u.c.k, which side are you guys on?”

As he finished saying this, he rewarded yellow and green light with a kick each.

These two finally realised what they should be doing, immediately surrounded Shi Lei fiercely, who just took the chance and crawled up from the ground.

Shi Lei was speechless against these three weird thugs. If it was not for him being beat up by them, he might even laugh.

The pain on his body and the threat before his eyes made Shi Lei realise that even though these thugs’ physiques were small and thin, while he could more or less be considered as buff, he still couldn’t win. However, not even Hercules could contend against two at once, so Shi Lei did not think that it was possible for him to beat these three to the ground.

But the Scepter’s threat rang in his ears. Even if it was only 300 yuan, he did not want to take the risk of losing anything.

Getting beat up by these three was only physical pain. Against the Scepter, he had no power to resist and Shi Lei did not dare to have any thoughts of fluking it.

Shi Lei was a good kid who never really fought with others since childhood. Under the situation of 1 VS 3, he was rather provoked.

He stared at the three thugs, he suddenly yelled and raised his fist towards red light.

The three also did not think that Shi Lei still dared to fight back under such a situation, and the person he aimed for was their leader.

The fist landed on red light’s eye socket, making him unable to see anything. The world was filled with black stars.

Yellow and green light did not know what to do, and stared in disbelief at red light who covered his eyes.

Shi Lei did not let the chance slip, he immediately threw another fist, and landed heavily on red light’s nose bridge……

Blood gushed out……

Although Shi Lei never really fought before, but the almost 180 cm height with a 70 kg body without any fat was not given to him in vain either. If it was a 1v1, none of these three could have been his match. Shi Lei’s only disadvantages was that he did not have any experiences in fighting and was not ruthless enough.

But now, even though fighting experiences would not just appear out of thin air, but the ruthlessness had been forced out by the thugs.

“Give me back my money!” Shi Lei roared furiously once again, another fist fell on red light’s other eye.

Red light fell down with both hands covering his eyes. Gold light shone in front of his eyes, as if walked into a new world built by gold, and rolled on the ground in pain.

Green and yellow light finally reacted; one swung a fist, the other raised a leg at the same time. Shi Lei, who did not have any experiences in fighting, once again, had been put down on the ground.

But this time, Shi Lei did not attempt to crawl back up. He even ignored yellow and green light, who were beating and kicking him, but crawled towards red light who was unable to stand up just like him. He sat on red light, hitting him fist by fist.

Shi Lei would hit red light for every fist that was thrown to him. Physical fitness did not let down Shi Lei. Yellow and green light were exhausted, they began to pant after merely a few fists and their beatings grew weaker and weaker. But Shi Lei’s punches were extremely powerful, plus, that red light was also exhausted, and he began to beg for forgiveness after a short while.

“Stop hitting me, aiyo, stop…… Forgive me!”

Yellow and green light were also in a daze. They were used to to bullying others as they were more in numbers. Usually, the people they pick up were honest children who never dared to fight back, moreover, they had never seen someone who was as reckless as Shi Lei.

These two also stopped helplessly.

Shi Lei punched red light twice more as he could no longer feel pain on his body, and yelled hysterically: “Are you going to give me back my money or not?”

Red light did not dare to say another word, he wriggled shakily on the floor, but was unable to move as Shi Lei sat on him, and almost sobbed: “Bro, get off me, I can’t get the money if you are sitting on me like this……” Shi Lei did not bother saying anything, he reached and searched his pockets, and finally found three 100 yuan paper notes.

After placing the money carefully into his own pockets, Shi Lei finally got off red light and stood up.

Seeing that green and yellow light had the means of punching him again, Shi Lei kicked red light again as he let out a yell like a pig being slaughtered. As if he understood the reason behind Shi Lei’s kick, he yelled towards his followers in a hurry: “Move to the side, don’t fight……”

Yellow and green light exchanged glances with each other, they had no choice but to take a step back.

Red light struggled to sit up, feeling like Shi Lei broke his bones. With a bruised and b.l.o.o.d.y face, he panted: “Bro, can I ask why you are only hitting me?”

Shi Lei widened his eyes and shouted: “You have my f.u.c.king money!”

“But they also beat you a lot……” Red light was almost dead from crying.

Shi Lei thought that what red light said was right, so, he abruptly turned around……

Perhaps because of his frightful presence, yellow and green light were scared by Shi Lei’s glare. They looked at red light, who was filled with wounds, scars and traces of blood on his face, and they were horrified. 

“Sir, we can talk this out, don’t use violence……”

Shi Lei did not think about anything and took a large step forward. Seeing green light step backwards, making him out of reach, he immediately changed his target and smacked yellow light.

Yellow light let out a shrilling cry: “Leader, you are cheating, don’t do this to us!”

Shi Lei threw another punch, followed by a kick and yellow light fell on the ground. Green light was flurried at the sight of this, he turned around and ran away. Red light also crawled up from the ground in a hurry, and fled as quickly as possible.

Red, yellow and green light all sprinted away as Shi Lei chased after them while swinging his fist in the air……

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