The Black Card

Chapter 20 - Wechat Er’jie 

Chapter 20 - Wechat Er’jie 

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei enjoyed the 120 yuan dinner he earned by himself, as well as the last share of the 40,000 quota. 

As for next week’s quota, if everything goes the right way, it should be 80,000 yuan and Shi Lei had already thought of how to spend this 80,000 yuan. 

In any case, the next week should be rather relaxed. 

It had been three weeks since Shi Lei got hold of the black card and almost everyday was prostrated with fear. He was enjoying the wonderful life which the money provided, but also felt apprehensive. If it allowed Shi Lei to choose, he probably would choose the not so rich but tranquil life. 

Humans are contradicting like this. They want money when they don’t have any, but when they do, they become worried by it. 

Shi Lei could not remember who said this, ‘it’s not a problem if it can be solved with money’. In the past, Shi Lei was indifferent towards this statement, but now he gained a profound understanding of it. The real problems cannot be solved by money. Just like the event of him meeting the black card, and he was afraid that there was no way the Scepter would let him go whether how much money he had. 

After getting in touch with the Scepter a few times, Shi Lei fumbled and got hold of some rules, in addition for what the Scepter had told him, and the weekly quota that must be spent on which areas to be in accordance with the rules. Shi Lei also knew that in the Scepter’s view, he’s just a newbie slave. The black card should also have levels, in other words, it a.s.signs levels to the possessor.  

Newbies probably didn’t count levels, huh. 

What made Shi Lei worried was that he received such a high quota for a newbie, how high would the quota be if he reaches level one or level two? Maybe a few million per week? Except for purchasing cars and houses, Shi Lei really had no idea how to spend a million within a week’s time. 

Good thing Shi Lei was rather bold with a carefree personality. Otherwise, the fear of the future was enough to crush him. 

The Shi Lei right now was not bothered to think about the future. At least he knew that the Scepter did not wish to kill him that quickly. The entire event was a matter of life and death to Shi Lei, but to the Scepter, it was merely a game. The power and authority the Scepter held was beyond Shi Lei’s imagination. 

Since the Scepter did not want to kill him too early, Shi Lei believed that the quota in the future will not increase rapidly to an achievable rate. 

This was a joke. Unexpectedly, he needed to learn how to spend money. 

But before this, Shi Lei always believed that spending money was like basic survival instinct, such as eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are tired. 

Due to the fact that Shi Lei already solved the problem of how to spend next week’s quota, he was in a rather good mood. Under the situation of danger lurking on every side, a peaceful week was rare and precious. 

Swallowing down the last mouthful of food, Shi Lei placed his chopsticks down and stopped thinking. 

He took out his phone and opened Wechat customarily. He wanted to see if anyone posted new fun videos or memes in Moments(1), but as soon as he tapped into Wechat, a small “ding” rose from his phone. 

Someone sent him a friend request. 


That was the person’s nickname. Shi Lei glanced at the Wechat ID, it was a series of numbers, should be a phone number. 

Her settings for Moments were open and Shi Lei clicked into it, immediately seeing a rather familiar delicate and pretty face. 

Er’jie’s Moments were filled with all kinds of selfie and acting cute. Black, straight hair, pretty face, about 15 or 16 years of age, she looked rather cute. 

But, who was this little girl? Why did she look familiar? 

Quickly, Shi Lei remembered the charming female lawyer as this face was rather similar. But the age was not right…….


Shi Lei suddenly realised that this Wechat should be Zhang Liangliang’s. 

This was the time when Shi Lei realised that Zhang Liangliang, was actually Zhang Liangliang(3) as ‘liang’ was ‘er’(4). Zhang Meimei was really carefree with her daughter’s name. 

Shi Lei did not see that the little girl had good looks before. But since her mother was a beauty, having a beautiful daughter did not seem illogical. Plus, a mother and daughter who looked alike was a natural thing.  

Since he knew who the person was, Shi Lei accepted her friend request. 

As soon as Shi Lei accepted Zhang Liangliang’s friend request, a message popped up. 

 ——Guess who I am. 

 ——No matter what, I am your teacher. You should be using honorific word ‘nin’(5)

——You guessed it, it seems like no matter how heavy my makeup is, it can’t hide my natural beauty (sent a narcissist sticker). 

Shi Lei was not even bothered to type and sent a emoji of vomiting. 

 ——Uh, you’ll come tomorrow to teach me, right? 

Hmm? She changed? Looked like the words he said moved her. 

“Or maybe because my charms are so dazzling that made a rebellious teenage girl go back to the right path. As expected, there is no end to virtuous achievements, having good looks really solves everything.” Shi Lei thought even more narcissistically. 

 ——You need your mother to decide, if she rings me tomorrow, I will go. 

Shi Lei had a thought; since he agreed to take the job offer, he should do it properly. Although she only accepted it under an emergency situation, he probably won’t ever need the pay of 100 or 200 yuan. When there’s a start, there’s a finish, he could prevent a good girl from rebellion without a reason. 

 ——Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow! Oh, right, which do you like better, the way I dress in my Moments or now?

 ——It’s good to be tidy and neat. 

Come early tomorrow, da shu(6)! Chu. (A sticker of a rabbit skipping and hopping away)

Shi Lei had a sudden blackout, da shu?! Are you sure you are calling me that? I’m only 21 years old this year, only 5 or 6 years old than you, da shu? And the meaning of that last chu, you are an underage brat, are you sure you know what that means? 

The good mood he had was influenced by a silly girl so easily.  

At midnight, although Shi Lei was sure that he had finished spending the quota, but he still went to ask the Scepter about the problem with 780 yuan. The Scepter told him in the end that it was because the operating system installed in his laptop was a pirated version. 

“Pirated version is the enemy to all original versions, so, the 780 yuan set must be taken away from the quota!” The Scepter sounded extremely righteous and Shi Lei felt shameless. 

After he returned to the dorm, Shi Lei used his phone to read for a while before falling asleep. 

Speaking of reading books, he must use the Qidian website to let it charge some money into his account. After experiencing the accident with the illegal operating system, Shi Lei promised that he will never used pirated versions of anything in any form. d.a.m.ned pirating, almost killed someone. 

Mhm, everyone’s responsible of protecting the legal versions. Pirating is shameless, please support legal reading. 

After waking up in the morning, he opened the bank app, great, it really was 80,000 yuan. 

Shi Lei laughed coldly whilst laying down in his bed. If it wasn’t for him already finished thinking of a plan on how to spend this 80,000 yuan, he would be worried for another week. 

He took the initiative and called Zhang Meimei. If he did not need to go tutor today, he’ll spend these 80,000 yuan today. 

The most expensive Alienware laptop at De Ji Plaza was about 80,000 yuan. Subtracting the discount, he could purchase it at the price of around 70,000 yuan and it should not be hard to spend the few thousands left. But this time, he needed to make sure that they are installing the legal version of operating system. 

(1)Moments: Function of Wechat where it displays all the posts of the users on one’s friend list  

(2)Er’jie, (3)Liangliang, (4)as ‘liang’ was ‘er’: The ‘liang(靓)’ in Zhang Liangliang’s name means pretty. One way of saying the number 2 in Chinese is also ‘liang(两)’ but with different tone. It is then transferred into the other way of saying 2 which is ‘er(二)’, hence she nicknamed herself ‘er’jie’ meaning ‘second sister’.

(5)Nin: honorific word for ‘you’, usually use ‘ni’ for most situations 

(6)Da shu: literally meaning ‘big uncle’, but it is a cute way for younger girls to address older guys 

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