The Black Card

Chapter 120 - Finished Spending This Week’s Sum

Chapter 120 - Finished Spending This Week’s Sum

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei seemed very nervous, so the doctor smiled and said: “Mr. Shi, there’s no need to be nervous. The other situation wouldn’t be too bad either. Because from my observation, the patient’s situation wasn’t from rejection reaction. If it really was, it wouldn’t appear after the wound’s healed already. So, you don’t need to worry too much. The other possibility I was talking about is inflammation. If that’s the case, she may need to stay in the hospital for a period of time. If it is inflammation near the heart, she needs an extremely clean environment to heal. It isn’t something as simple as a wound getting infected, if that’s the situation, you may need to prepare about 10,000 yuan of medical fees.” 

After Shi Lei heard this, he was completely relieved whilst Sun Yiyi began to worry. 

She began to think how much money she had in her bank card, how much cash she had, but she didn’t even have about 3,000 yuan. If that was really the case, she couldn’t even afford the fees. 

Shi Lei noticed Sun Yiyi’s concerns and held her hands. Her small hands were frozen and Shi Lei rubbed them lightly as he hoped to warm her hands up. 

“Yiyi, don’t worry, the worst situation would be 10,000 yuan of medical fees. I know that you don’t have money, but I have it. If that’s the case, you can tell aunty that inflammation is also part of the surgery process, so the hospital would be responsible for majority of the fees, and she just needs to worry about the hospitalisation fees. This way, she wouldn’t make her situation worse by worrying about money.” 

Sun Yiyi looked at Shi Lei and knew that there was no other way. The only person she could rely on right now was Shi Lei anyways. 

“Thank you, s.h.i.tou ge.” 

“This girl, there’s no need to thank me. This is what I should be doing!” 

The doctor also laughed: “Little girl, you really found a good boyfriend. He’s willing to pay for your mother’s illness and he’s considering everything from your perspective, I’ve never seen that before. You should cherish him.” 

Sun Yiyi glanced at Shi Lei while blushing. She remained silent, lowered her head, and felt the sweetness in her heart but also worried that Shi Lei was going to mention that they were not in a relationship. 

Obviously, Shi Lei didn’t say anything as he patiently waited for the results. He had a thought and spoke to Sun Yiyi: “This isn’t the first time that she’s not feeling well, right? Before, she made it through all by herself. Remember, it doesn’t matter what she says in the future, but if you realise that she’s unwell in any way, just call me. I will make her come to the hospital even if she doesn’t want to. Right now, you two shouldn’t think about anything, her health is most important at the moment. Your lives can only go back to before if she’s well enough to work again, do you understand?” 

Sun Yiyi blinked and nodded. Silently, she felt that she could rely on Shi Lei more again and she couldn’t keep her gaze away from him. 

After the results came out, the doctor took his time and finally smiled: “Congratulations, there are not much problems. It is the first possibility that I talked about earlier. The reason why this lady is feeling unwell is because of her worrying and concerns, and from the checks, I can see that she’s recovering quite well and her heart is fully adapted to the surgery. I’ll prescribe more medicine to strengthen it even more. During this time, the patient should attempt to walk around for a bit. If the quality of air is good, then she can go outside for a while. Since it’s still during recovery period, it shouldn’t exceed twenty minutes each time and walk slowly. When she’s home, she can also sit up and watch the TV. Don’t lay down all the time. It’s winter and you’ll feel unwell if you lay down all the time. All in all, just make sure that her mood is as good as possible. The more relaxed she is, the faster and better her body will heal.” 

After this, all three of them were completely relieved. The medicine fees weren’t too much and Shi Lei didn’t oppose Sun Yiyi paying for it as he knew that Sun Yiyi’s mother definitely wouldn’t agree him to pay for it. 

He called for a taxi and sent them home. As soon as they walked into the house, Sun Yiyi’s mother said that Sun Yiyi hasn’t eaten dinner yet, and Shi Lei probably didn’t either, so she quickly let them go out for dinner. 

Shi Lei understood that Sun Yiyi’s mother wanted to create an opportunity for them to spend some time alone, however Sun Yiyi was worried about her mother and didn’t want to leave. Shi Lei didn’t want to disappoint her mother and dragged her out of the house. 

It wasn’t that Shi Lei was immature to think that spending time alone was more important than her health. After this interruption, he still had about 3,000 yuan left for this week. He must spend it as he could hardly imagine what sort of punishment he would receive. 3,000 yuan was more than 3% of 100,000 yuan. Last time was the foreskin, but this time it may be the whole thing. 

He couldn’t talk to Sun Yiyi about this and he must drag her out to spend money. 

Because the doctor said that her mother’s situation was mainly caused by worries and concerns, Shi Lei gained some knowledge of agarwood’s effects in that strange agarwood shop. 

Of course, agarwood wasn’t only used to make bracelets or decoration. As a spice, it’s biggest use was the fragrance that’s emitted after being burnt or added in medicine. From the medical books which were recorded down thousands of years ago, agarwood could calm and soothe people and it was obvious that it would be useful in Sun Yiyi’s mother’s case. 

Hence, Shi Lei wasn’t in a hurry to eat. He called for a taxi, quickly took Sun Yiyi to a mall which was still open and found an incense store. 

Shi Lei knew this shop before, except he didn’t really understand what was sold there. After he learnt about agarwood in that shop, he did some research and now knew the shop well. 

He knew that all the incenses there were of rather good quality. The price they labelled didn’t not allow any bargaining so the Scepter wouldn’t blame him for anything. 

Sun Yiyi couldn’t understand why Shi Lei brought her there. Shi Lei taught her some basics of the agarwood and she was surprised: “Isn’t this only used by Buddhists? Is it really beneficial for Mum’s health?”

The shop a.s.sistant heard and walked over with a smile: “You may not know much about agarwood. It has a long history. Same as the art of tea ceremony, they are both crowned with ‘dao’(1), which means that it has became an acknowledgment due to its depth. The art of incenses is related to Buddhism but it’s definitely not limited to that. The use for incenses is extremely wide and even Western perfumes were closely connected to our incenses many years ago. Agarwood, as the best out of the four incenses, indeed has the effect of calming and soothing people’s emotions just as what this mister said. If you burn it inside a room, people will be soothed and drift further from sadness.” 

“If that’s really the case, it would be beneficial for Mum’s health!” 

Without another word, Shi Lei chose an electric incense burner and some agarwood with more fat. 

It wasn’t much, only ten grams, but because the density of the agarwood blocks are quite low, plus that all agarwood used for incense burning were hollow in the middle, ten grams seemed like a small pile. 

Because Shi Lei paid for it without letting Sun Yiyi know, she definitely didn’t realise that the agarwood’s price was calculated in grams, hence, she didn’t react too much when she saw the price range of a hundred. 

Shi Lei chose the better quality agarwood, of course. Ten grams of it was about 2,000 yuan and with the incense burner, it was close to 3,000 yuan. 


Dao: means ‘art’ or ‘skill’ in this case

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