The Black Card

Chapter 140 – Three People’s thoughts

Chapter 140 – Three People’s thoughts

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Zhang Mo turned around and glanced at Xu Yi and Luo Ming. The two of them were winking at him so much that their eyeb.a.l.l.s were falling out of their sockets.

“Are you going to say it or not?” Shi Lei couldn’t help saying as he saw that fatty twisting his fat body.

Zhang Mo seemed to make the decision. “s.h.i.tou, I―no, us three―we want to borrow some money from you.” The fatty said bashfully and Shi Lei was disgusted.

“Borrow money? How much? For what?” He couldn’t lend the money from the total sum he had to spend because it must be returned before as Shi Lei needed to spend it before then. But he also had some money of his own so it wasn’t a big deal to lend it to people with whom he’d been friends with for several years.

“Not how much…but…” The fatty began to act shyly as if he was too embarra.s.sed to speak.

“If you’re not going to say it, then forget it!”

“No…” Luo Ming quickly grabbed onto Shi Lei with a strange smile on his face.

Xu Yi also grabbed Shi Lei and hesitantly said, “We…we are…”

Shi Lei crossed his arms and looked at them, waiting to see what they were going to say.

Finally, Zhang Mo clenched his teeth and stomped. “It’s almost Christmas and we want to buy a present for our girlfriends. But we are short on money so we want to borrow some from you!”

Shi Lei was dumbfounded. He looked at Luo Ming and Xu Yi. Although these guys looked ordinary, the university was filled with ordinary-looking girls too. They were locals in the end and it was normal for them to find a girlfriend.

But Shi Lei looked at Zhang Mo. This guy was…interesting.

He stared at Zhang Mo and said, “You have one too?”

“He does!” Luo Ming said for him.

Shi Lei laughed. “Buying presents isn’t the main thing, is it? You guys want to get the girls by using an occasion like Christmas Eve, right?”

The three of them were embarra.s.sed and Shi Lei didn’t know what to say.

He studied Zhang Mo’s body shape again, it was a water bucket―no, wait, a water tower…Shi Lei couldn’t help but blurt out, “Holy s.h.i.t, which girl is that blind? Did she not have eyes ever since she was born? Isn’t she scared that she’ll be crushed by you?”

“f.u.c.k off!” Zhang Mo couldn’t hold it anymore.

Shi Lei thought that since it was an important affair in life, and they’d been friends for more than three years, he should help them in what ways he could. Still, he prayed silently for three minutes for the girl who was giving herself to Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo chuckled and said, “Well, we don’t know what else to do. You have the money, so…Don’t worry, we are just borrowing it from you. We will definitely return it once we have money.”

Luo Ming quickly added, “We don"t even have to have our party days anymore. Honestly, you’ve always treated us and we feel bad about it. We asked you today only because we really don’t know what else to do.”  

Xu Yi then said, “Yeah, we are not going today, and we won’t in the future. Just think of it as giving us the money you are using to treat us. There definitely won’t be a next time…”

Shi Lei thought, I would like to, but treating you and giving money to you are two completely different concepts, and the Scepter needs to at least agree.

But looking at their panicked expressions, he considered that perhaps they really did find girlfriends. With the living expenses their families were giving them, it would be difficult to even treat their girlfriends to a meal.

When he was about to ask how much they wanted, Xu Yi let out a strange yelp. He picked up the garbage can and pulled out a pair of wrinkled, skin-colored stockings as if he was discovering a new, uninhabited land…

“Holy s.h.i.t, s.h.i.tou, what the h.e.l.l is going on? You need to tell us.”

Zhang Mo and Luo Ming both turned their heads and seemed extremely excited after they looked at it. “Something happened, something must’ve happened, and according to my numerous years of experience, this definitely isn’t Yiyi’s.”

“Exactly, I’ve never seen Yiyi wear stockings before. It’s so sheer, too. It must belong to a s.e.xy beauty!”

As the three of them were bombarding him with questions. Shi Lei couldn’t explain to them and insisted, “Just a friend. She was over for a while and accidentally spilled drinks on it, so she took it off and threw it away.”

“Bulls.h.i.t! How many girls would wear stockings in this weather? Something definitely happened!”

“Right. She sat here for a while. Make it clear, did you guys make love or sit for a while!?”

Luo Ming and Xu Yi pondered for a long time before realizing the difference between the two zuo(1). They gave Zhang Mo the thumbs up and complimented, “You’re the real older driver(2) here!”

Shi Lei was speechless. He didn’t want to explain more and he spoke loudly, “Stop! Do you still want to borrow money or not?”

The three of them were immediately shushed. Compared to gossip about Shi Lei’s private life, they were more concerned about the happiness of the lower half of their bodies. At the same time, they looked at Shi Lei as if they were animals waiting to be fed.

Shi Lei said, feeling as if he didn’t have a choice, “You can borrow money from me, but only this time. Don’t expect me to lend money to you every time you guys get a room! I’m mainly concerned about your body. Young people should have self-control…”

“Control your a.s.s! Tell us what’s up with the stockings!”

Shi Lei chuckled and said evasively, “Right. Tell me, how much do you want?”

The three of exchanged glances for a while and eventually, Zhang Mo had the guts to say “It’s more than enough to have a thousand!” After a moment of consideration, he added, “A thousand for each of us! We’ll give it back when we have money!”

Shi Lei didn’t hesitate too much. It was only three thousand altogether and he could afford to lend it to them, as his funds were far more than that.  Except his plan of investing would definitely have to wait. And Shi Lei didn’t plan to ask them to return it as their friendship was way more important than money.

“A thousand, but there’s no next time. I don’t care about this money, but treating you guys is for the sake of our friendship. Money always ruins friendships and we don’t want our friendship to be ruined because of it.”

“Nice! As expected, the emperor is impressive!” The three of them cheered.

Afterwards, Zhang Mo earnestly said, “s.h.i.tou, we’ll remember this. After we find a job and earn money, we will definitely give it back to you.”

The other two followed Zhang Mo and nodded. Shi Lei laughed. “It’s fine. Wait until after you guys find a job. Don’t be in such a hurry.”

“We won’t rip you off for our party on Wednesdays. Us four bros will gather and just have a drink!” The three of them declared.

But Shi Lei said, “I don"t really care about that because I’m not short on money. Let’s go find a crayfish place to go!”

“Really?” The three of them looked at each other.

Shi Lei waved his hands. “We must!” The three of them cheered again. They surrounded Shi Lei and walked out, securely shutting the door and following closely behind him.

While they ate, they were still rather embarra.s.sed as if they were reflecting on their recent actions, but they didn’t forget to borrow a thousand yuan each before they left.

“Shameless a.s.sholes!” Shi Lei smiled bitterly as he sent them home and went back to his apartment. As he was bored, he opened Qidian on his phone and noticed that the author of ‘The Best Fortune Teller’ wrote a new book. It seemed interesting. The comment section was blowing up and many people praised him.  


1.     Zuo: the word for sit is ‘zuo’, and the word for make love is ‘zuo ai’, and it was a pun of these two words

2.     Old driver: internet slang for someone who’s particular knowledgeable in one area, usually afflicted with the s.e.xual aspect

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