The Black Card

Chapter 155 - Spending So Easily 

Chapter 155 - Spending So Easily 

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Since there was only 3,000 yuan left, Shi Lei spent it rather easily before midnight on 

He went to tutor Er’jie on both and Sunday and now Zhang Meimei was extremely enthusiastic when she saw him. 

It had already been four weeks since he became a level one employee, and the amount of money refreshed to 100,000 yuan again. Shi Lei thought that if his consumptions reached the Black Card’s expectations, then he might be able to reach level two next week. 

Would level two really be a million per week? 

That seemed hard. 

After all, there were so much restrictions to possible consumptions and the limits were rather blurry. 

Even though he knew it would be difficult, Shi Lei still looked forward to leveling up. 

The main point was that there was a reward after leveling up, especially some special rewards that couldn’t be measured by money. And it was also possible to draw a prize. 

Shi Lei set his sights on the intimacy card. Since he knew of the existence of the card, he could at least know clearly whether he could spend money on someone or not when he used it, and know with whom he’d reached a high enough intimacy level. This way, it would much easier for Shi Lei to spend money. And he believed that intimacy had different levels. For example, for the three guys from his dorm, Shi Lei could only treat them and problems may occur if he ever gave them money or bought things for them. But for his parents, Sun Yiyi, and even Wei Xingyue, the circ.u.mstances were different. He was even closer to Wei Xingyue than Sun Yiyi, and it would be fine for him to give her things. Of course, that was under the condition that they used the presents themselves. 

And that was reason why Shi Lei had the money and yet didn’t dare to buy things for his parents. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to demonstrate filial piety toward them, but because he was worried that if bought things for them, they would leave them there unused. Such an action may cause Shi Lei to lose his life within the short span of a week. He would hold onto it a bit longer, wait until he returned to Run Zhou on holiday, then buy things for them and supervise their use of it. 

When the amount of money refreshed after a week, Shi Lei remembered something else: the incense he bought at Yu Banzhi’s place. Since he didn’t lose any money for that, Shi Lei believed that Yu Banzhi really didn’t want him to spend money inappropriately and was not baiting him. Shi Lei even thought that the incense would be a great cost-efficient deal, but he forgot to ask the Scepter. Although the deal may have been cost-efficient, the amount wouldn’t be that big and Shi Lei forgot about it. 

And it was strange how Wei Xingyue seemed to disappear after leaving that note behind for him that day. He didn’t see her nor receive any calls. Not even a WeChat message. 

Shi Lei even checked Wei Xingyue’s WeChat moments and discovered that she’d barely posted anything. The last time she posted was a month ago. 

It wasn’t that he didn’t think of calling her to ask what happened, but after pondering, Shi Lei thought that it was better to not be affiliated with a crazy woman like her. Especially since there was something really unclear between them. They were friends, but they were more than that. Have you ever seen friends who would kiss each other? But Shi Lei didn’t exactly like her either. Not all men would like a woman if she was pretty. Perhaps some men will, and even like to make love(1) with her, but Shi Lei wasn’t someone like that. 

Contrary to what others might think, Shi Lei was very uncomfortable with the thought of a more-romantic-than-friendship relationship. Although he didn’t clarify that he was a couple with Sun Yiyi, he felt strange. 

Shi Lei was really scared about Wei Xinguye’s feelings toward him. It was good for her to not come in contact with him for a while. After she calmed down, then as the young lady of a big family, she should realize that it was just a temporary urge she’d felt and would naturally keep her distance from him in the future. 

Or perhaps, Wei Xingyue had already realized that and had purposefully cut ties with him. If that was the case, then Shi Lei didn’t have the need to go and look for her. 

Soon, it was Friday. 

This week, Shi Lei still had nothing to do and he was mainly studying investments and stocks. He made some progress, managing ot raise his success rate to more than half out of the four stocks he picked. Shi Lei even thought that after another week or so, he could even try to invest real money. 

Of course, Wednesday was still the party day. Shi Lei took those three out for a good time. It was obvious that they didn’t feel as excited as they did before. Other than stuttering when borrowing money from Shi Lei to get rooms with girls, they were no longer excited when eating and playing. They even felt sorry, and Zhang Mo said that even though Shi Lei really was a fuerdai and super rich, his money hadn’t been easily earned and he didn’t want Shi Lei to treat them so often. 

On the other hand, Shi Lei said that they’d been friends for four years. Now that the fourth year of university was about to end, everyone was about to start their new life and join new friend circles. If they didn’t keep in contact like this, then they may drift away from each other. Seeing that the three were still hesitant, Shi Lei agreed that the theme of these parties would be “the reunion of F4.” As for the scale, they could decease it down to just having fun at Shi Lei’s place. 

After coming across collectibles and speakers, Shi Lei gained more knowledge on how to spend money. He no longer knew only clothing brands like before. His world seemed to be opened by the Black Card and he began to experience a quality of life he could have never experienced before. 

Like this, it became even easier for him to spend money. 

He’d worn the Armani blazer for a long time and wanted something he could change into. He bought a casual suit from Givenchy at the price of about 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. 

He also bought a BV handheld bag on the way. Now that Shi Lei had luxurious cars to pick him up all the time, even though they were only booked online cars, it seemed unpresentable that he was empty handed. 

The bag was more than 8,000 yuan and he only had a little more than half of this week’s quota left. 

He still spent a lot on Wednesday’s parties. Although it was not as much as the previous few weeks, it still costed a few thousand. 

Shi Lei also took Sun Yiyi to buy a few sets of clothing and ate a few meals with her. She couldn’t get use to the extravagant clothes worth more than 10,000 yuan, so they bought a set from a not-so-expensive brand. It was over 10,000 yuan with the meals. 

Shi Lei went to Yu Banzhi’s place and chatted with him for a whole afternoon. He’d originally wanted to treat Yu Banzhi to dinner as though they were friends, but if the Black Card acknowledged this friendship, it would mean that their level of intimacy was more than that of friends. Yu Banzhi originally agreed, but couldn’t make it in the end due to other business he had to attend to. 

Through his contact with Yu Banzhi, Shi Lei became interested in tea. Yu Banzhi said that really high quality tea could easily cost up to a few thousand for a hundred grams, and it was expensive to buy a tea set. It was another thing for Shi Lei to spend money on over a long period of time. Although the amount of money was not too high, he agreed. 

At a tea set shop Yu Banzhi recommended, he bought a tea table made from green maca.s.sar, which was a type of mahogany. There was a big piece of it and it was more than 20,000 yuan. He also bought tea cups. Yu Banzhi told him that since he just started, there was no need to buy such high quality ones and that he should start with basic ones to try it out first. Shi Lei followed his advice and bought a set of china for a few thousand yuan. After this, he’d almost spent all the money for this week. 

Make love & like: Pun in Chinese; ‘xi huan’ means like, ‘shang’ is up, but combined together (xi huan shang) means becoming to like someone, but it read as ‘xi huan’ and ‘shang’ separately, ‘shang’ has the connotations of make love

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