The Black Card

Chapter 123 - Er’jie’s Overwhelming Victory Against the Lawyer 

Chapter 123 - Er’jie’s Overwhelming Victory Against the Lawyer 

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Zhang Meimei really didn’t expect her daughter to be silver-tongued. She even thought that she should even train her in law so she could follow after herself. 

Although what Zhang Liangliang said were still excuses, but Zhang Meimei couldn’t deny that it was a possibility as she was terrified that day due to her neglectance. 

Shi Lei was unable to make any sense of what just happened. He only spoke a few words and the other side was muted without any sound. Shi Lei said ‘h.e.l.lo?’ so many times yet Zhang Meimei ignored him. 

“What the h.e.l.l?” Shi Lei mumbled as he hung up, hesitating whether he should call again or not. 

On the other, Zhang Meimei sighed and hugged Zhang Liangliang: “It was my fault for neglecting you. You had it hard this year. I won’t be like this anymore……” 

“This year? Do you really think that I wanted to stay with that Dad of mine? It’s not like you don’t know him, he can’t even take care of himself, how can he take care of me? Let’s not mention anything else first, ever since I started middle school, it’s basically me who’s taking care of him. You get up early, then I wake up. Not only do I not have breakfast, but I needed to go out and buy it for him too. After I come back from getting breakfast, he doesn’t even want to get up, but what can I do? I just have to get my bag and go to school. After I come back from school, there was nothing but getting food delivery and he didn’t even bother to change anything. Luckily you gave me enough so I can buy some pizza or hamburgers sometimes, or just eat outside then come out, otherwise, your daughter is probably dead by now. You don’t even raise your pet like the way he raised me, you know?” 

Zhang Meimei was shocked. This was her first time hearing about Zhang Liangliang’s life before she divorced her ex-husband. Her eyes were filled with tears and sobbed: “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?! No wonder you aren’t close with your Dad at all. I applied for the prohibition order at the court so he can’t come and see you, you didn’t care at all and never asked me to visit him.” 

“I told you ages ago when I was in middle school first year. But what did you say? He told you that I’m already in middle school and needed to be more independent, so, you ended up scolding saying that ‘oh when I was at your age, I blah blah blah’, which made me feel that I was immature as h.e.l.l. Afterwards, I felt really wronged twice and you didn’t even believe that my Dad would treat his daughter like this, you even said I was lying…..” 

Zhang Meimei shouldn’t control herself but to hug Zhang Liangliang tightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks and wetted the blanket. Now, she finally understood why Zhang Liangliang’s behaviour was so violent after they divorced. Indeed, it was because she gave too little attention and care to her. She decided that she will definitely balance work and family so that she can treat Zhang Liangliang better. 

As a result, she wanted to use her free time more efficiently. She wiped away her tears and said: “Er’jie, I’m not going to office. Right now, all I feel is regret. Let me spend some time with you, I’ll turn off my phone, leave my laptop at home and I promise I won’t neglect you like last time, okay?” 

Zhang Liangliang still seemed that she didn’t care. She blinked and said: “It’s fine, don’t be like it’s too late to regret or something, fortunately I grew up well so you should at least thank s.h.i.tou dashu? Without him, you wouldn’t understand anything. Ah, you are a successful woman who’s almost 40 years old, yet you were educated by a guy who hasn"t even graduated from university yet. Now that you regretted it and want to spend time with me, aren’t you mistreating him?” 

Zhang Meimei was blank: “Huh? Maybe a little?” 

“That’s fine then, isn’t it? Hurry up and tell him that Er’jie is looking for him for the present. Tell him to wash up and wait for me……” 

“What wash up……” 

Zhang Liangliang laughed carelessly and said: “It’s a joke. Don’t worry, your daughter won’t jump onto a man yet.” 

Zhang Liangliang was completely speechless as she realized that she really had difficulties communicating with her. 

After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Meimei asked: “You really don’t want me to take you to play?” 

“What can you do with me? Amus.e.m.e.nt park again? Fine, you are too scared to play, but you don’t even let me play. Just forget about it, I’m not that interested in it either. I wanna go to the arcade and play some games, can you come with me? But I don’t think you understand any of those games? I want to be crazy and shout on the street, drink some coffee while at Karaoke, do you dare to do it? If you really have the guts to do it, wouldn’t the others think that you are a weirdo and arrest you? I want to climb the mountain……” 

“I can probably do that……” Zhang Meimei quickly spoke, “I have good stamina.” 

“We only climb the mountain for the sake of having a barbeque at the top of the mountain. It’s really smoky and do you think you can stand it? So, Mrs. Zhang Meimei, don’t force yourself to do this. Us young people’s activities, you really can’t do it at your age. Please let me have some peaceful time and hang out with people of my own age!” 

Zhang Meimei was helpless. Shi finally realised that her life was too strict and stiff, the generation gap between her and Zhang Liangliang was immense. 

As to Shi Lei, she now fully trusted him. She picked up her phone and called him back. 

“Mr. Xiao Shi, I’m sorry, the reception was bad and the call was disconnected.” 

Shi Lei replied: “Right, I was wondering how come your voice was muted. I thought that you were busy so I didn’t dare to call you back.” 

“Mr. Xiao Shi, today’s situation is that I originally don’t have much things to do, but Er’jie said that she wants her present, so you probably have to take the trouble and come here today. I wanted to ask, how is your girlfriend’s mother’s health going? Are you done with her check ups?” 

Shi Lei quickly replied: “It was done last night. There wasn’t any big problem, so it shouldn’t be a problem for me to come over.”  

“Aiyo, I’m so sorry to trouble you. Er’jie said that it’s hard for me to hang out with her due to our age difference and really wanted you to give her the present thing.”

“It’s fine, I promised her anyway, there was just an emergency yesterday.” 

“How about this, I’ll pay for all of your expenses today, don’t argue with me on that. Also, I want to increase your pay to 100 yuan per hour. Today might be longer and I’ll calculate as a normal working day of eight hours, 800 yuan, are you ok with it?” Shi Lei was delighted; how lucky am I? But why did you have to pay for all the expenses? Are you looking down on me?! It was such a good opportunity to spend money yet you ruined that!

But since Zhang Meimei already spoke up, Shi Lei could only agree so that the Scepter won’t have anything to say against him. 

“Ok, I’ll go to your place in an hour or so, please ask Er’jie to get ready.” With that, Shi Lei hung up, got off the bed and left. 

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